
Episode one

Alannah closed her eyes and tried not to moan when his lips found its way to her slender neck..

"Where are you,My love?" He whispered into her ear but she couldn't say anything and just let him do whatever he wanted..

His Ocean blue eyes were glowing as he stared at her.

It held more darkness than any eyes she has ever seen..

His hands roamed her body teasingly and when she tried to make out the shape of his face , he pinned her hands above her head but strangely she doesn't hate whatever it is he was doing to her..

She wanted to feel his lips everywhere on her burning skin..

"Why are you hiding, little one?" His alluring voice made it impossible for her to make out a word..

Alannah was about to see his face as he moved from the dark slowly when her alarm woke her up..

A yawn escaped her lips as she lazily got outta her bed and walked towards the bathroom..

She stood Infront of a mirror and moved her hair aside to observe the hickeys on her skin..

For years she has been having the same wet dream over and over again and every morning she would wake with hickeys all over her body..

Strangely enough she never hated any of it..

She heaved a sigh and began brushing her teeth else she was gonna be late on her first day at work..

She'd just moved to Austria after leaving the orphanage.

Caroline,Her only friend wanted her to stay in her apartment but Alannah liked her peace and quiet and preferred to stay only..

Caroline grew up at the orphanage with her until recently she got reunited with her real family and left the orphanage also...

She was the only one that understood her and never called her a freak like the rest...

She heaved a sigh and quickly got ready for work..

"Annah! Don't tell me you're still in bed!" Caroline repeatedly knocked on her door..

She shook her head and unhurriedly opened the door for her friend..

"I'm all dressed up already." She smiled softly and slowly tied her hair in a ponytail and went to her vanity table to pick her glasses..

It was the only thing that could control her sight and avoid running into creatures in the streets..

Yes she could see things others can't and it was the main reason why she kept to herself most of the time...

"Hurry up sissy! We're gonna be late!" Caroline Glared at his friend who was taking a long time to get ready and helped her carry her beg..

They both left her apartment together and headed towards the company she was gonna work for...

Annah made sure her glasses were always covering her eyes especially when she was taking a public bus..

Once she failed to cover her eyes and saw a fox staring directly at her with his hungry gray eyes. Thankfully she was able to control herself and acted like she didn't see anything...

"Do you think they'll accept me? " Annah asked the moment they arrived at the 100th floor building...

Annah was nervous because it was her first time working at such a big company..

Why don't they accept her? And think of her as a freak also?

All the jobs she'd worked before were odd jobs and never lasted up to a month there..

"What are you scared of? With that CV of yours I'm pretty sure they're gonna accept you." Caroline assured her and she took a deep breath to calm her nervousness.

She forced a smile and Cutch her bag tightly..

"I can do this." She assured herself and Caroline cheered her on...

"And I'll wait for you so promise me you're gonna get the job." Caroline stretched forth her pinky finger and they did the pinky promise...


Inside a board room at the top floor of A building where a meeting was being held..

The executives were sweating profusely as they tried not to make a sound to distract the boss who seemed to be in deep thought..

Everyone knew who Nicklaus Grey was and how hot his temper was..

This was nineth presentation in two days that they've presented to the boss but for some reason he kept rejecting all of them without bothering to check any of it..

They were hoping this was gonna be the last seeing the fact that he'd not Said a word..

"Trash this and make a New one." Nicklaus casually said proving them wrong..

"Did I make myself clear??" Nicklaus's deep voice echoed inside the room filled with six executives.

While his gaze swept across the room, all of them couldn't dare to look him in the eyes as they hummed in a tone of agreement.

"The rest of you can go, except Mr. Zollan. " Nicklaus's ocean blue eyes fell upon the middle aged man who was a few seats away from him.

"Yes sir!" They answered in sync and hurriedly left the room as if the next seconds they failed to dismiss themselves outta the sight of the boss, he would make their lives miserable than it had already been..

Everyone except Mr. Zollan left the room..

They looked at the middle aged man with pity and wondered what he'd done to be noticed by the boss...

Since the beginning of the presentation they felt Mr Nicklaus wasn't in a good mood,he looked unusually cold and sharp, it didn't mean he was friendly and warm with other people..

However what they didn't know was that the discussion they were about to have was beyond their imagination..

Elias, a young man in his late twenties, walked into the office and Zollan immediately stood up and bowed slightly in respect.

" Beta supreme Elia." He greeted the young master who was Nicklaus's assistant..

Elias nodded his head in acknowledgement and walked towards the CEO's desk with a stack of paperwork that needed the boss's attention but unfortunately Nicklaus wasn't paying much attention..

Nicklaus Gray, the legendary name of Alpha supreme who was famous in the human world and the supernatural world..

He was the infamous CEO of Grey TECH in the human world and not many souls were fortunate enough to see the most handsome man that has ever walked the earth..

Most of his staff aren't human, while the rest are supernatural creatures, Like Zollan who was initially the Alpha of the red blood pack, the pack established under Grey's territory..

Automatically the members of the park would also work at his company.

"Therianthropes have been reportedly seen around the City which is impossible because they have been locked away for centuries." Elias explained with a frown but Nicklaus wasn't interested..

He signaled Elia to stop with his cold eyes..

Therianthropes are considered dangerous creatures because they could shape shift into whatever they wanted..

If Therianthropes are being seen that means someone or something is trying to free them from the underworld..

Nicklaus placed his hand on the table and rested his head on it..

Recently his wolf has been on the edge about to surface any moment and he still didn't know why.

Something didn't feel right and he couldn't pinpoint what was going on..

He was feeling antsy all of a sudden like something was missing..

"Supreme Alpha Nicklaus, are you alright?" Elias asked when he noticed how pale His boss looked but Nicklaus didn't say a word and kept his eyes closed..

Zollan saw it as his que to leave and left immediately to avoid igniting the wrath of the alpha...

Nicklaus opened his eyes , however his ocean blue eyes had turned pitch black which only means his Wolf Side is about to take over..

"Your wolf side is on the surface." Elias pointed out the obvious but Nicklaus suddenly stood up and walked outta his office immediately..

Elias was surprised but didn't go after his boss..

Nicklaus got into the elevator which led to the private parking lot where his driver was waiting for him..

His driver is an omega. He got into the car immediately..

"Drive." Was the only thing he said and Shea turned on the ignition immediately and drove outta the underground parking lot...

Nicklaus was having a hard time keeping his wolf in check.

He needed to find out what was going on with him..

He closed his eyes and let Shea drive him when he suddenly spoke in a guttural voice...

"Stop!" And the car tyres ate the asphalt with a screech that was hurting the ears of the lady who almost got run over by the car..

Alannah had just finished her interview and was Crossing over to the next street where Caroline was waiting at a restaurant when a car almost ran her over..

She stayed on the floor as she tried to recover from the shock of being crushed by a car when someone squatted Infront of her and pulled her into a hug..


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