
Chapter 1


What a beautiful view!

I'm in my apartment, watching the sunset as I drink my tea. Feeling proud of my achievements, I have supportive friends, a family who adore me more than my brother, an amazing lover, I have the best job, I have a life without drama...

"Honey, what are you doing here without me?" My lover asks as he kisses my forehead and pulls me close to him.

"I'm just thinking babe." I say as I hug him closely.

Ah, my life is so amazing....if only.

"Jenna wake up!" A voice says that I do not want to answer.

"Shut up!" I mutter with annoyance.

"Wake up, you fatass!" Shouts my annoying brother.

"Ugh, I'm awake, now get out of my fucking room." I grumble as I stretch my inexistant muscles.

"It's your fucking first day of school and you're not capable of waking up alone, woah what a great big sister I got. "He says

sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up, you annoying peacock!" I mutter angrily.

"Hey I'm not an annoying peacock, you're the ugliest woman I've ever met in my whole life." He scoffs and throws my

beautiful pillows in my face.

"You never had a woman in your whole life beside grandma and mom, so shut up will ya." I mumble.

He rolls his eyes, I get up from my comfortable bed and scratch my bed hair looking like a nest I suppose.

" is calling for you." He says and slams my door, loudly.

"Mom is calling you, dumb bitch." I mock him stupidly.

I walk towards the bathroom and take a nice, hot shower, I put some coconut shampoo and conditioner on my hair and wash it carefully, as you can see I take care of my hair even though I'm a fucking lazy bitch.

My name is Jenna Bradshaw, I live in New York, I'm 18 and I love writing and drawing. I'm transferring to another school because my old school wasn't better for me for personal reasons and my parents enrolled me in an expensive school which is Southside High school apparently it's for rich kids, I don't get it why my parents enrolled me there. After I finish showering, I go to my closet to find the outfit that I want to wear.

When I finish dressing up, leaving my brown hair wavy, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. As I get downstairs, I see my dad and James getting along, talking about football things, normally my brother and my dad don't get along most of the time because of James attitude which I can relate to him, I don't blame him he's only 14. I kiss my mom's cheeks and dad's too and I go to my usual seat which beside James place.

"So are you nervous about your new school?" Asks my dad curiously while mom and James eat their breakfast.

"I don't think so, I can feel my stomach churning in anticipation." I say uneasily.

"Last time, you had a panic attack just because you saw some 9th grades teen so I don't think you're fine." James chuckles.

Oh gosh!

Why did my mom have to tell this embarrassing moment to James? When I was in 7th grade, I saw some boys who were in 9th grade that were bullying some kids in my grade, of course, I had a choice between avoid them or to snitch on them but instead of doing what I expected it to do I did the most embarrassing thing, which is fainting in the middle of a hallway.

"Shut up you asshole!" I curse angrily to him.

"Young lady, I do not accept this kind of language here in my house." My mother scolds me calmly.

"You really hurt my feeling, Jen." James says while pointing his heart, jokingly.

"Yeah, I love you brother." I say while rolling my eyes, with a slight smile.

"What a great family I have." Dad says sarcastically.

"Jenna, I think it's time for you to go, you don't want to be late for your first day in school." Mom warns me.

I look down to my watch and see that it's now 8:30, I rush to take my backpack and my jacket.

"See you later, everyone." I wave at them as I put on my shoes.

"Have fun in school, sweetie." My mom says kindly.

I open the door and lock the door on my way out then I run to the bus stop, good thing that the bus comes in just in time. I got up, I say hi to the driver, search a place and sit on a free seat beside the window, I plug in my ears with my earphone, listening to Falling by Trevor Daniel.

20 minutes later.

The bus comes into an end, everyone gets off, I step down the bus and lift my head with a shocked face and see a typical rich school.

It's beautiful and really show the richness by looking at this building, I wonder who build this magnificent school. Anyway, I go inside of the school and I try to find the secretary door. Suddenly I bump into someone, it drops all of their books.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you." I say crouching down.

