
Episode seven

Annah was busy drawing something else when Nicklaus returned with a gift box..

"Have this." He handed it to her but she hesitated before accepting it.

"What's this ?" She shook the box and asked curiously.

"Why don't you open it yourself." He smirked and she shrugged and opened the box and found a brand new cell phone in it..

"Your old cell phone got trashed because of me and I know you need it to keep up with your employment application and your friend who is probably worried about you. " He explained.

She felt strange seeing how considerate he was towards her..

"Thank you." She said genuinely and turned on the phone..

She needed to check her job application status and also call Caroline so she doesn't get worried about her..

"Anything for you, My love.." He smiled happily and just stood still watching her log in her email and also set up her phone..

He won't mind staring at her all day but too bad he needed to finish up his meetings before he can finally move her to his Mansion..

"Do you need anything else?" He asked and she shook her head..

"It's okay. You've done more than enough already." She said and he nodded..

"I'll be out for a while, are you gonna be okay on your own?" He asked with a worried expression and she forced out a smile..

"I can take care of myself." She said and focused more on setting up her phone..

Nicklaus took one last look at her before walking outta the room..

Outside the room stood Raphael and one of his warriors..

"Look after your Luna, consider yourself dead should anything happen to her." He said to Raphael and he nodded in understanding..

He'd learnt his lesson and knew not to get in trouble with the Alpha supreme again..

"We'll look at her, Alpha supreme Nicklaus."they both assured him and he left immediately to finish up his meetings with other Alphas so he would have enough time for his mate..

Meanwhile Annah finally remembered Caroline's number and gave her a call immediately..

She picked up on the third ring.


"Hi Caroline it's Me." She said with a happy smile, something Nicklaus was dying to see..

He wanted to see how beautiful her smile was and kept wishing she would one day smile genuinely at him..

"Annah?" Caroline asked to be sure it was her friend..

"Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't call you for days." Annah heaved a sigh..

She was certain Caroline would be mad at her for not calling.

"What happened to you, Annah? I've been trying to reach you but your cell phone has been off.. I thought you forgot about me after moving in with Nicklaus Grey." Caroline said with a voice laced with irritation but Annah was too happy to talk to her friend to notice it..

Caroline was the first person who cared for her genuinely and didn't treat her like a freak. She was like a sister and also helped her whenever she needed help.

"I'm really sorry about that. My phone got trashed and couldn't get through to you. I'm really sorry." Annah said sincerely but Caroline wasn't really convinced..

Ever since she was humiliated by Nicklaus, she has been filled with nothing but jealousy.

She couldn't help the jealousy that was building up inside of her.

How come a freak like her got so lucky to meet someone so formidable?

She couldn't wrap her head around the whole thing and kept wishing she was the one who found Nicklaus first. Would everything be different if she was the one who got hit by Nicklaus's car?

"Apology not accepted. Where are you right now? Should I come to you?" Caroline asked hopefully wishing she would get to see that man again..

"It's fine, I'll come to you myself. Text me the address." Annah insisted and Caroline felt even more irritated..

Was she trying to keep her away from meeting Nicklaus?

At the thought of the fact that Annah was deliberately trying to keep her away, her heart was consumed by Envy.

"Whatever." She said and hung on her..

Annah was still staring at her phone when she got a text from Caroline which contained her location..

She stood up and packed her hair in a messy bun before walking towards the door but found two people standing guard Infront of her door.

She decided to just walk past them but was stopped by a skinny looking man with gray long hair packed up. He was the same person who was in her room with that woman last time but she didn't get to look at him properly.

She felt jealous after seeing how beautiful and long his hair was..

She wished her hair were also gray and sleek like his..

"I need to meet with my friend at the cafe on the ground floor." She said but they nervously stood Infront of her .

They didn't want to hold her inside and also couldn't let her go alone to meet this friend of hers.

What if she tries to run away?

"I'm sorry but we were given specific orders to keep an eye on you." Raphael spoke respectfully but the warrior beside him felt they should let her go..

Alpha supreme Nicklaus would throw a fit if his Mate gets uncomfortable.

"I won't take long, I just wanna assure her I'm okay." Annah helplessly said.

She was getting tired of being held up inside a room and guarded like she was a prisoner..

"We'll have to come with you then." Raphael insisted and Annah just took a deep breath and began walking towards the elevator..

The two wolves trailed behind quickly..

Annah kept sighing throughout the ride in the elevator and they tried to make themselves invincible so they wouldn't get on her nerves..

The elevator opened up at the lobby and they walked towards the entrance..

"I'll just bring the car over here." Ian, the warrior said but Annah stopped him..

"Let's just take a taxi instead." She suggested but Raphael wasn't gonna let Luna take a cab.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that, Alpha supreme Nicklaus will have my head if he finds out I let you take a cab." He explained and helplessness flashed through his eyes..

Annah rolled her eyes and just let them do whatever they wanted to.

A Royce phantom pulled up in front of them with Ian at the driver's side.

Raphael quickly opened the backseat door for Annah and took the passenger seat.

She gave the cafe's location to Ian and ignored them throughout the ride to the cafe..

Raphael knew she was sulking and tried communicating with the Alpha supreme through the Mind link but couldn't..

It seems he was really busy..

He could only heave a sigh and just kept his eyes on the road..

The car pulled up in front of the cafe and Annah got outta the car first ignoring the two people and walked inside the cafe to look for her friend.

After roaming her eyes around the whole place she finally found Caroline sitting close to the window..

She stopped walking and turned around with a poker face.

"Are you gonna follow me inside the cafe too?" She asked with a tiny bit of annoyance in her voice and Raphael scratched the back of his head nervously staring at Ian for help.

"It's for your safety." Ian simply said and she huffed out loud and walked towards Caroline while trying to smile..

"Hi dear, did I make you wait for long?" Annah took a seat opposite hers and flashed her a smile.

"It's fine I just got here." Caroline forced a smile and her eyes landed on the two men standing guard behind Annah.

"And who are they?" She asked curiously even though she already knew the answer to that question.

"My bodyguards I guess. " Annah sounded irritated but unfortunately Caroline was too jealous to notice her.

Raphael who seemed to be scrutinizing the lady Infront of Luna couldn't help but frown slightly.

It was obvious the lady wasn't happy to see their Luna..

"You're one lucky girl. You did not only get to live with the most influential business tycoon, you also got the princess treatment." Caroline sounded sarcastic and Annah chuckled softly..

"Let's stop talking about me and talk about you instead.. How have you been lately? How are your parents?" Annah didn't feel comfortable talking about Nicklaus and this surprised her.

Caroline was her best friend who knew everything about her but couldn't talk about the man she barely knew because she finds it uncomfortable talking about it with her friend..

How was she gonna explain the fact that there was something extraordinary about Nicklaus Gray or the fact that he might also be a werewolf.

It sounded like something outta a fiction novel.

"There isn't much going on with me and my parents are doing great." Caroline said in between clenched teeth as she tried to maintain her smile.

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