

He had no idea how long he had been asleep. The first thing he saw when he flickered his eyes open was the white beard of the man from earlier.

He was peering down at him.

He was still there even after Arthur had told him to leave.

The guard too was present. Arthur could see him as soon as he turned his face to the side. He was standing outside now but Arthur could see him from the half-transparent door.

“I see you are awake, your Father wants to talk to you”, he said eagerly, stretching a phone at him.

Arthur glared at the phone for a while before shifting his gaze to the old man.

His grand-uncle.

Does this mean everything is true? Is that why this man is still here? He asked within him.

A part of him wanted to grab the phone and glue it to his ear to hear the voice of the man who birthed him. Another part of him wanted to remain anonymous to the man he had hated all his life.

He didn't know what to do. Whether to forgive and accept this new life or refuse to be used.

That was what he thought of it all. They wanted to use him. When he wasn't useful, no one looked for him but now that he was needed, his father was on the line waiting to speak to him which he never did for 26 good years.

“Arthur”, the man mumbled and he stared at him wondering if he was referring to him or his father.

That reminded him of how he bears the same name as his father and something stirred in him. 

A new feeling. Filled with sympathy.

The man nudged him to take the phone. Slowly, Arthur stretched his hand and the man pushed it into his hand.

Arthur realized his hand was trembling. Perhaps it was fear. Fear of what exactly? He had no idea.

Perhaps it was anxiety.

As soon as the phone was placed on his right ear, the weak voice reached his ears. Surprisingly, it almost sounded like his voice. It made him wonder what more they shared in common aside from the voice and the name, Arthur Craig.


“Dad?!” His voice was also shaky but no longer as weak as his father’s.

Silence ensued. Arthur imagined he was tearing up. Or he was sad for putting Arthur through everything he had gone through. Arthur didn't want to think of that because if he did, he would never forgive his father.

Knowing that his mother died after bringing him to the world made him feel a longing he hadn't felt in years. That resulted in an automatic forgiveness for the woman he never got to know. In fact, he felt responsible for her death.

Perhaps if she had gotten rid of his pregnancy, she would still be alive.

But knowing that his father knew where he was all along and didn't come for him because he wanted to keep him safe wasn't a genuine reason enough for Arthur.

But he was ready to overlook that.

“I'm sorry. Please come home”, he pleaded, hacking a cough. 

“Are you ok?” Arthur demanded with concern.

“Now that you have been found, yes I am. Just come home. We have a lot of catching up to do before…” He trailed off, making Arthur turn to stare at his granduncle.

This was what he was talking about. 

His father was going to die soon. He knew that was what he wanted to say but trailed off.

Sheer pity filled his insides. Suddenly, his annoyance towards him died a quick death. He wanted to see him too. Hold and pacify him. Talk to him about everything that has happened. Catch up for the lost years. And finally, cry it out.

“I'm coming right now”, Arthur replied firmly with confidence. 

His mind was made up. There was nothing else to hold onto here. There was no reason to say no to the man who brought him to the world when he was supposed to be grateful to him for this new life and for keeping him safe all these while.

Maybe he would have lost his life if he hadn't kept him away from the so-called enemies.

“I will be waiting, my Prince”, he muttered and chuckled a little, making a smile touch Arthur’s lips.

The phone got disconnected and he stretched the phone back to the old man who was all smiles. He was tearful but he was a man.

He wouldn't cry.

He wanted to get home first and saw things for himself. He wanted to see his father too before death came knocking on his door.

He was willing to give them a second chance.

“Can we go?” Arthur asked the man who shot to his feet immediately in excitement.

“Sure, the family doctor is waiting to attend to you as soon as we get home”, he patted his back and led him outside. He signalled to the guard to speak with the doctor about the sudden discharge.

When the guard was back, they all proceeded towards the elevator. Arthur knew about elevators as a result of his kind of work. They had one in the company where he worked but they rarely made use of it.

The elevator dinged open and the guard pressed the buttons. Arthur noticed the elevator was going up and he became curious as to why they were going up and not to the parking lot which must definitely be downstairs.

Before he could ask any questions, his uncle said. “We are going to the rooftop.”

He furrowed his brows. 

Why the rooftop? Is the hospital parking lot there?

Before he could find an answer to his question, the elevator stopped and opened. Derrick helped him out. Arthur was a lot better and found his uncle's assistance totally unnecessary.

He was excited about meeting his father. He was also excited about this new unexpected life and what the future held for him.

It might be difficult but definitely not as difficult as what he had been through emotionally, physically, mentally and even financially.

He was a Prince. His father must be a rich man.

Getting to the rooftop, Arthur halted in his step and his mouth dropped wide open in surprise at the sight before him.

There were five hefty bodyguards all wearing black suits and sunshades, waiting beside a helicopter.

Was his father that wealthy?

When he heard the words “Prince” and “Royal Blood”, he knew they were definitely rich but he never thought it was to this extent.

“Say Hello to our Prince Arthur Craig Jnr”, the guard who was with him and his uncle announced. 

The five bodyguards stood at attention and saluted before shouting. “Welcome, Prince Arthur.”

A wave of adrenaline shot down his spine and he almost collapsed out of shock.

When he turned to his smiling grand-uncle, the man muttered softly. “This is just the beginning."

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