"Oh no it's okay, it doesn't matter." The person says with a strong British accent.

I look up to that person that I bump into and it's a guy, wearing a black outfit and a black bandana giving him an impression of an e-boy, I like his style though.

"You must the new girl." The boy asks while staring at me curiously.

"Yeah...I'm Jenna nice to meet you." I introduce myself with a warming smile.

"I'm Leo, nice to meet you too." He says, giving me a nice smile.

"Can you show me the way to the secretary please?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

He shows me the way to the secretary and told me that he would wait for me, I knock on the door, twice.

"Come in!" A woman yells loudly.

I get inside and it's very spacious, there are files who are organized by alphabetical order on the shelf, the walls are grey and the floor is made from wood, it looks sophisticated.

In front of me there is an office table with a woman, she looks like a rich woman, I guess it's how it supposed to be like that in every school of New York.

''Hello." The woman clears her throat, trying to catch my attention.

''Hello, I'm Jenna Bradshaw and I suppose that you are the secretary.'' I say shyly.

''Yes I am, I heard about you honey, here are all the things you need to get started.'' She says, standing up and give me a file.

She hands me out my planning book and my locker number. I open my book and looks at the paper that shows me my periods of today.

So today I have:

First period: English

Second period: Math

Third period : Biology

Break time

Fourth period : History

Fifth period: P.E

Lunch time

Sixth period: French (favourite subject)

Seventh period: Music

There are so many subjects, I don't know if I can keep it up.

After saying bye to the secretary, I get out and see that Leo is there waiting for me he see me and walk toward me.

''Hey, so what do you have right now?'' He asks.

"'I have English and you?''

''Me too, shall we together now?'' He asks while holding his English books.

''Yeah come on,'' I answer him eagerly.       

We are walking together until our classroom shows up.

This is it, finally, you can do this!

Leo opens the door for me, I enter in and take a seat beside Leo.

10 minutes later.

Now the classroom is filled with a bunch of teenagers, there are girls who look like snobby bitches and boys who look like players and jocks, so I've been placed in a stupid class at least I have Leo. Everyone becomes quiet as soon as the teacher comes in, she is a beautiful woman who is a least in her thirty's.

''Hello everyone, good morning so today we have a new student in this class.'' The female teacher says as she looks at me especially.

Everyone turns their head towards me and I get nervous, I hate attention but I should do it if I want to have a normal school life, I decided to be a big girl and stand up, there is Leo who is looking at me.

"Good luck!" He whispers with a big smile in his face and I nod.

''H-hey guys, I'm Jenna Bradshaw.'' I stutter.

''Jenna welcome to Southside!'' The teacher says with a smile.

''T-thank you'' I stutter again. I sit back down, feeling embarrassed.

Why did I stutter? I never have done that in my whole life, I'm sure that everyone thought that I'm weird.

Someone interrupts my thoughts by barging in the room without knocking. I look up to who it was, and it's guy who is craved like a Greek god, he have brown hair, his piercing blue eyes, sharp jawline, he has everything that a girl could dream. Girls in this class stare at him with lust while boys are glaring at him with slight envy in their eyes.

''Mr Parker, why did you came late on the first day of your class?'' The teacher says furiously.

''Oh because I was busy." He says with a playful smirk, licking his lips.

I'm sure he is because he looks messy with loves bites everywhere in his neck, it looks like he just came out from being mouthed washed with a girl, I guess.

''So you think that's a normal answer to reply to your teacher?'' She asks, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah..." He sighs boringly.

''I'm going to let you pass Mr Parker since it's the first day of school but that will be the last time, now go back to your seat.'' She orders and goes back to her lesson.

"Yes miss." He mumbles and goes to his seat which is at the back with the other popular boys.

Who is that boy?

I spin my head towards him and stare at him for a moment but that didn't last long because he catches me staring him.

He smiles seductively and winks at me.


I focus on what the teacher is saying but I can feel that someone is staring at me behind my head.

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