
The rite

Mia felt the alpha King’s intent gaze on her as she moved her hand to the small hand of the white gown she had on. She shook from fear from the inside out because not only was he much older, he also terrified her.

He was obviously hoping to see what was underneath the garment, though, but the look on his face already said he wouldn’t be impressed either way.

She didn’t have the body that would blow anyone away. She wasn’t the right height or shape and she hadn’t felt insecure about it in a long time, but now, standing so vulnerable, she did.

Getting married was never on her agenda, not since she turned fourteen, freedom and knowledge was. She remembered the first time she shared her dreams of travelling to the other side of the world to get an education with Ariel, and how her sister felt happy for her and supported her. Ariel might have had the looks in the family, but she was much more than that; she was kind and generous and never made Mia feel any less. Ariel told her if it was her dream, she shouldn’t let anyone stop her.

Here she was with her dreams cut short before she could even actualise it. She belongs to the Alpha King for the rest of her life and there is no escaping.

She didn’t blame anyone for Ariel’s death, that she lives for as long as she did was a miracle. Ever since a child, Ariel had a weak heart that always took a toll on her. When her weakness lingered after her first shift, she settled and told herself the moon goddess wanted it so and would call her home when she saw it fit. And the moon goddess saw it fit to call her home last night. Mia didn’t even get to mourn her sister’s passing, she was instructed to hold her tears in while the bride makers made her up.

The alpha King didn’t hide his disapproval of her from the moment he set his eyes on her at the temple. And even now, while he sat scrutinising her, it showed.

He was the look one would give if promised a fresh apple and got an orange, a terrible looking premature orange instead. She was the orange.

“Take off your clothes. I want to see the body I’d be living with for the rest of my life,” he commanded.

She hesitated, and that displeased him. The low growl that left his mouth testified to the fact. “Do you need some kind of motivation? Because you will not get it. Take off your fucking clothes!” he thunders, making her jump and her legs shake.

With shaky hands and a trembling body, she grabbed the hand of the silk gown again and dragged it down. She does the same to the other hand of the gown. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor, not having the audacity to look up at the alpha king gawking at her like a predator from his seat at the corner of the room.

Her throat runs dry as she pushed the gown down her shoulder and chest, knowing he watched her every move. Her skin tightened from the cold that gripped it as she pulled the gown down below her chest and her small breast comes into view.

He stayed quiet, watching her.

She stopped, wrapping her arms around her exposed upper body, trying to cover the minor part exposed to his gaze and her eyes became glassy.

“You’re not done yet!” he informed her with a growl, and this made her look up at him, the tears she had held in rolling down her face. “Are you going to take that off or cry all night?” his disgust increased and a trace of anger appeared in his voice as well.

He rose to his feet, terrifyingly tall, and she swallowed hard, wanting to run away, but not having enough courage to. So, she stood still while the mountain of a man approached her.

He is her husband, after all, and the marriage ritual said they were united until the very end, which meant the only way she’ll ever be free of him was by dying.

He stopped walking when he stood before her. Her blurred up vision could only see from his midsection since her head stayed bowed and she’d have to tilt it up to see the rest of him. His breath came hot against the skin of her neck and she swallowed hard, expecting nothing but the very worse.

“On the first night with your husband, the Alpha King, and you’re already disobedient.” He sneered at her, his hoarse voice causing turmoil on the inside of her.

Yet she remained quiet and only responded by shaking her head.

His hand raised to touch her curly red hair, down her face and over the fine line of her jaw. The feeling sent tickles to her spine, and she fought against the moan that almost slipped out. He trailed the finger down her neck to the base of her shoulder where an acute responsive nerve dwelt and she purred, her body betraying her.

Her breath hitch when his hand dropped to her chest and tread a fine line over her left breast. Her chest rose and fell heavily with both nervousness and reaction.

His finger proceeded below to her midsection, where the third layer of the gown she had refused to take off was. His hands grip the material and in a swift tug rented the garment in two, making her gasp out helplessly. She covered her mouth as the torn gown fell to the floor, leaving her naked before him.

Mia bit her lips nervously and her head remain low as the Alpha King made circles around her, inspecting and scrutinising her body.

She felt his eyes take her to analyse all the details of her because she now belonged to him. He did not fail to notice her red hair and its natural curls which fell behind her long neck and over her straightened shoulder. Her chest which rose and fell hard just right above where her two breasts sat. Then he proceeded to her stomach, small waist and round hips and the short trail of hair that was between her legs, down to her thigh, lap and feet. He moved to her back and did the same.

He scoffed, probably disappointed in whatever he saw, and it made her heart hurt more than she wanted.

She wasn’t being rebellious; she didn’t have the luxury anymore. The event of today had broken her spirit and even if she wanted to stand her ground and fight, she no longer had the strength.

She felt the cold but soft hand of Xavier on her left breast and she flinch back a little, becoming conscious of reality. He towered above her, fondling and squeezing down on her sensitive breast.

She pressed her lips together to stop the moan that almost escape her. She had no feelings for this man and as attracted as he was; he was a turn off because of his character and she didn’t know he would affect her now the way he was. Her nipple hardened against his touch, telling him things she didn’t want him to know.

His thumb grazed over the other nipple and just like the left, it hardened and goosebumps scattered all over her body at his light touch.

“Get in the bed,” he ordered, and she knew what awaited her in bed with him and she didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to do that with a man that couldn’t even look into her eyes because he felt disappointed.

She had never been with anyone and this was not the way she wanted her first time to be, yet it was.

She was good. She’d always done what was right ever since she could remember and despite the harsh fate society dealt her, she never sought to take revenge. So why was she being punished?

A few moments passed after he gave the instruction, but she didn’t move or do as she was told, too overcame by the thoughts in her head to acknowledge the reality before her.

“You keep disobeying my orders. You seem to forget I am your husband and your king and you are my wife now.”

“I didn’t... I didn’t...” the words kept failing to form as she tried to speak.

“You didn’t what?”

She remained silent, not wanting to anger him further with her incomplete speech, and she did as she was told, stepping over to the bed.

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