
Chapter 3 - Good Day vs. Bad Day

"I can't believe it either! I hate them so much!" Stefani cried to her group of friends, Christina, Dianne, Bridget, and Ivy.

It was a lively Sunday morning and Stefani woke up with a bad mood, all due to the sudden call from her dad stating what he proposed to be "good news". Despite being pampered by her father, Stefani wasn't someone who could easily say the words "I hate you" to anyone. The only exception was that guy named Jonathan Gonzalez. Every time Stefani would come across this person, she couldn't help but hate him more and more.

So for whatever reason her father suddenly announced this engagement, Stefani was fuming with anger upon hearing it the first time. She couldn't understand why her father chose the person she hated so much to the core, out of all people.

The four girls sighed all at the same time while looking at their friend. They had known Stefani for a long time to accept how dramatic this girl could be especially when expressing her feelings. They waited for Stefani to finish her crying before speaking.

"Calm down, Stef," Ivy tried to calm her friend's nerves down but Stefani couldn't. Instead, she started crying even more as if she had been bullied. The other four shook their heads, sighing as they knew how stubborn this friend of theirs could be. Despite having the same age, Stefani was obviously the most immature and "babiest" of them.

"I said calm down!" Ivy shouted that made Stefani shoot her head up, pouting.

"I don't want to be engaged with someone I don't love and doesn't love me..." Stefani cried, eyes full of sadness as she stared at the table. Christina and Dianne looked at each other, exchanging knowing looks. Christina sighed and patted Stefani's shoulder.

"Stef," she called out sympathetically but was immediately shut up by Stefani who stood up all of a sudden, nearly knocking her and her friends' drinks off the table. For sure, the crying session has ended, replaced by a more aggressive and deadly declaration of intense hatred.

"And of all people, why that monkey!!!" Stefani suddenly said loudly, frustration evident in her brown eyes as she slammed her hands on the table. The action made her friends jump a little. But Stefani was beyond mad. Why was her father doing this to her? He knew she didn't like Jonathan. No, not didn't like - she hated him! She hated him so much just the thought of him made her want to hijack an airplane and escape Earth and live somewhere far away so she won't be able to see him forever!

"Stop it, Stefani! Seriously," Bridget, a bit exasperated with Stefani's actions and rants, snapped. She looked at Stefani with serious venom eyes, ready to bite Stefani if she started whining again. "Stop being dramatic, seriously!"

Stefani bit her lower lip and sighed at that. Actually, Stefani was a simple person. What she wanted was just a simple life with her future husband - someone who would cherish her, respect her, treat her the best, love her for the way she was, with all his heart and soul. In their marriage, all the good and bad times would be cherished like flowers blooming in season. That was what Stefani desired for her future, wonderful, pure love. Suddenly, the blooming petals turned dark then slowly faded in thin air as a certain person - a 24 year old someone - showed up in her mind.

"Ahhhh I can't do it! I can't!" Stefani began to cry once more. "Don't you guys get what I'm trying to say? I want to be married with someone I love and love me back, not with someone who doesn't even care about me!"

"You're overreacting. What makes you think Jonathan doesn't care about you?" Dianne asked, taking a sip from her drink.

Stefani immediately shot her a glare. "Dianne, stop trying to be funny! I don't care whether he cares about me or not. I hate him! He's always doing what dad wants like a dog! I hate him so much, do you know that? He thinks he's so great just because he's handsome and performs well at work. So what? Not everyone could see how arrogant that guy is! Argh, I hate him so much I think I'd die first before I could even kiss him!" Stefani cried out and began to pant hard, desperately catching for air after her nonstop, long rant.

The girls looked at each other and after a moment, all burst out of laughter.

"Hey! What's funny?!" Stefani frowned deeply while glaring at her friends.

"Do you know how many times you said the word 'hate'?" Ivy asked, the cracked-up smile on her face still not leaving her from the laughter.

"Whatever! I just hate him, okay? And I definitely won't ever get married to that guy!!" Stefani stood up again, feet stomping as she left the coffee shop, hair bouncing every step.

Christina shook her head and took a sip on her iced coffee jelly.

"Girls, you think this Jonathan guy is really handsome?" Bridget suddenly opened.

"I don't know. Stefani said he is, but he's arrogant too..." Dianne commented, thinking back on what their dear friend just said moments ago.

All of them paused for a moment. Their eyes then twinkled and they started to giggle as they whisper to each other.

"Arrogant plus handsome? .... Time for some investigation, girls!"

Everyone nodded in agreement as they pulled out their black sunglasses and auntie scarves from their bags.

The next day, Stefani was walking down the stairs out of her classroom when she suddenly heard a group of girls giggling loudly along the way. Thinking it was nothing, she shrugged as she walked out of the building, heading towards the front gate where she'd be waiting for her butler to come and fetch her as usual.

She walked past a bunch of girls squealing, making her eyebrow twitch in curiosity. What was the commotion all about?

A flock of girls and boys were standing near the front gate making Stefani frown in annoyance. Damn these idiots, blocking the way all the time. Stefani grunted as she gripped her backpack and began taking the other way.


Stefani's ears perked up and she immediately turned around, only to find Jonathan leaning his back against his car like some kind of a TV or Drama star idol. Frowning, Stefani walked towards him.

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