

Rosalind's POV

Our kingdom, the Southern Gate Pack, was divided into two. The North and the South. Each ruled by a different prince.

Things like that don't matter when you are on the street struggling for yours and your sibling's life.

Until you met said prince and he saved your life.

He looked at Ronny like he was filth and I wondered at how I had been unable to recognize it at first. That arrogant tilt to the chin, that gaze. The look of a prince who had the works at his feet.

"I doubt a man like you can be of service to me. You seem to only be good at abusing women."

His words were cold and clipped a sharp contrast to the way he had spoken to me and I watched Ronny shiver. His fear had a sharp acrid scent.

"My prince, I promise it is not what you think. This woman is a slut and a thief unworthy of your supremacy's time. An omega who is unworthy of your presence."

Ouch. That was uncalled for but I was an omega so this was normal behaviour.

The prince growled. He actually sounded pissed on my behalf. I was ashamed to admit I have never been more turned on by a sound. This was crazy.

Ronny backed away a few steps as though scared for his life, it was almost funny. Almost.

The prince seemed to get a hold of his temper.

"I will decide who is worthy of my time. A thief you said? What did she steal?"

Ronny looked around shiftily, his movements all but announcing his lie.

"Some bronze, my prince."

"Bronze?" The prince seemed amused now. "And where were you when she was stealing this?"

Ronny seemed more on the defensive side now. "Right there in the shop."

"Watching her steal from you?"

I stifled a grin at the panic on Ronnie's face. Oh, he hadn't thought that answer through. The crowd began to murmur obviously seeing the holes in his story now.

Not that it had mattered to them a few seconds ago when they seemed intent on me being a slut and a whore.

"No, she distracted me with her feminine wiles." Ronny sounded panicked now raising his voice to be heard over the murmurs.

The prince arched an eyebrow and somehow even that looked even perfect. What was wrong with me? My wolf stirred in my chest and I could barely hear his next words over my heartbeat.

"Was this before or after she slashed your face open and you tore her dress?"

Ronny seemed to realize his gig was up and fell to the ground in supplication.

"My prince have mercy!"

The prince glared at him like he wanted to kill him and I saw his hands become claws.

Impulsively, I took his hand. He looked at me with those hazel eyes and I was lost. We stared at each other for a few more seconds and his claws retracted.

"It is not me you should ask but her. You will not only apologise to her in front of everyone but you will give her this bronze you claim she stole."

Ronny obviously wanted to do nothing of that sorry but seeing the prince's countenance, he stood up and moved close to me.

"I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath.

This didn't satisfy the prince.

"On your knees." The prince instructed.

"But… but she is an omega?!" He seemed confused.

I was as well. Omegas were treated as dirt. We were the lowest on the trophic chain where strength meant everything. Asking Ronny to kneel for me was unthinkable.

The murmurs from the crowd rose. The prince could have cared less.

"She is a citizen of this kingdom who you have accused unjustly. If you disagree with this, I can always have you executed."

Ronny fell flat on his face grasping at my feet immediately. The fear of death would do that to a man. The crowd went silent. This was history being made.

"Forgive me, I beg of you."

"Tell me. Should I spare his life?" The prince asked me like my opinion actually mattered.

I thought of how Ronny had backhanded me, almost raped me and somehow still found a way to pin the blame on me. Of how he would have ruined my reputation and made me a pleasure worker to feed his ego.

I thought of the numerous women he must have done this to. But this was the districts where justice was a mirage and no one was an innocent here for long.

If I did as I pleased, Bastien and I would be targeted. The prince would be in his castle soon enough leaving me to bear the consequences.

"Please spare him, my prince."


I was in a limousine. A black limousine. I had never seen anything like it in these parts. It felt soft and expensive. I felt out of place.

"My prince, if you would permit me to leave, I do not wish to inconvenience you."

I lowered my gaze as I spoke. There was a lesser chance of me swooning at his looks and the reaction of my body to him if I did so.

"You can call me by my name though." He sounded amused.

I looked up surprised again. He was nothing like the ruthless prince I had imagined from people's tales. The Northern prince was as frosty as ice, they said. I had never met anyone from the South but I imagined he would be the same as his brother.

His hazel eyes twinkled with humour and his smile was simply breathtaking. I lowered my gaze again hastily.

"That wouldn't be proper, my prince."

Besides I didn't know his name. It wasn't exactly common knowledge. His smile faded slightly.

"I suppose not." He looked at my hand that clutched his jacket to my bruised nape. He produced an ointment from one of the car compartments.

"May I?"

He wanted to apply ointment on me? A prince treating an omega? I must have hurt my head badly when Ronny backhanded me.

I nodded and stayed still as he pushed down the jacket to see the full extent of my bruises. I heard his sharp intake of breath at the sight.

"I should have killed him."

"My prince."

What else could I say to such a declaration that made me feel warm all over?

"You are a good person for forgiving him so swiftly." He said softly, his voice as soothing as a lullaby with the most striking chord.

I could listen to his voice all day. No, I couldn't. He was a prince, I wasn't even fit to wipe the dirt off his shoes.

I tried to change the topic.

"Thank you for everything."

"I only did my duty." He dabbed the ointment on the bruises on my neck.

I sucked in a breath sharply. His touch was doing things to me. If he didn't stop touching me, the scent of my arousal would soon be evident.

"I can do this myself–"

"I insist." He kept applying it as he spoke. "From what I can gather, that Ronny fellow is the worst of wolves. Why did you work for him?"

What a question. It made the disparity in our classes obvious. Someone from the districts would not need to ask such needless questions.

"Here in the districts, an orphan girl like me has two options. Menial work or the pleasure houses. Ronny is the best-paying among the contractors for menial work. So what if he abuses one or two women here and there?"

He looked shocked. "That is illegal. There are many job opportunities created yearly for the districts and we also give out aids–"

I laughed. "Job opportunities? Aids? My prince, those things never reach down here in the trenches."

"Impossible. The council approved a budget weeks ago for this same purpose."

This wasn't new. So the council siphoned some money meant for the low-class people. It was the way of the elite. I was only surprised the prince was unaware of this.

"Those things are for the cities, the metropolis. The districts are the places the council forgets. And here anything goes."

He still looked disturbed but it was getting late and Bastien would be worried sick.

"I really appreciate your help but I must leave, my prince. I need to get home. If you would grant me your permission."

The prince seemed… reluctant to let me go.

"But… what will you do now? I wouldn't recommend you go back to working for Ronny."

I smiled faintly. "I will find other work."

"But you said you had to take care of your sibling and that Ronnie paid the best. How will you cope without his patronage?"

"I will survive like I always have. Thank you for your concern."

I reached for the door. The prince held my hand.

"I could help you out."

"Help me out?"

"Tell me how much you need to be comfortable and I will have my men…"

"Take your hand off me."

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