« What. The. Hell. Happened. To. Her. » He growled. I still hadn’t brought myself to look at him. I shook slightly and I could feel the tension thick in the air.
« Wha-what do you mean Alpha ? » One guard stuttered, nervously looking around.
« What do I mean ? » He asked, his voice was deadly quiet, « I MEAN WHY THE HELL IS MY MATE CHAINED TO A WALL, SHAKING, HALF NAKED AND COVERED IN CUTS AND BRUISES ! » He roared, and I whimpered again. I heard the other men shift from foot to foot and gulp anxiously. I decided now would be a good time to steal a glance at the Alpha. I looked up slowly, and in front of me was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was 6’ 3 » and had well defined muscles, his biceps bulging from the sleeves of his tight t-shirt. He was everything an Alpha should be. Though his back was to me, I could see some of his lush dirty blonde hair and desperately wanted to see his face.
« I-I…. I’m sorry Alpha, we didn’t know she was your mate… » The guard from this morning stuttered and trailed off.
He shook in anger and began clenching and unclenching his fists, through gritted teeth he said, « DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ANY OF THIS BETTER ? HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT MY MATE AND YOUR LUNA ! » All the men paled and began muttering nonsense.
He took a deep breath, « Out of my sight. All of you. You are henceforth put on house arrest, you are not allowed to shift or leave the pack house at any time am I clear ? » When they all agreed, he continued, « You will all be punished accordingly for the crimes you have committed against my mate and in time you will apologize. Go. Now. »
There was a great shuffling as all the men turned to leave. I was still curled in a ball and had my head buried in my hands. Truthfully, I was frightened of this Alpha and had no idea what he was going to do to me. He had mentioned I was his mate. What would he do ? Would he hate me ? Reject me ? Kill me ?
Now there was only the Alpha, myself and one other man in the cell. The Alpha took a few deep breaths and I heard him turn around. He took the few steps to reach me and knelt down on one knee.
« Hey there, it’s alright. » He said softly and reached a hand out to me but I scooted away. « Hey now, sweetheart can you look at me ? » I shook my head quickly. « Please, it’s alright I’m not gonna hurt you ok ? » I sniffled a bit and slowly looked up to meet his gaze.
I looked up and saw deep pools of chocolate brown. I just wanted to get lost in them. So many emotions swirled in them, and they softened considerably when he saw me. His eyes searched my face, as if trying to memorize every detail.
« Oh sweetheart, » he breathed, « I’m so, so, sorry this happened to you, » he whispered. He reached out a hand to cup my cheek, and gently wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. I couldn’t help but jump when I felt sparks shoot into my skin, wherever he touched me. His touch was comforting, I sighed and leaned into his touch. He sat down across from me, sitting criss cross applesauce.
« Will, can you go get me a bottle of water and put the first aid kit in my room please ? » He asked, his eyes never leaving my face. I tensed. Why was the first aid kit being put in his room, when I’m down here ?
« Sure, Alpha, link me if you need anything else, » the other man, Will, said before walking out.
I sniffled again and wiped my eyes. He watched my every move. He gaze traveled up and down my body, though he didn’t make me uncomfortable, like the other guards. He eyes traveled to my wrist, and he slowly reached over and unlocked the cuff, with a small silver key that hung on a large ring.
He gently took one of my hand in his, and lifted my chin to look at him. His eyes flickered to the bruises already there from this morning, and drifted down to the love bite the guard had left on my neck . He let out a low growl, and closed his eyes.
« My name is Beck. And I’m the Alpha of the Black Mist pack. » He whispered softly, looking me in the eye. I felt my stomach drop, and my heart crawl into my throat. No, no, no, no, please no. Not the Black Mist pack. They have a reputation for being cruel and ruthless. Well, on second thought I guess I’ve seen how cruel they can be. I whimpered softly and tried to pull away.
« Hey, sweetheart, no it’s ok. Shhhh you’re safe here. You don’t have to worry, » he whispered, his eyes melting my own. « What’s your name sweetheart ? »
I hesitated, « Alexia » I whispered, looking down.
« Alexia, » he repeated, lifting my chin. He smiled. « Beautiful. »
I blushed deeply, and turned away, embarrassed. He chuckled softly and we sat in silence for a while. He opened his mouth to say something, when that guy, Will, walked back in with a bottle of water, handing it to Beck.