


A soft tapping on my shoulder had me peeling my eyes open begrudgingly to the sight of Jasmine squatting beside my bed with a smile on her face, and on more careful inspection, it turned out she was dressed and ready for the day. My eyes drifted to the wall on the clock in the still dimly lit room, and it read 4:30 AM. I wondered how it was possible that she was ready so early in the morning. Did she even get any sleep at all? I sluggishly pushed myself up, my face now a few inches away from hers, but that didn't seem to bother her at all as she spoke.

“Sorry for disturbing your sleep, but you have about thirty minutes to get dressed. The bell will ring soon, and those that are not prepared will be punished severely. I thought you might want to know, and I don’t exactly want you to start your first day with a punishment,” she informs with an apologetic smile before getting on her feet.

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I said, forcing a smile in my still sleepy haze. I was indeed grateful to her, both for the reason she mentioned and also because she saved me from the horrible nightmare I'd found myself in again. The one where I have to watch my parents drain off their life force and blood right in front of my eyes as I watched helplessly in horror. My resentment towards Zane grows with every night that passes, and I awake with a newfound determination to be the one to put an end to his reign. I was definitely going to enjoy watching him bleed till he turned pale, and I would be doing so with the biggest smile on my face. But until then, this was the life I had to live.

I swallowed back a shocked gasp when the cold water hit my skin. It was freezing, and the weather outside wasn't any better either. I wondered how long I would be able to survive under such conditions. Nothing here was in my favour. I hated not having a family, having to live as a slave and serve the one who wiped out my entire clan, and being unable to fight back if he so chooses to defile my body again. I hurriedly finished and got out of the bathroom, heaving a sigh of relief as I found my clothes already laid out on the bed with Jasmine nowhere in sight.

A note was lying next to the ugly green dress, it was from Jasmine and it contained no other information than the known fact that these were my clothes, how I was close to being late and to hurry up. I pulled it over my head in haste before dashing out of the room and heading straight for the kitchen. I almost cried out in relief when the bell rang just as I walked into the spacious kitchen, only to stiffen in horror as I heard the loud, horrid cries of the unfortunate ladies who probably didn't make it in time.

“They're getting the silver whips." I was startled when a voice spoke from behind me, jumping back to see Jasmine, who smiled again before continuing to explain exactly what I'd been curious about -the fate of the ones who were late. "It's the punishment for being tardy. They don't look too kindly to not being on time…especially for slaves like us. I'm glad you made it on time, I was close to coming to drag you right out of the room, dressed or not” she says more lightheartedly, and I smile back.

“Thank you so much for your help so far, I owe you so much,” I muttered, and she shook her head.

“If I had someone to do what I did for you, I wouldn't have gotten beaten at all. So I made up my mind to help out whoever I can, as much as I can, and who better to help than my own roommate,” she offers a nod before continuing to show me my name on the list of chores for the day, “you are to attend to Alpha Zane for today, I hope you will be able to handle it. I heard he is ruthless and keeps to time. If the rumors are true, a little mistake would get you killed since your life means nothing to him, so, be careful and do exactly as you're told,” she informs with a slight huff.

I replied with a tight-lipped smile, I knew that I wouldn't be able to escape the monster, I had provoked him since my first encounter with him and now he was hellbent on making here a living hell for me before sending me to join my parents. The old me probably would be glad at the thought of an easy way out of my misery, but right now, I was determined to get what I wanted, and that was to see him die by my hands, and I wouldn't stop until I get just that. The bell rang loudly again, and I wondered what for this time.

“Breakfast, you need to eat to work better. And to warn you, the food here is not exactly what you'd describe as 'good', just really something to not go on an empty stomach. Oh, and we're being timed, so eat fast,” she informed me, and I groaned.

“Does everything have to do with time in this hellhole?” I ask, and she nods.

“Yes love, we are slaves, remember? We have to do what we're told and how we're told to. We're always on some kind of timer while even the omegas are free to do whatever they want. Never in my life had I thought I would be lower than an omega” Jasmine spat out.

“Seems you were once a ranked wolf. Which were you?” I asked, curious to know more about the one who had been helpful to me from the moment I walked into the room.

