They kept staring at each other after the introduction. Alexia took in every detail of him. His eyes were truly silver-coloured, extremely silver-coloured. Almost silver itself. The most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.
They were just like hers and though she have seen hers countless times, this new pair staring back at her was beautiful. But she had to go. She wanted to continue her journey the next day but she will continue now.
She started walking away and he followed her. She turned around and growled at him to stay off and go back to his running. He didn't. She started to run and he ran after her. She finally got to the Eastern pack after hours of running, the big white wolf following closely behind. She transformed when she got to the end of the woods.
Alexia turned around and saw the big white wolf about to transform. She stood and stare as he transformed into Mikel. Mikel is a tall and handsome man. His skin is as smooth as silk. He was tall and had a large chest, a huge man.
His silver eyes glimmered in the fading darkness of dawn. When he rose and their eyes met, his perfectly curved lips went up in a smile. He was dangerously handsome. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt her vagina moisten up.
She shook her head vigorously and closed her eyes. He was probably mated and she was an Alpha female, a ruler, not to be lusting after a man. She turned to leave but he grabbed her. His hold was strong and firm. She turned swiftly, alarmed. He asked her where she was going and if he can come with her. She looked into his beautiful silver eyes and brought her face closer to his.
"Leave me alone. Go your way." she practically growled at him. She turned swiftly again and left him standing in the woods. She headed to the Alpha's house.
The Eastern pack was known for their busy lives and the pack was almost empty when she arrived. She wondered where they could have gone to such an early morning. She arrived at the Alpha's house and she met his absence. He too had gone. She met with Luna and Bernice.
The woman welcomed her with no warm reception, it was like a commoner had visited. Alexia held no grudge. She asked to be shown to her room and she fell asleep the moment she lay on the soft bed. It had been a long journey.
She woke up in the evening. An omega girl came to tell her that the Alpha had returned and was ready to meet with her. She quickly freshened up and wore a deep blue dress she was given with a piece of simple jewellery.
She arrived at the dining hall and immediately their eyes met. He was there too, sitting on the second chair after the Alpha. She cursed inwardly. He smiled at her and looked away. An omega servant came over and pulled the chair for her, and she sat. She wondered why Mikel was there too.
"What brings you to my territory, Alexia?" Hudson's deep voice sounded concerned. She told him. She wanted the support of the pack. She told him her plan, and what he would get in return for his loyalty. The Alpha burst out laughing after she was done. It infuriated her but she smiled too. Trying to look nice.
The Luna was looking at her like she had lost her mind. It was unbelievable to them. After a while, the Alpha stopped laughing and looked at her, she returned the stare with deep concentration, to show how serious was.
The Alpha told her to give him some time. He had to think about it. It was a mighty task and the reward great too but he had to think it through. She agreed. But he had limited time.
A day. Dinner was over and she rose to return to her room. He rose too and excused himself, He followed her and she walked fast, he must not catch up with her. She got to her room and locked the door.
Her heart beating very fast.
Who was he?
What was he doing at the Alpha's house?
Maybe he was a Beta or a Gamma. Whatever ever he was, she knew one thing, he was dangerous.
She lay on her bed and continued with her beauty sleep.
Alexia woke up the next night. She got ready to meet the Alpha. She met him again when she arrived in the dining hall, sitting where he was sitting the last time. She made her way to get a chair and sat.
The Alpha gave her the answer she wanted. He would do it. She smiled at him and assured him that his reward was his the moment the task was completed.
All the while, his silver eyes were on her. Scanning her body. She paid no attention to him and rose to go to her room the moment dinner was over. He followed her again.
She walked to her room and got inside. She tried locking the door but he used his foot and blocked it. She pushed harder but he was stronger. She stepped back and he entered, his silver eyes on her. He took a step closer and she took two back.
"My brother said I'm the one to carry out the task. You will send a message to me when you're ready and I'll come." She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded. He took a step back and left the room. She released a long sigh. So the Alpha was the man's brother, that explains things. She moved to the bed and fell asleep. She had a long journey the next day.
The next day, she rose earlier than usual and left. She didn't talk to anyone or said her goodbyes. She was avoiding talking to the silver-eyed man. He was a danger and threat. Hertha ran for two days before she finally arrived at the northern pack. It was the same as how she left it.
Zoe was doing a good job. Zoe told her Richard had sent a messenger but the man would not tell her what it was. She knew she had to hurry to the southern pack. And she did. She left the next day.
On her arrival to the southern pack, Richard was suspicious and inquisitive. The messenger had told him of her absence from the pack. She reminded him that she was a busy Alpha female. She had a lot to do. He left the topic at that but he showed his suspicion. She asked for the message he sent. His Gammas were ready.
They were going to strike the west pack in two to three days. Good. She was going to stay back until the Gammas left. They left the next day and so did she. She was going to wait for his message of victory.
She returned to the northern pack. The men were getting stronger too, and so were the women. She was glad. She needed all their strength.
Apart from the fact that her pack was growing rapidly and they were getting stronger, nothing special was happening. She was still the Alpha female, ruler of the northern pack. A message came from Richard five days later.