
Chapter 4

"Alpha, is everything alright?" My Beta, Reynold asked. Reynold was my right-hand man; I always fill him in on whatever was happening in my life. He was like a younger brother I never had.

"That's a good news, at least you wouldn't have to marry Emily anymore," he smiled, he had always hated Emily from day one but approves of me getting married to Violet.

"That's not the case; she's nowhere to be found," I broke the bombshell, watching as his face went rigid.

"I already assigned the guards to do that; she can't run far. It's either she's at her parents' house or somewhere within the pack; they'll surely bring her back."

"Fetch me the Royal Doctor. I need to confirm the test first, if it's worth chasing after her or not," I ordered.

"You are chasing after her just because of the baby?" Reynold queried, his brows propping up.

"Yes, why else? She signed the divorce papers already, so we are done!" The hurt was right in my chest, but I have to pretend; she signed it, so it simply means she wanted to get rid of me too. So, that makes us even.

"That's sounding like the cruel and ruthless Adrian I haven't seen in years," Reynold had always overstepped his boundaries most times, but I do let him because I regard him as a brother, but not this time.

"You'll do as your Alpha commands and not question my order, understood!" I grabbed him by the collar as I ordered, and then I watched him nod, looking mortified.

Realizing what I had just done, I let go of his shirt, and then sauntered back to my room. I can't even tell how I feel right now. It was as if the whole world was against me.

**Adrian's POV**

"You sent for me, Alpha," the Royal Doctor gave a bow, announcing his presence.

"Did Violet visit the hospital?" I began my investigation, my eyes preying on him.

He hesitated a while, "Yes, she did," the response came, and then I nodded my head.

Dipping my hands inside my pocket, I brought out the result I had seen earlier.

"Did you ever give this to her?" I wanted to take it slowly, rather than rush to her being pregnant.

"Yes, I did..." The doctor stuttered, his eyes widened as he saw the results. It was obvious he had wanted to keep it away from me. It was quite obvious after knowing fully well how desperately I wanted a child; maybe I was a fool to have trust him.

"Violet is pregnant?" I stood to my feet, taking steady strides as I grabbed him by his collar.

"It's in our interest to keep our patients' records private," the doctor stuttered.

"How dare you still splutter nonsense right to my face."

"You're calling my wife's record private, how ridiculous," I scoffed; my anger was rising to the peak now.

"Ex-Wife, just in case you've forgotten!" Reynold had to make a stupid joke even in times like this.

Emily, who was sitting on the other end of the couch on her phone, diverted her attention and shot him a look as she stood to her feet and walked to mine, then she sat down.

"Stay out of this, punk," I snapped.

"With all pleasure, I was just trying to remind you of an incident you might have forgotten," Reynold would always be Reynold, a sharp look from me made him exit the room.

"Now back to you, is she Pregnant?" I asked. I only wanted to know the damn truth and he wasn't helping matter.

"It's not in my position to tell," he insisted even though I was grabbing his collar. I knew this won't work as I released his collar, choosing to do this in a nicer way.

"She was my wife."

"And she should have told you," the words he said struck a chord in my head. Violet was desperate just as I was to have an heir; she had always told me most times how she was going to pop the news like a surprise... And then I suddenly remembered that night; she had said she prepared my favorite meal, but I had coldly ignored her, and how she had wanted to tell me something back in the room, but I chose to go first. Was it the pregnancy news?

"I command as your Alpha, tell me, is she pregnant?!" I yelled, my voice booming through the room, taking the doctor by surprise.

"Yes, she was, but..." That was it. Violet was pregnant, and I had shut her out? Oh damn! What have I done?

"But what?" I yelled. "Would I have to force it out from you again?" My blood was boiling hot now.

"Do you want your head rolling on the floor? Do you realize it's the Alpha king that you're playing like a football, making him beg for information you can easily say?" Emily chipped in. I guess she was also fed up with me having to push the doctor like he was the moon goddess.

"She miscarried, she lost the baby!" He stated, and the whole world suddenly felt like it was going to crash on me.

Sinking on the sofa as I thought about my life, that must have been the reason she had coldly signed the divorce papers.

My head jerks up suddenly, and I find myself staring at the ceiling, the weight of the doctor's words sinking deep into my heart.

"Why? What went wrong?" I hollered.

"It was a result of stress, and maybe heartbreak."

Maybe if I hadn't told her that night about the divorce, then maybe it wouldn't have happened.

I dismissed the doctor, and just immediately Reynold entered.

"I... I'm the cause of my child's death..." I stuttered, guilt washing through me as I ran my hands through my head, speaking to no one in particular.

"I heard," Reynold's voice dropped.

This was just too much to take in, in just a day.

"I doubt you're the cause," Emily stood to her feet as she patted my back.

"If I hadn't told her about the divorce that day, perhaps it wouldn't have ended that way. I'm a fool, a big one. She had every cause to hate me. I had let her down, in every way," I muttered. Even my Wolf was silent on me, and I know that whenever it does this, it simply meant he wasn't pleased with me.

"You didn't even tell me; maybe I would have kicked against it," Reynold chimed in.

"Can you guys just stop making it a big deal? Like don't you see it? It isn't your fault in any way. Either the divorce or not, the probability that she might miscarry is there. Don't you see it? There are several women out there who get the worst news while pregnant, and no harm gets to the baby. It just simply means that she's too weak to carry royal blood," Emily spoke.

"You're just bitter that she's the one and not you," Reynold shot her a dead look.

"Watch your tone, Beta. I'll be your Luna soon, and you'll remain nothing but a Beta. So, respect me," Emily shot back at him.

"Do you see what I'm talking about? Fine, you hear that? Is that the person you intend to make the next Luna?"

Oh for heaven's sake, don't these people get it? I'm here brooding over my child, and they are arguing over nonsense.

"Get out!" I yelled.

"He is referring to you, out!" Reynold pointed at Emily.

"I'm his fiancée, so, he is referring to you!" Emily shot back.

"I mean you both, out!" I yelled.

**Violet's POV**

"Violet?" My grandmother exclaimed, a look of shock on her face as she spotted me standing by the door. Her eyes widened in disbelief as her hands flew to her mouth in disbelief.

"Mama," I rushed to her, enveloping her in a hug. It's been quite ages since I've seen her, the joy it brought again.

"Why are you here? And your luggage," her face was pulled into a worrisome one immediately she saw my luggage; she knew that as a Luna, I won't leave my pack to an enemy pack. I could sense the hesitation in her voice as she spoke.

"Mama... It's a long story," I sighed, an indication that I want to settle in first before I fill her in on what had just happened to me.

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