
Episode five

Annah was fine when he left her. She was sleeping in serene, oblivious to her surroundings made him so reluctant to leave her alone but he'd no choice.

She could sleep all day but he won't mind staying close to her and staring at her all day.

Anna almost flinched when someone hugged her but after feeling that tingling sensation she realized who he was and stopped struggling.

Annah was surprised when he suddenly barged into the bathroom and pulled her into a hug.

Did something happen?

"Are you okay?" She asked but he just shook his head and didn't say a word but she could tell he was angry.

He took her outta the tub and covered her properly in a bathrobe before taking her outta the bathroom and placed her on the bed ignoring the gawking gaze of his Beta..

Elias knew the alpha was still angry and the best way to avoid getting dragged into the whole funny situation he walked outta the room and shut the door behind him..

Nicklaus on the other hand placed her on the bed gently and tried to move away but she held onto him tightly..

"It's okay, I'm not going anywhere, love." He assured her and she nodded before letting go of him..

He took off his suit jacket and picked up the hair dryer by the bedside cabinet and made her sit in between his legs while he dried her hair gently..

Annah tears up when she realizes he was the only one aside from her best friend that has been so tender with her..

Nobody ever takes her seriously but here he was treating her like a prized possession even though she hadn't fully understood what the word 'mate' meant.

He was always nice to her and talked to her nicely and not like a freak who was always hiding from everyone and talking nonsense.

He stopped drying her hair and got Infront of her while she kept staring at him wondering what he was up to..

He knelt down Infront of her and she raised her head sheepishly to stare at him..

He instinctively tucked a strand of her hair behind and trailed his fingers through her jawline and cheeks..

"You're so beautiful, My love." He mumbled.

Her porcelain skin and chestnut hair complemented her beautiful jade green eyes..

He felt a sudden pull and he couldn't look away even if he wanted to.

He just couldn't take his eyes off the most beautiful woman he has ever seen..

He couldn't get enough of her beauty no matter how many times he stared at her.

In his eyes she was so perfect he would insatiably ask for more of this perfection.

He brought her hands to his lips and planted feathery kisses on her knuckles..

The spark was there, the tingling feeling that made her feel safe whenever he was close to her..

He reached out his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her closer in wanting to kiss her alluring and pinkish lips.

He just couldn't resist even if he wanted to .

Annah's eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly kissed her and strangely she didn't hate him or wanted to push him away..

It was just her first kiss and she doesn't know what to do next.

Nicklaus pulled away and planted a kiss on her forehead..

He wanted more, he wanted all of her but he needed to be patient with her..

The growling sound from her stomach reminded him that she hasn't eaten anything yet..

He chuckled at her embarrassed face and quickly went to order food for her..

Once he was sure she'd eaten to her satisfaction..

He tucked her into bed and made her fall asleep again before excusing himself to go deal with those fools..

He clenched his jaw as he walked into the other room and found Raphael and Skylar kneeling on the floor..

Raphael's head hung low because he felt ashamed of himself.

He failed to look after Luna and let Skylar confuse him..

Meanwhile Skylar's eyes showed a defiant glint that made him wanna snap her neck..

"I didn't do anything wrong, Alpha Nick. I should be the only woman who's fit to be beside you." She said with a frown.

It was obvious she wasn't feeling remorseful for causing trouble with the new Luna.

Well she didn't get a chance to complete her words when he suddenly grabbed her neck and lifted her off the floor effortlessly.

He was livid and his wolf was about to surface . He was raging mad.

"Don't ever dream of such nonsense!" He growled dangerously..

He was angry to the point that he couldn't control his wolf who was trying to take control..

Skylar was struggling to break free but unfortunately she wasn't strong enough to push him away..

"You'll Kill her. Please let her go." Elias spoke with a concerned look..

They knew how the Alpha could be when angry and Killing Skylar won't do them any good..

Skylar's face had become red and she was having a hard time breathing.

He finally let her go just when she was about to pass out..

She fell to the ground with a thud and kept gasping uncontrollably for air..

"Drag her outta my sight! And bring her father to me right now!" He growled angrily and she was dragged away by Elias..

He took a deep breath to calm himself and looked at his Gamma who was still kneeling without saying a word.

"What are you still doing on the floor? " He glared at Raphael and he quickly stood up with a grin plastered on his face..

The next morning, Alpha Daniel was standing Infront of Nicklaus's penthouse with a panicked expression..

He couldn't understand what was going on with his daughter and how bold she was going against the Alpha supreme.

Alpha Daniel Didn't have the guts to go against the Alpha supreme..

He is nervous and scared as well because he doesn't wanna ruin his relationship with the Alpha supreme.

"Can you please tell Alpha supreme Nicklaus I'm outside?" He asked his Beta but unfortunately Nicklaus was determined to ignore him for the rest of the day.

"I'm sorry but Alpha supreme Nicklaus is busy at the moment." Elias repeatedly told him but he was determined to clear things up with the Alpha supreme.

He got frustrated and tried to force his way through but Elias held him in place firmly..

"Don't push your luck, Old man." He warned him with his guttural voice and his eyes had turned pitch black and this infuriated him.

"Take your hands off me." Daniel growled softly and Elias just let him go..

Daniel misunderstood and thought Elias was afraid of him that's why he let him through but he was actually gonna let the Alpha supreme deal with it.

Once Alpha Daniel was gone his eyes turned to the initial eye color and his lips curved upwards slightly..

He silently wishes he would find his mate soon so he could also have a reason to slack around..

In the penthouse, Nicklaus was sitting close to her and just watching his mate sleep..

He didn't wanna wake her up so he let the curtains close.

He'd cleared most of his schedule just to spend time with him..

Nicklaus knew she had attended the interview at the company he'd taken over.

He knows he won't be able to keep her inside the penthouse forever or if she insists on working..

He trailed his thumb on her cheeks tenderly and tucked a strand of her hair behind gently so he wouldn't wake her.

Last night she'd fallen asleep so he didn't wanna wake her and just lay down beside her and slept next to her.

Annah suddenly opened her eyes when she felt his warm hand on her cheek..

She blinked a few times and rubbed away her sleepiness before staring at the man beside her..

He smiled at her tenderly and planted a kiss on her forehead before she could even realize it.

"Good morning dear." He mumbled with a smile and Annah was finally able to look at him..

She quickly covered her eyes with her palm to avoid staring at his naked body..

Her ears were red with embarrassment and this he found really cute..

"Look at me." He tried not to laugh but Annah didn't burge and tried not to look embarrassed..

Who isn't he putting on clothes? Is he trying to seduce her or what?

"Can you put on some clothes?" She requested but Nicklaus was determined to seduce her..

His lips curled into a flirtatious smile as he stared at his innocent mate..

"You don't have to be shy, My love." He encouraged her but Annah still didn't open her eyes..

"It's just that I'm not used to seeing you without clothes." She admitted shyly and this made him wanna tease her more..

"Look at me,Annah." He repeated but still didn't take her hands away..

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