

Since the incident, I have minimized my activities outside my residence. I enjoyed being holed up inside my bedroom because I felt safe inside it. The boyfriend who duped me remained unknown, and every passing day, I regret meeting that person. I regret everything that I did for him. I was so naïve to believe his sweet words!

The boyfriends that I used to have were merely tools to help me prove that it’s possible to marry for love. I’ve always believed in fairytales and happy endings, but all of my relationships were a failure. Sometimes it’s me, but of the times, it’s because of my father, because he loved to interfere in my personal affairs!

My father had no idea about the real reason why I always wanted to marry for love. He had no idea about what I keep doing inside my room whenever I feel like doing it!

He had no idea how naughty his daughter could be, and no man could handle my addiction for so long…unless he truly loves me! For years, I have struggled to restrain my urges to please myself.

Whenever I’m so stressed, just like what occurred lately, I indulged myself with my hands. It has been my way to relax my body and mind. Since the incident, I had to do it every day, so I stayed inside my room most of the time.

I have been up all night watching movies from my laptop, and when the morning came, I had a hard time sleeping. I decided to do it one more time so that I would be able to sleep.

I spread my legs further apart, and my hands, which were following the same path, moved closer to the pulsating flesh between my thighs. I groaned as my finger brushed across my clitoris.

I built the image in my imagination as if it were another person's hand, a man's hand, specifically. I gripped my nipple harder, and my middle finger made its way inside my honeypot. The penetration was so smooth, and I arched my back to savour the delightful feeling.


I made a small, joyous sound before moving it in and out of my body, and I nibbled on my bottom lip as I sensed the pleasure's oncoming arrival. I did not cease. Even if my finger was fatigued, I refused to stop or slow down and lose the momentum of going to the summit.

The sound of moaning echoes throughout the walls of my room, and I shut my eyes, averting my gaze in an attempt not to witness the pleasure my body was feeling. However, it was challenging not to watch it when there’s a huge mirror fronting my bed, and my nudity could be seen from the mirror.

My entire body convulsed as the contractions moved through me. I gasped for breath as a result. My heart began to race, and my breathing became heavier as I lay on my bed with my mouth wide open.

When I recovered some of my strength, I managed to pull my finger out and sniff it. My heart was still racing from the chase, and all I could do was stare at the ceiling, wondering if the fluids of men and women were just the same.

Once again, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on relaxing my body. The thought quickly entered my mind that I wanted to take a little nap to rejuvenate myself, but someone quickly barged into the room and closed the door behind him.

When I found out a stranger had barged into my bedroom, I was totally shocked. I panicked and started to hide. I asked, “Who are you?” From my vantage point, he appeared to be tall and good-looking. In any case, he should not be in my room, and I gave him a dirty look. “I inquired, who are you?” I asked a question again.

“Look closely,” he replied.

The bastard was impertinent, and I hated his guts. He said to look closely, so I did, and my eyes widened in realization when I recognized the man who rescued me from those savages! “You! What are you doing here?”

He looked different from the last time I saw him, but he possessed the same hooded brown eyes that mesmerized me way back then. Blonde, short hair pulled back in a ponytail exposed a face that was fresh and bright. His fair complexion beautifully complimented his brown eyes, and he exuded seductiveness. Somehow, something is befuddling about him; perhaps it's a sense of arrogance or just his sensitivity.

“My name is Lee, and I’m at your service, Miss Selena,” he replied.

There was no hesitation in his answer, as he didn't even glance away from me. It was nerve-racking! His gaze travelled all over my body, and he even made the bold attempt to raise his eyebrows.


I shook my head in surprise, discovering that someone had found me in an embarrassing and scandalous situation. “You must know the regulations of this place, right?”

“I was in the area and heard you were yelling, so it is my duty to make sure you are all right,” he responded without looking away. He even had the audacity to stare!

“You have been terminated effective immediately,” I went ahead and ordered it.

He laughed out loud. “No, you're completely wrong, Miss. There's nothing to be embarrassed about — pleasing yourself,” he said.

“Get out!” I shouted at the arrogant man who believed that he’s untouchable. Did he really believe he’s special because he once saved me? Nah, he’s not the first bodyguard that has been relieved of his duty for being arrogant around me.

“I’ll be in the next room if you need me,” he stated before leaving.

“Stop there!” I tried to stop him from leaving because the look he gave me earlier had something hidden behind it.

“You told me to get out,” he replied, but he didn't move from where he was standing.

