

I knew how to use the rice cooker. Marian taught me some of the basic chores that a woman should learn before getting married. Although I didn’t want to have a husband, I couldn’t hurt Marian’s feelings when she insisted on teaching me.

Cooking rice was easy as 1, 2, and 3, but since Dominic only gave me thirty minutes to prepare his meal, I checked the pantry and the refrigerator to look for something I could cook during the allotted time.


I crushed some garlic while heating the oil and when it was ready, I threw them into the pan. Before burning the garlic, I managed to add the corned beef to the pan. I stirred until it was mixed well then I added some eggs.


As soon as I put it on a serving plate, I added some onion rings on top before setting it on the table. When I checked the time, I still have fifteen minutes left, so I retrieved a can of spam and sliced them equally while heating the oil. It didn’t take long before the spam was ready, and I served it along with the cooked rice.

His fridge was well stocked with drinks, so I also brought two cans of pineapple juice to the table. The table was set. The food was ready, but Dominic didn’t show up yet. Instead of calling him, I ate ahead of him.

“What are you doing, Marian?”

I was startled when he suddenly shows up I almost spilled the food on my spoon. “Eating,” I answered.

“What’s that? Where’s my food?”

“This is our food. Sit down and eat,” I ordered him.

“It’s unhealthy!” He complained.

“Then I’ll eat all of these goodies. Just wait for a minute; I’ll get something for you that is healthy.”

I returned to the kitchen, and rummaged through his fridge for vegetables and fruits. When I found a cucumber, I found a lifesaver. I peeled them, sliced them to perfection, and added some mayo. Simple as that!

“What is this?”

“Your dinner, it’s healthy!”

“Are you trying my patience right now?”

“Shhhh, you should behave when we’re eating,” I reminded him that it’s bad etiquette to complain about the food. I’ve never been glad that I used to live in a slum, so I learned a little about street life.

“I’m going to die because of you!”

“It’s a pity. If you die, then I’ll have to find another employer,” I jested. While Dominic was blazing with anger, I controlled myself not to laugh. I couldn’t explain it but taunting him over simple things made me happy.

He was so angry that he snatched the plate with spam and began to eat. “Try to cook something different and delicious in the morning,” he commanded.

“Okay, boss!”

We survived through dinner without killing each other. He was fuming with anger, but I continued to challenge his patience.

I thought I’d won!

After dinner, I was tasked to wash the dishes while Dominic went straight to the living room. I’ve heard that he was watching a basketball game because the volume was so high. I couldn’t believe that a man who was already thirty-two years old could be childish most of the time. His parents were probably challenged in raising him because he’s so different!

After doing the dishes, I took the initiative to approach him. He looked at me with something indescribable in his eyes. Was it lust? I couldn’t tell for sure!

“Why don't you give my back a massage?”

For a brief moment, I thought he'd gone insane when he gave his order. I looked at him, expecting him to retract what he said, but he stayed calm as if it were common to request a massage from a housemaid. What a tyrant!

“Why should I?”

“Because I am tired,” he reasoned out.

“Then go to your bed, take a hot shower and sleep!” I suggested a hot shower would help him loosen up his sore muscles, especially after what he did with the brunette.

I was about to leave and ignored his request, but he seemed exhausted.


He looked up at me, feeling pleased that I gave in to his demands, but I promised myself that it was just once! I strolled towards him and began to massage his shoulders. They became stiff as I touched them.

“Back massage,” he repeated.

“I don’t want to injure your back, Dom.”

“Oh common, Marian. Don’t be coy and start doing it!”

“I said no, so you should respect that!” I gently pressed my fingers against his temple, and he moaned. It was a sound similar to what he made when he was with a woman. I stopped massaging his head and prepared to leave.

He looked at me as though I'd made a big blunder and asked, “Did I tell you to stop?”

I was supposed to respond to his question, but once again, I was drawn into his jet-black hair, which was silky and smooth to the touch. Even though I distanced myself already, the scent of his shampoo lingered on my nose, and I wondered what was wrong with me. Since we arrived at his place, there was something in him that I couldn’t ignore.

Okay, I had to take a deep breath and relax. Inhale and exhale slowly. I repeated the process before gaining back my self-control. “I’m also tired,” I replied, but when he glanced at me, I regretted my choice of words.

“Should I give you a massage as well?”

The way his gazes traveled around my body scared the shit out of me. Did I have the misfortune to live with a nymphomaniac? It was scary, but I couldn’t let him smell my fear! “Never mind, Dominic. A shot shower will surely help. Excuse me,” I said and then walked away without looking back.

“Stop there!” He screamed.

“What is it?”

Instead of responding to my question, he sauntered towards me. All of a sudden, I feared that he would use force on me. When he grabbed my wrists, I yelped in pain. “Who are you, Marian? Why are you so arrogant?”

I looked away because I couldn’t meet his brown eyes. They’re penetrating my soul as if reading all of the secrets. “Saying no is not a form of arrogance, FYI. Can’t I say no when you’re trying to violate my right?”

“Trying to violate your what? Are you fucking serious?”

“Of course, I am because you’re trying to turn me into your sex slave!”

“What? A sex slave? Why the hell should I need a sex slave?” Dominic didn’t give me the chance to respond; instead, he dragged me to the place where I found him with the brunette, and I was totally shocked!

“Who are they?”

“My mistresses,” he replied nonchalantly as if having more than five mistresses was considered normal, especially when they’re gathered together in one place.

“W-what?” I inquired, hoping that he would give me a better answer. Or maybe, I just misunderstood his latest remark. I was astounded to find out that he has several women in his house. I was upset!

“Now tell me, Marian. Do I need a sex slave?”

His question rendered me speechless! However, it didn’t justify the things he wanted me to do. I snorted when I dared to face him again. “Maybe. Just because you have those women here will justify your actions towards me.”

“Oh, my God! Why are you so stubborn?” Dominic raised his voice and one of the women noticed us. She waved at Dominic, and the rest of them followed.

“Be honest! Who are they?”

Dominic squinted his eyes at me when he realized that I didn’t believe his claim of having those women. “They’re mine, all of them,” he replied like a crazy bastard.

“Are you insane? Are you a sex freak, Dom?” I inquired because there was no other explanation that I could think of why he had so many women in the house.

“Do you think I'm a sex maniac?”

“What else should I think? Your action spoke volumes about your true self!”

“They’re my stress reliever,” he answered.

“You talk as if you are the busiest man in this country!”

“I am a busy man, Marian.”


“What’s your problem? This is my life, and you’re just a maid. However, I conduct my business here; your opinion is pointless! Now, go to your room, take a rest and be sure to do your job well in the morning!”

OMG! I have never been insulted in my entire life! Just a maid? How dare he look down on his household help? At that moment, I vowed to make his life a little bit…miserable! “I’m sorry for being nosy.”

“Never mind, then. If you are worried about your safety, don’t worry. I can assure you that you will not become one of them,” he announced, but I disliked the way he delivered his line.

It seemed he was trying to insult me! “What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You are not my type,” he answered callously, but I didn’t believe him. He has already told me that I was pretty and my legs were great.

Physically, he was attracted to me, so maybe I could use it to my advantage. “Well, it’s a shame because you are my type,” Dominic grunted at the way I talked to him. He could act superior to anyone but not me! What a pity! He must be disappointed that he had no power to kill my fighting spirit! “By the way, Dom, can I borrow some of your clothes? I have nothing to wear tonight,” I slurred, and the way he stared give me the shivers.

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