“A beta. We were captured on our way from an alpha summit. I tried all I could, but they had more men than us. I was blindfolded, and I doubt my alpha is still alive. I can't feel anything from him anymore” she said, and I nodded, both in pity and understanding.

“I'm sorry. They came for my pack, too. Killed my parents and spared the daughter to watch how they brutally murder her people and burnt her pack to ashes.” I could feel the tears threatening to fall as I watched that day play out in front of me again, but I quickly held them back. I was only allowed to shed tears when I finally brought the bodies of the one who murdered my parents to their graves.

“You were an alpha wolf?’ she asks with a head tilt. I nodded, watching as her brows furrowed. “That’s strange. They always kill the alpha wolves, not caring if they are female or not. Why did they keep you alive?”

“Beats me, I am yet to think of a reason too…. Do you maybe have any idea when a big occasion of any kind would be held?” I asked, the thoughts of Clara never leaving my mind, another reason being the nightmare I had. I saw her get attacked and killed by an unknown man, and now I desperately needed to make sure she was okay and not facing hardships like I was.

“I think there's going to be one in about two months. Are you still worried about your friend?”

“Yes, I just want to be sure she's okay,” I answered, and she sighed, shaking her head solemnly.

“You really should be more worried about yourself. If I were you, I really would be more concerned about my own safety. You never asked what happened to my old roommate and why the room was vacant even though it was one of the first rooms in the dorms,” she took a step forward in the queue and I followed, my interest piqued.

“W-what happened to her? Did she break the rules?” I asked, growing a bit unsettled.

“Was late to serve the beta, and it was without a second thought that they had her head rolling away from her body. That’s how cruel these people are. They don’t care about the slaves dying because they know they just need to hunt for more. That's how it is here, so I'd advise y-”

“NEXT!!!” the old lady suddenly yelled, causing Jasmine and I to flinch before realizing she was next to put forth her plate and get some food. She flashes the angry-looking lady a nervous smile as she is served, and she walks to the table without a word. My face twisted into a frown as I stepped up next, and a green, blob-looking substance was splattered onto the tray I held out.

“Do you have a problem with the food?” The old woman snapped when I remained still, and I shook my head vigorously, “good, now get your ass moving” she said, and I slowly walked away, bile rising from my throat. When I got to the table where Jasmine was sitting, she was happily munching on her food.

“How the hell are you eating this?” I asked, looking down at the tray once again and gagging before pushing the food towards her, “here, you can have my share” I told her, and she received it with a shrug.

“You will get used to it soon. I was like this when I first got here too, but I had to adapt knowing that I wouldn’t be given anything else to eat, except my master lets me have some food that's if he's feeling generous.”

“Your master? What do you do for him?’

“Give him my body and then clean his house. If I dare refuse him, I will get lashings along with other punishments. No breakfast, lunch, or even dinner for three days and additional chores. So I have no choice but to do as he wishes. This is the only way I can survive” she answers easily.

“Don’t you hate it? Having to give your body to someone other than your mate?”

“You sound as if we have a choice in this situation. We don't. It’s better you snap out of whatever fantasy world you're still living in and face reality, Eleanor. There is no such thing as mates, or love, or family in the world we are in right now. The only thing we are good at is pleasuring our owners and doing whatever they ask of us. That's all we're needed for. Thank you for the meal, I will return the favor at lunch because you will be drained from your work at the alpha’s chamber” she finished in a more softer tone, and before I could say another word, a loud call of my name was heard.

“Go on, I will return your tray,” thanking her, I head over to the direction where my name was being called and I saw a burly man giving me the most boring look he could muster.

“You are Eleanor?’ he asked and I nodded, swallowing hard, “It’s time, head straight to the alpha’s quarter and I believe you know the way, slave,” he said, and I clenched my hands in a fist as the word left his lips. I wanted nothing more than to take out my anger on his smug face, but then again, I couldn't risk messing up and dying before I could free Clara and avenge my parents. Not waiting for further commands, I walked towards the alpha’s quarter, mumbling to myself and hoping I don’t get to see him when I get to his room.

