

The following day, Adrienne wasn’t surprised to see Keith Lassiter waiting for her. Pedro’s cousin has been a nuisance in her workplace. Then, her eyes transferred to the box he was holding. Then, she smiled at him because she had no choice.

“I heard you love chicken,” Keith said.

“Yeah, that’s right. I love chicken and beer,” she stated.

“Shall we get some beers for lunch?” Keith asked.

“It’s not allowed to drink during office hours, Keith.” She reminded Keith that the office wasn’t a place for drinking beers. “But we can just have it later,” she added when Keith frowned.

“I love it!” Keith exclaimed, and then he ordered Pedro to get ready for lunch.

The head office of Lassiter Shipping has a cafeteria on the ground floor and it was exclusive for the staff. “Just bring it to the cafeteria, Keith.” He ordered.

“A cafeteria?” Keith asked.

“Yes, and all employees eat their lunch at the cafeteria.” Pedro grinned when Keith hesitated to go to the cafeteria. “It’s a rule with no exemption around here. I’m also bound to that rule,” Pedro clarified, and then he grinned after making Keith uncomfortable.

Keith narrowed his eyes at Pedro because he understood every word that came out of his mouth. Pedro was telling him that if he couldn’t eat in the cafeteria, then he shouldn’t work at Lassiter Shipping.

“So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the cafeteria!” Keith announced and without any warning, he grabbed Adrienne’s hand and strode towards the door. Then he stopped, and Pedro lifted the corner of his brow. “Don’t forget to carry the chicken, cousin.”

Pedro was dumbstruck at Keith’s action. He scowled while following them and he was extremely mad at Adrienne for allowing Keith to drag her around! Aside from that, Keith made him carry the box of fried chicken.

When the trio arrived at the cafeteria, everyone’s attention was focused on Keith Lassiter. In his observation, Keith looked ridiculous in his colorful suit. At the counter, he witnessed how Keith transformed from a brat into a kind person. Keith assisted Adrienne in choosing what food to have for lunch that was perfect to match the fried chicken.

Pedro wasn’t able to eat properly because of Keith and Adrienne. If only Adrienne was true to her words that he wasn’t interested in Keith, then maybe Keith would stop flirting with her. Instead, she didn’t say a thing and her silence encouraged Keith even more.

However, if Pedro was pissed during lunch, he became furious at the meeting. The HR Manager mentioned that his grandmother called to assign Keith under him.

“How about managing the branch in another city, Keith?” Pedro asked because he wasn’t sure if he could work with Keith in the office.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Pedro. I mean, I’m not yet equipped to manage a branch." Keith declined the offer to manage a branch.

“Experience is the best teacher, Keith.” Pedro reasoned out.

“I know, but I don’t want to disappoint Granny.”

Pedro expressed a deep sigh of frustration when Keith declined his offer. “I understand,” Pedro said. “However, if you will train under me, I want you to be excellent at your job when the time comes. Do you know what’s challenging in our business? It’s to secure clients.”

“Can I take Adrienne to come with me tomorrow?”

Pedro frowned at Keith for suggesting such a thing. “Why?”

“I need a driver if I’m going to meet our future clients,” Keith answered. Although marketing wasn’t his major during college, he had been a model for several years, and models served to market a product.

“You know how to drive, Keith.” Pedro pointed out the truth.

“Can I just ask him instead?”

“She works for me, and I said no.” Pedro stood his ground and didn’t agree with Keith’s demand.

“I know you cared for me Pedro, but I will appreciate it if you’ll let me handle my love affair.” Keith made himself clear that he didn’t want Pedro to interfere with his love life. He’s old enough to handle it, and even their grandmother trusted him.

Pedro was stunned when Keith suddenly became serious and he didn’t like what he saw in his cousin’s eyes. “I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said. While it was true that he only wanted to protect him from getting heartbroken, he would be grateful if Keith would leave Adrienne alone.

“I can handle my heart better than you and you know that,” Keith expressed his opinion and he didn’t give a damn if Pedro disapproved of it. “I think we should hire some women into the company,” Keith suggested.

“Don’t even think about it!” Pedro warned Keith not to question his authority at the Lassiter Shipping.

“Have you seen the look of your staff earlier? They needed to see a woman at least once in a while because it will inspire them! Did you see how happy they were upon seeing my beautiful Adrienne?”

“She doesn’t belong to you, Keith.”

“She will be…in the future.”

“What I saw was different. They’re lusting over her! Enough of this discussion Keith, and since you’re done for today, just go home and prepare to work from eight to five tomorrow.” Pedro scolded his cousin for being impertinent.

“Are you acting this way because you’re jealous?” Pedro asked.

“Jealous of who?”

“Adrienne and me,” Keith replied nonchalantly.

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