
Chap 2: Mariana's Pov

I walk into the pool house only to find it crammed from wall to wall with drunken and overly horny adults. Letting out a somewhat quiet laugh, my eyes desperately scan the entirety of the room inch after inch until they finally land on the one person I hoped to see.

“Leah!” I yell out in excitement as I run towards my best friend, engulfing her in a playful hug whilst she laughs, playfully kissing my cheeks and wishing me a happy birthday.

Our fingers lace together and she twirls me around three hundred and sixty degrees, letting out a low laugh before affirming, “You look absolutely stunning, birthday girl!”

Dramatic much.

Laughter bubbles out of me with my head thrown back. “You look absolutely stunning, sister in law,” I tease and she rolls her eyes at me, a shy scoff eliciting in her throat.

Minutes after conversing with Leah, I make my way to the middle of the room with a bottle of scotch in hand, screaming my proclamation. “Thank you all for attending my sick party! And thank you for the extravagant gifts! For that reason alone, I have something really extravagant for all those who are interested! Let the party begin!”

Everyone is cheering, laughing their lungs out, dancing to the sick DJ mix and looking impatient as the servers bring out tray after tray of cocaine.

I walk back to Leah and we both plop down on the couch with a sigh of relief. “You don’t do drugs, Mariana, how do you have access to such a ridiculous amount of cocaine? Most of all, how are you friends with drug addicts?” Leah questions.

I wince internally at the unexpectedness of her question. It’s something I’ve done my best to avoid from all my friends, especially my best friend—Leah.

It hasn’t been easy but I’ve made sure to keep the truth about my family hidden from the people in my circle because I do not want them seeing or treating me any different.

I want to be and feel normal around my friends.

“You’re my friend too, Leah, and you’re not a drug addict.” I comment uninterestedly, gaining a hum from her.

She looks at me as though wanting an explanation as to how I have access to so much quantity of cocaine and other drugs. “As for the drugs, I have my ways.”

Please don’t ask anymore questions, Leah.

She heaves out a sigh, “if you say so, Ana, just don’t get yourself involved in something dangerous.”

I laugh internally.

I am the danger, sweetheart.

“What about my brother? Have you given a thought to what I talked to you about?” I quickly change the line of conversation, snorting a laugh when Leah blushes a little.

She straightens her shoulder, quickly concealing her blush with a disinterested frown.

“I don’t know, Ana, he’s a fuck boy. Plus if he wants me, then he should come to me himself.”

“My brother is not a fuck boy, Leah. Don’t refer to him as one ever again.” My voice is stern, causing her to flinch and shift in her seat, muttering a low, “sorry.”

I immediately conceal my seriousness with playfulness. “He’s just too busy learning how to handle the family business that he doesn’t have time for chasing women. But he’ll be here tonight, please give him a chance?” I pout and she laughs, nodding her head at me.

Speak of the devil.

My brother in all his glory leisurely struts in with another gloriously, exquisite, manly figure walking by his side.


This room is suddenly so hot.

“Speak of the devil,” I mutter as I stare at the incredulously handsome man walking alongside my brother.

I snort a laugh when Leah murmurs, “wow.”

Only I don’t know if it’s directed at my brother or at the hot stranger. But I hope it’s for Mariano because I’d hate to see my brother get hurt and I’ll definitely hate having to kill my best friend over this matter.

The hot stranger’s eyes are intensely locked on mine as he and my brother sit themselves on the couch directly opposite the one I and Leah are seated on.

“Your brother is amazing,” Leah admits for the first time since she’s known him and I’m beyond grateful that she sees Mariano for the amazing man he is. “But who’s that hot stuff with him?”


Way to go, Leah.

“I don’t know, he came for some business today.” I shrug my shoulders, “are you interested in him?”

She gasps aloud, “no! Christ, Mariana! I only have eyes for one man and that man is your brother. But that stranger is eating you up with his eyes.”

I know Leah.

I can feel it all the way in my core.


I feel Leah shift uncomfortably in her seat and I ask, “everything okay?”

She clears her throat just as she does whenever she’s about to initiate a serious conversation, causing me to brace myself for the impact. “There’s just something about your family and the people they do business with, Mariana.” She begins.

“What do you mean, Leah?” I shrug it off, not letting her observation have any effect on me.

“It’s just. . .have you seen your father? You could literally piss your pants just by looking at him and then there’s your mother who’s extremely beautiful by the way but there’s this mystery surrounding her. She’s inviting, calm, and friendly, but she sometimes gives off a major dark aura. Do I have to go into details about your brother? And you, if I wasn’t friends with you, I’d never have what it takes to say a word in your presence. You all are way too intimidating and It’s just bothersome.”

I chuckle at her line of observation because it’s the truth. But I cannot give her more reasons to question my family. Desperately needing to change the subject of conversation, I ask, “is that why you avoid Mariano? Are you scared of him?”

Leah nods her response and I heave out a shuddered breath. “Mariano is a good man, Leah. He’d never hurt a fly.”

Really, Mariana? That’s all you can come up with?

In my defense, Mariano doesn’t hurt people who do not deserve it.

I’m about to say something when a very high Iris—one of our distant friends throws herself at me, “great party, Mariana,” She slurs and I look at Leah, simultaneous giggle erupts from both of us—we mock Iris’s present state.

“Thanks, Iris.”

“Who’s that stranger with your brother? I mean, I want your brother but I could do both, introduce me!” She squeals and I can feel Leah vibrating in jealous rage.

I chuckle dryly, “my brother isn’t interested in you, Iris, but I can introduce you to the stranger. You can have as much fun as you want with him.” I grip her’s and Leah’s wrist, pulling them with me to where Mariano and his friend are seated.

“I don’t know how, Mariana, but I’m not pleased by the kind of company you keep and how the fuck did you get your hands on so much stock?” That’s the first thing Mariano says when I’m standing in front of him with his long time crush.



This is the reason she’s scared of you. Asshole.

“Hello to you too, brother. This is Leah and Iris,” I smile at him, silently mocking him when his face turns into a light shade of pink. He immediately stands to his full height, taking Leah’s hand and placing a kiss in the middle of her palm with a low growl.

I internally cringe.

“I’m Mariano and it’s nice to be formally introduced to you, Leah.” He drawls her name like a plea and I almost snort a laugh.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mariano.” Leah drawls seductively.

Okay. . . My girl has got game.

Mariano beams at her, “sit with me.” He orders and I subtly gasp at how quickly Leah obeys his order.

Very unlike the Dr. Leah I know.

Iris is already seated beside the hot stranger, practically throwing herself at the man who seems uninterested in every other thing except me.

Maybe I can get fucked by our business partner tonight? How bad can it be?

Really bad Ana. Snap out of it.

“I’ll leave you all to it then.” I mutter, walking back to where the rest of my friends are gathered.

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