



“It’s time to go” A guard announces as he walks into the bedroom I was taken into last night.

I barely got any sleep. I mostly cried and asked the moon goddess why all these things were happening to me. Begging her to tell me where I went wrong in life. Why would she pair me with an Alpha and still give me the identity of a Stealer?

It’s unduly agonizing.

It’s all too much for me to bear and I wish I could die so all this would end.

Without letting out a word or resisting, I quietly walk out of the bedroom with the guards following me close behind.

I had thought on my eighteenth birthday, I would find my mate who will take me away from my adoptive parents who never loved me, but I found my mate and he doesn’t want to believe that I’m his mate and right now I’m being taken to his pack to be a rebound for his widowed maniac brother.

What a pity!

Once we get out of the mansion to the compound where multiple cars are parked, the first thing I pick up is my mate’s smell. I turn my head to the direction and my heart chars in my chest when I see him seated in a car with my sister, Mia seated by his side.

Tears sting in my eyes and I can feel anger rising in my soul.

How dare she!

Ever since we were growing up, she had always been the favorite everywhere we went, she always had the attitude of stealing my spotlight and right now, she has stolen my mate.

I feel like shredding her into pieces!

“Mate!” I hear a faded voice speak from me and I instantly curtail my tracks and look down at my chest.

“What was that?” I whisper to myself in concussion. I glance around and observe that everyone is gawking at me like I have lost my mind, but that doesn’t upset me. I just heard my wolf talk within me.

I just heard my wolf talk!

“Hey! Are you there” I try to communicate with it in my mind but no response comes.

“What’s going on?” A familiar voice speaks from behind and when I turn to look, my heart starts hammering in my chest when I see Alpha Nolan gracefully sauntering towards me.

Last night I didn’t get to see his face too well because the lights in the banquet room were dim and multicolored, but now that I’m seeing him here, I can say out loud that he is a very fine man.

He is different from all others. Handsome, in every conventional sense, and he has that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He is fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrast exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes are as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stare long enough. His face has that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. Above all is his frame and his stature. He is extremely muscular, with eight pack abs and I bet sixteen cm biceps. He is the kind of guy girls will swoon over, no doubt my sister has taken so much delight in him.

He stops in front of me and I swallow dryly when he looks down at me. I don't even have the bravery to look into his eyes.

“Look at me” He orders and I reluctantly look up into his golden brown eyes. They are so charming.

My mate.

“Mate!” I hear my wolf’s voice again.

“My wolf, I can hear her.” I whisper to him and I can see his eyes shoot open in shock, but he suddenly closes them for a few seconds before opening again. This time around, the look he gives me is not soft, but dangerous and unfriendly.

“I refuse to be swiveled by your charms stealer! Take her away” He orders and the guards hold me by my arms and pull me away from him.

I don’t even have the potency to fight back because of the wolfsbane that’s still flowing in my veins. All I can do is whimper as they put me into one of the cars and lock me up. I watch as Alpha Nolan says a few words to Alpha Chase before going into the other car to join Mia.

My heart goes frigid on seeing that and I feel no sign of my wolf again.

I lean against the windscreen and sob gently as the car engine comes to live.

I don’t know what the future holds for me. I really don’t know.


The ride back to my pack is a quiet one. I have my mate, Mia seated by my side, but all I can think about is Catania and her magical pheromone. The moment she stepped out of the castle, her pheromone filled my nostrils and you have no idea how much I fought my urge to go and meet her. The strength of Mia’s scent is nowhere close to Catania’s and I hate it.

I hate the fact that Catania’s pheromone is stronger than my mate’s. She is just a stealer for heaven’s sake, why does she captivate me so much?

“Alpha Nolan” I hear Mia call and I turn to look at her.

“Yes baby”

“What did you discuss with Catania out there?” She inquires, anxious and I gently take her into my arms and kiss her on the head.

“Nothing important baby, nothing important.”

What Catania and I discussed out there was important. She told me she could feel her wolf and if that’s true, that means she is not a stealer. A stealer is someone who has no wolf so the pheromone she emits attracts widowed and unmated werewolves.

This is complicated.

This is very complicated and I don’t even know where to start.

A whole lot of hours pass by and we finally arrive at the castle. As the cars drive in, I see my guards assemble to welcome me, but I immediately mind link my Beta, Nigel, to send away all the unmated guards because the moment Catania steps out from that car, this entire compound will become something else.

Once that is done, Nigel comes and opens the door for me and I gracefully step out of the car and everyone bows down to me. Mia joins me and I place a protective arm around her waist as I signal a guard to open the car door for Catania.

The moment Catania steps out of her own car, My wolf, Ander, goes crazy in my mind. He starts chanting the word “Mate” over and over and I almost die of frustration.

What the hell is wrong with this wolf?

“Alpha Nolan!” I hear Catania call and I’m stunned to see her running towards me. She plunges to my feet and looks up at me with her eyes shimmering red.

“Can’t you feel the mate bond? Isn’t your wolf telling you that I’m your mate? Why don you want to accept it?” She interrogates in tears and out of anger, I push her away and she falls to the ground.

“Catania! You are not my mate, so stop with all this drama”

“Then why are you so attracted to my pheromone?” She fires back.

“Because you are a Stealer! Your pheromone affects me because I am unmated!”

“No, that’s not the reason…” She starts to talk but I cut her off.

“Shut your mouth! I don’t want to hear any more of your lies!” I roar in anger as I stoop down before her. I stretch my hand out to forcefully grab her hair but Ander stops me.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!” He riots in my mind and I stop.

I look at the girl long and hard. I don’t know what kind games she’s playing, but I’m not going to let her win.

“I have brought you here so you can make my brother normal again. You will be his rebound mate and you should grateful for that because I am doing you a favor. All this is for your own good!” I rise up

On my feet and signal one of my guards.

“Take her to one of the bedrooms in my chamber. “ I authorize and immediately the guards hoists her from the ground and hauls her away. I turn my eyes away so I don’t see what is happening.

There are many other places I could’ve ordered to her to be kept in, but I chose my personal chamber.

Why did I choose my chamber?

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