“We must speak with each other,” I said. To ensure that he wouldn't disclose what he saw earlier, I had to talk to him. He nodded and made his way to the couch, where he sat down comfortably. He seemed to be taking ownership of the place as he crossed his legs. It was obvious from everything he did that he was full of himself, and I was incensed. In other words, to make him aware of who was in charge, I remained standing and wouldn't sit until he raised his head to look at me.

“You may take a seat if you like,” he motioned for me to sit across from him.

To appear forceful and domineering, I attempted to represent myself as someone who wouldn’t tremble under pressure. But even when I was standing right in front of him, he stayed unflinching and didn't even show signs of quivering even once.

“About the things you saw earlier,” I paused for a moment because it was humiliating to continue while he was staring at me.

“There's no need to worry that I will go to the media and tell everyone about how you had fun. I am just going to keep my mouth shut,” he promised. “Was it good?” He asked.

“Shut up!” I scolded him for being nosy.

“You are lovely, attractive, and they are the main characteristics that men look for in a bedmate. So why?”

“What’s why? Is it wrong to please me? You guys do it all the time,” I reminded him.

“It’s different!” He complained.

“Says who?” I asked, and he gritted his teeth in response. The discussion must have been uncomfortable for him.

Lee stared directly at me as he opened his mouth to speak. “You should get dressed first before we will continue with this conversation, or I will imagine that body under me, writhing in ecstasy.”

Was it indispensable for him to express it that way?

When he mentioned that, I could feel the goosebumps. I became afraid that what he said had the ability to affect me. “You must leave immediately!” I demanded, but my eyes fixated on his arm's muscled tendons as he struggled to tussle his unruly mane with his palm. I swallowed the lumps on my throat and attempted to break our eye contact.

“I’m not leaving,” he insisted.

“Why not?”

”Because you need my help, dear.”

”Leave immediately or else,” I warned him and gladly, he heed to my warning and left immediately.

The new bodyguard he hired to watch me was arrogant, full of himself, and bold. He was incredible for a man who relied on a job to survive, and he was also the only one who uncovered my naughtiest secret.

No, he should be removed from his position!

Aside from his arrogance, his superb looks posed a challenge to my decision not to engage in casual sex. I had come to terms with the reality that I had a problem, but promiscuity was not on my list. I may have pampered my body with my finger or a few sex gadgets in the past, but I had no prior experience with men.

While coming up with a plan on how to dismiss him, I strolled up to the window and opened it, crossing my arms as I inhaled the fresh air from the outside. My gaze drifted into the horizon as I took a big breath. I had to do something with him or else…it would be dangerous!

“Would you like a cent for your thoughts?”

I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I failed to notice the person behind me.

When I turned around, there stood the same man I loathed, boldly standing a few metres away from me, and I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why he had entered my room without my permission. Even though I scowled at his presence, I was unable to frighten him. The way he grinned at me made my blood boiled!

“Can you tell me what part of being fired you didn't understand?” I reprimanded him.

Lee chuckled and came over to stand at the window with me. “I have stated, Miss, that you are not permitted to terminate me. You remember that I work for your father, don't you?” He reacted in a tone that he shouldn't have used when speaking with his employer…including me, of course!

“In that case, I'm going to phone him right now!”

The phone was on my bed, so I went to get it and left him by the window. I dialled my father's phone number, and I received the same response as I had earlier: I was told to leave a message on his voicemail, and after several attempts, I finally gave up and muttered under my breath.

”So? What did he say?” He inquired, and then he came towards me in a slow, deliberate manner and only halted when he was at least a few steps away from where I had stood up.

Knowing my father, I would be in trouble if ever I would proceed in terminating his hired staff. My eyes glowered at the man who seemed unfazed at my disapproval of his performance. “How much should I pay you?”

Lee furrowed his brows in confusion while staring at me. “What are you talking about?” He asked to understand my inquiry better.

“I’ll pay you a handsome amount if you resign from the job,” I offered, and for a moment, he was speechless. My freedom may cost me a lot, but who cares?

“You can’t afford it, Miss Selena.”

“Are you sure about that, Lee? I’m generous, you know, and if you agree to my terms, you’ll be a million-dollar richer by tomorrow.” After I said my piece, Lee continued to be silent. Was he considering the offer? I wanted to ask him directly, but I knew he wasn’t stupid to refuse the offer.

“Hmmm, the offer is tempting, but I want something else than your money,” he replied.

“Then say it!”

“Spend a night with me,” he proposed.

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