I felt relieved when I found out he wasn’t in his room. The realization set in as I took in more of the room, recalling how some of the worst moments of my life happened in here. It was in this room he had taken my virginity, shamelessly and uncaring of my well-being as he did, not giving me time to prepare or get used to it as he used my body to get himself off. I snapped my eyes shut, sucking in a harsh breath as I wished for a moment that the moon goddess really does exist to wipe these pains away, but she doesn’t. She was just a myth. Some stories are made up by our forefathers to make us believe that some deity does exist. With a frown on my face, I walked over to the notes he had pinned on the wall. Reading over them, they contained the tasks I had to complete before he got back.

I immediately started on the work he had assigned for me, making sure to tick the ones I had completed to track my progress. By the time I was done with it all, it was noon, and the clock read 3:00 PM. I recalled I was told to wait till 4, which was when the rest of the slaves normally left his room, an hour to go. Deep inside, I was glad that I didn’t see his face all day which saved me from thinking up a thousand and one ways to kill him, but then again it was strange that he wasn’t around on my first day of working for him. He had promised me hell. Wasn’t he meant to be here when the hell was being unleashed? It felt like some storm was coming because nothing about my life since he bought me has been calm. It has been one hell of a disgusting ride.

When the time finally rolled around and he was still nowhere around, I hurriedly made my way out of his room and went in search of Jasmine. I found her in the kitchen, still busy with one of her own tasks.

“You survived?” she asks with a smile when she sees me approaching, and I wondered how she could have such a smile on her face in a place like this. This place was loaded with such a negative aura that it drains the energy out of a person, leaving nothing but depression and death. But that seemingly wasn't the case for Jasmine. I wanted to know why that was, but I decided to let it be, at least for now.

“Here take this,” she said, pushing two roasted potatoes into my hands, “you didn’t eat anything for breakfast, and knowing how Alpha Zane is, I knew you were likely going to miss lunch so I saved some for you” when she noticed the look on my face, she smiled yet again and closed my hands around them.

“This is the reason why slaves like us love doing kitchen work. We are able to keep some food and hide some more if we want to, as long as we're not caught. So you are safe, eat up” she assured me, and without wasting time I dived in, only now realizing how hungry I was.

“Thank you,” I said as she handed me a cup of water, “he wasn’t around,” I informed her mid-bite.


“Zane… sorry, Alpha Zane. He wasn’t in his room, and I had to leave by 4 according to the rules.”

“Strange, he is always in his room doing most of his work. I guess it's your lucky day.”

“I guess so…… do you need any help? I’m kind of idle right now and it’s unfair if you are working and I just stand here staring at you, consider this as my way of repaying you for saving my ass this morning,” I told her, dusting my hands on my clothes and she laughed out loud.

“Service accepted,” she smiled, and we got busy. I helped her with the kitchen duties while some of the others cooked the meal that was to be served to the alpha and the higher-ups. It was clear that they didn’t regard the slaves as human. What was given to the slaves was not fit for human consumption, but they didn’t care, and we were forced to eat it. This was torture, having to cook something delicious and not being able to eat it.

When it was ready, I was told to deliver Zane’s food, which I did without complaint since it was my duty. When I arrived, I knocked repeatedly before entering the room when I got no response. Everything was exactly the way I had left it, it seemed he wasn’t back in his room and I wished silently that he remained missing for the rest of his life, but just as always, my wishes never came true.

When it was 9 PM, a knock on our door startled us, and a sentinel opened the door and walked in.

“Eleanor, the alpha demands your presence, get clean and come with me” he ordered. I cursed under my breath, knowing exactly what was in store for me. What kind of a disgustingly sex-starved beast was he that he didn't seem to get tired of getting his d!ck wet?

Not wanting to delay and invoke his wrath, I hurried to the bathroom to get myself cleaned like he asked. I had to be thorough with it too unless I preferred he ordered the omegas to make sure I was clean and they wouldn't hesitate to do it without a care if they were hurting me in the process.

I allowed the guard to lead the way, and when we got to his room, the sentinel told me to go in, and I did. The room was still empty, but a box on the bed caught my attention. A note was attached to the lid that read “wear me”

I rolled my eyes before opening the box to reveal red lacy lingerie with some bunny ears. There was another note at the bottom of the box, and I gasped out when I read it.

“Your words tonight are YES SIR”

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