“My parents are alive, Preston. When I said they weren’t around, I meant I don’t see them much. Maybe a few times a year, but that’s it.” I giggled some more as he cursed under his breath and stared down at his stomach.
“Well, I feel like a total idiot right now. So, I’m going to get a drink. Want one ?” I nodded with a smile and he walked away. I sat there a few minutes, looking around to see if I recognized anyone. I spotted Leah and frowned. I don’t know what came over her earlier. She comes with me every time they have this. She was with a group of people I’ve never saw before. I looked away with frustration and spotted him. Keegan Rawson. He was in clear view of me. He was standing with a group of people I recognized a few times from school. Keegan was wearing a gray long sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows, dark Levi’s, and a gray beanie hat that matched his shirt. His black hair swept over his eyes. Those blue beautiful eyes. I noticed that his back was resting on a tree. His arms crossed over and his left foot was placed on the tree. His muscles rippled under his shirt. He looked so sexy right now.
As if he heard my thoughts, Keegan’s eyes found mine. He half smiled and said something to his friends and started to head my way. I gulped. Oh, snap. He is definitely going to kill me for doing all those things to him this week. I looked away and tried to act like I was really focused on something. I felt his presence in front of me, but I acted like he wasn’t there. So much for keeping away from him.
“I know you know I’m standing here, Aimee.” Gosh, even his voice was sexy. I looked up at him. Those brilliant blue eyes glared down on me. The half smile on his face was still there.
“Oh, hi didn’t notice you there. If you don’t mind, you’re blocking the sun.” Truth is the sun wasn’t out. It was getting dark and the sun should have set minutes ago, but even if it was still sunny the clouds would be blocking it.
“You do realize it hasn’t been sunny all day. Even if the sun was out, the clouds would be blocking it, stupid.” Dang, I really think this guy can read my thoughts. And where the heck is Preston ? He has been gone for ten minutes. I’m sure it doesn’t take long to get two drinks.
“Do you need something ? I’m here with someone and he should be back any minute.” I heard a low growl rumble in his throat. “Did you just growl at me ?” I asked. This isn’t the first time I heard this coming from him.
“You must be hearing things, Aimee. I wanted to talk to you. Do you have an idea who egged the outside and inside of my car or any other things that happened this week ?” Crap. I’m busted. I’m just going to lie and say it wasn’t me.
“That wasn’t me. You must have the wrong person. Sorry.” His half smile was completely gone by now.
“Oh yeah ? You were there every time. You laughed the hardest out of everyone and sometimes the only person who did laugh. Everyone in school is scared to mess with me like that, except you. Why is that Aimee ? I think by now you should know where I’m coming from. The bad girl of the school would be the one who would mess with me. I can tell by the smirk on your face that you feel accomplished by this, eh ?” I do feel accomplished. It feels amazing to know I’ve accomplished to piss someone off. Especially if he is ten times bigger than me.
“Do you have proof ?” I asked. Keegan squatted to where he was eye level with me. His elbows were resting on his knees and hands were clasped together. Those wonderful blue eyes bore into my mismatched eyes. I couldn’t look away.
“You listen here, Aimee, and you listen good. I don’t like it when people mess with me. You can either tell me right now, that you will leave me alone or I will get even with you. And I will tell you right now, you don’t want me to get even.” My heart’s speed picked up from his threat. Just because I act like nothing scares me. Something told me that I should be. I wasn’t going to tell him that, but still.
“You’re bluffing.” I murmured.
“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Aimee. I will make your life a living heck. I will teach you where your place is ; even it gets me in jail. If it takes me to that, then whatever it was to put me in there, I will be satisfied with myself. No regrets.” I could hear my blood roaring in my ears. This kind of scares me. I gulped silently to myself. “What is your answer ?” He asked. I straightened up a bit.
“Whatever, I still think you’re bluffing, but whatever floats your boat.” Keegan was about to respond to my remark, but Preston beat him to it.
“Do we have a problem here ?” Preston asked. I looked up and saw him standing directly behind me holding two white to-go cups.
“No, I was just leaving.” Keegan Mumbled while standing up. He stood a whole foot taller than Preston. He gave Preston a hard stare, before looking back at me.
“Have a good night, Aimee. I suggest you think of what I told you.” With that Keegan walked off. He is such a jerk. Preston sat down beside me and handed me my drink.
“What took you so long ?” I wondered out loud. He smiled.
“Awe, did someone miss me ?” He teased. “The line was huge over there. I guess everyone was thirsty tonight or something.” I nodded. I took a glance at the line. There were a couple of people in line. Weird. I guess everyone was in front of him.
“So, when does this shindig start ?” Preston asked looking at me.
“Just a few minutes and then the first lantern will show.” I answered. He nodded and we sat in comfortable silence. Our hands rested beside each other. I could feel the heat of his hand warming my own. I looked down and noticed his hand was getting closer to my own each time. He wanted to hold my hand ? I guess you could say that when I let a guy talk to me. I allow him to hold my hand. I guess this wouldn’t be any different. I lifted my other hand and reached across to his hand that rested beside mine. I gently picked it up and placed it on mine.
He looked at our hands in shock, before relaxing his hand. He stared at them for a few minutes, before looking back at me. A slow grin was forming at his lips. A low growl rumbled in my head. I looked around looking for the source, when my eyes landed on Keegan. He was looking at me. The half smile was on his face again. Someone walked in front of him and when they were out of the way… he was gone.