

Afred was stunned, he was out of it, he could not believe that this woman, Sandrine the most understandable had just left him. He approached the bed, took the hand of his lifeless wife and shook it very very hard, he looked at the doctor who touched him on the shoulders in sign of I am sorry. He wanted to get up but Philip the doctor didn't let him because of the way he was shaking, he might fall.

I'm sorry, Mr. Alfred. I'm really sorry.

Why did she leave? Why did she leave me? Why did she leave me? Why is this happening to me, Philip?

You'll have to be strong. Please follow me.

I need to inform my son, he should know about his mother's death, I need to get home.

I'll drop you off. Let's go.

Alfred detached himself from his wife and approached his daughter, who was also lifeless. He looked at her for hours and then went outside to allow the doctor to make the final preparations to take the two lifeless bodies to the morgue.

When he finished, he went to Alfred who was already waiting for him in his car. He took the keys and started the car, heading for Alfred's house.

Lying on the couch outside, Dieudonné was shaking as if he had just felt something. Every time he tried to close his eyes, he saw his mother, he got up and started walking back and forth in the garden. He was completely distraught, suddenly the honking of his father's car revived him. He hurriedly opened the gate to allow the newcomer to enter the house.

After closing the gate, he joined the two newcomers who, not wanting to upset him, began to act as if everything was fine.

Daddy, is everything okay? he asked, why did the doctor drop you off at home?

Son, I'm sorry," Alfred said, touching his son's chest, "your mother has left us.

Another piece of unexpected news, he quietly sat down on his respective couch, so that's why he was shaking, he couldn't tell what was happening to him. He lowered his head and began to remember his tender mother, the few moments he had spent with this woman who spent minutes filling him with joy, those moments when he came home from school all tired and his mother took care of him. He got up and went into the house without even paying attention to his poor father who was already inconsolable on the other side.

At the entrance of the living room, there is a very big family picture just in front of the door, on this picture you could see a wide smile on the messages of the people who are on it. Right next to the little boy who was 05 years old this time, stood a very beautiful woman. Arriving in the living room, the eyes of God-given fell directly on this photo, he approached and caressed the face of his mother that he will never see if not in a nightmare or on this photo stuck on the wall.

He gently took the picture off, put it on the table and sat down on the floor.

Why did you leave so early, Mom? Why did you leave me like that? Why did you leave me like this? Who will take care of me? Who will take the time to ask me if I am okay? Who will ask me if I did a little bit of composing?

He asked himself questions to which he could not find a single answer. The only answer he got was the tears that flowed from his eyes like the sea dancing in the early morning. He was crying, but it was a silent cry, he wasn't shouting. He got up again, and decided to go to his mother's room.

He put the picture in its place and left the living room. On the way up the stairs, something more embarrassing than the photo from earlier caught his eye, it was the photo he had taken with his mother a week ago. The photo of his birthday, for this time, he lay down on the ground and breathed with tears in his eyes. Lying down in the entrance of his parents' room, he was at the end of his strength, he didn't know what to do? Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulders, it was Philip, the doctor.

God-given crying is not the solution. You have to pray to your mother so that she can rest in peace.

___ Why couldn't you save my mother? Why did my sister die too, huh? Why? Why?

Without even waiting for a simple explanation from this doctor, Dieudonné removed his hand, got up and went into his late mother's room while closing the door behind him.

Arriving in his mother's room, he rummaged through her wardrobe and took out a dress. He sat down on the bed and began to smell the dress.

I'm never going to smell like that again, Mom. It's over. he exclaimed as he held the dress very tightly.

He took the dress and left. In the living room, Alfred was also in his state, he did not want to hear anything from Philippe, the only thing he wanted was his wife and his little girl. He didn't want anyone but the two of them. God-given approached his father and put his head on his father's shoulders and stroked his head tenderly.

I'm sorry, son. I couldn't save your mother and your little sister. I'm so sorry.

Dad, you're not a doctor, you're not a God, I know this is not your fault. It was God who gave and it was God who took away. Let's pray for them to rest in peace dad, please try to be strong, do it for me, if you keep crying I'm going to feel very very bad again, I'm here don't forget dad. Please forgive yourself, yourself. If you could see my mother, she will tell you not to cry for her, everything will be better my dear dad.

Alfred hugged his son, who had just cheered him up, very tightly.

You look so much like your mother, son. he exclaimed.

Daddy, I'm here for you, you don't have to worry.

I'm here for you too, son. Philip, you can go. I'll pick up my wife and little girl's body the day after tomorrow for the funeral.


He put down the car key and left. When he arrived outside, he decided to call a number to inform him that he had just done his part of the deal.

To be continued...

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