
- Chapter One


".......... Total product is defined as the quantity of commodities produced at a particular time as a result of the combination of all the factors of production" Mr Salako dictated to the silent class.

Ugh! I hate Economics! With passion!

Till now I had no idea why I choose to do Economics in SSS1 and now, I'm stuck with it.

To make matters worse, the worst Economics teacher in Boston International College, teaches my class Economics.

You can imagine.

My eyes went to my wristwatch as I groaned seeing that Mr Salako still had two extra minutes till the period is over.

One of my classmates decided to ask a question as Mr Salako answered her and started telling us the boring story of his life.

I mean, who cares if your step mother mistreated you when you were little? She's freaking dead miser.

I hate it the most when these teachers talk about their lives like, they've carried the world problems on their shoulders before.

The bell rang bringing an end to Mr Salako's boring story. He waved at us as he left, nobody even bothered to stand up to greet him goodbye.

Chioma peeped at my note "Toke, where did you stop?" Chioma asked.

"The meaning of Production possibility curve" I replied with a straight face.

"Wait, isn't that the beginning?" Chioma asked before she busted into laughter.

I roll my eyes at her as I streched to pick her note and I start coping it.

"What were you doing when Sals was dictating?" Chioma asked.

"Daydreaming" Fehintola replied making Chioma burst into laughter again.

"Really?" Chioma asked as I nod my head in affirment.

"I hate Economics, from the very bottom of my heart" I said.

"We hear that after every Economics class, test and exam" Fehintola said.

"Yet you have nothing less than an 'A'! You be creeping me out when you complain about shit" Chioma said with an accent.

"Ain't complaining about shit" I replied in an American accent.

"Yo, yo, yo.... Aren't you guys hungry?" Fehintola asked as she rose to her feet.

I nodded as I reached for my meal card in my locker.

"I hope the sausage rolls haven't finished by the time we get there" I said.

"Keep on dreaming baby girl, but then snap out of it real fast" Fehintola said

"Fefe, stop killing my dreams okay?" I said in exaperation.

Fefe shook her head at her best friend as they walked into the Cafeteria.

Someone rammed into Fefe immediately they entered the cafeteria.

"Look where you are going to!" The girl snapped at Fefe. 

"You ask yourself, where you put your damn eyes" Fefe replied as a few on lookers burst into laughter.

I covered my mouth to laugh as Fefe started walking away.

"You could have ignored her you know" Chioma said still maintaining her accent.

There was a long line at the cafeteria and I groaned.

"The sausage roll is going to finish" I whined as Fefe folded her arms.

"Told ya" Fefe replied as my eyes swept around the extremely large cafeteria.

Boston International College, Lagos is one of the most popular secondary school in Nigeria. Famous for it academic excellence, the neat and overly comfortable environment, beautiful and yeah BIC excelled everywhere it went, sports not excluded.

Despite the ambiguous school fees every term, over 5,000 students wrote the entrance exam every year.

"Its out turn" Chioma said as she picked a tray. I also picked a tray and walked along. I pouted seeing the empty steel sausage roll plate.

Fefe placed a meatpie on my tray while I grabbed two galas and a bottle of Pepsi.

Pepsi is my first love.

We walked towards our usual table and sat down.

"What do we have after break?" I asked.

"Voc" Chioma replied biting into her meatpie.

"I hope Mrs Ayodele is not around" I said.

"Why haven't you dropped T. D? I don't understand your life direction at all" Chioma said as I shrugged.

"Abegi, I like Technical Drawing, its dope" I replied as my eyes strayed to some seats in front of us.

A boy and a girl were sitted on the table eating sausage rolls. The boy bent low and wiped the crunches of flour besides her lips with an handkercheif. The girl smiled at him as she pinched his cheek.

Fefe gave my back a resounding slap making heads turn towards us.

I wirthed in pain as I turned to Fefe, tears in my eyes.

"How many times will I tell you, your hand is painful?" I said with a sad look.

"Why were you looking at John and Faith like that?" Chioma asked. "I called your name like four times but you were gone" Chioma added.

"They are cute" I replied as I tore the nylon of my gala open.

"Do you think they are the best couple on block for fun? People voted Toke" Chioma added.

Alawaiye John and Oresanya Faith were the best couple on block. John was tall, dark skinned but mehn, black is beautiful will fall out of your mouth if you come across him. John had this smile that was totally out of this world. He was a football player and he had the brains too.

Faith? Pratically every girl was jealous of her. Slim and had a model like body. She was so neat and careful. She had a small voice that could disrupt a normal man's thinking. She was fairly light but was very beautiful. She never felt the seat of the first position of her class since SS1.

John and Faith, they were a match made in heaven. They started dating SSS1 second term and we just started SSS2 second term. If they ever fought, it never leaked out.

They were ideal examples for every SSS2 student and even some of the seniors.

"Let's go abeg" Fefe said as we carried out empty trays and dropped it. My hand still held one of my gala and in the other hand I held my Pepsi.

Chioma was talking about a movie series she was about to start watching. I listened to her not looking at where I was going until someone hit me.

My gala and Pepsi bottle flew out of my hand and my Pepsi rolled on the floor as the contents poured away.

"Jeez.... " I said as I raised my head to cuss at the person but words refused to form as I stared at the person.

"Why are you staring?" Fefe asked "Pick it up" Fefe added.

"Sorry" Matthew said in a deep voice as he picked up the Pepsi bottle and turned to me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going. Can you wait for me to get you a new bottle of Pepsi?" Matthew asked me as my eyes widened.

Omighbo Matthew was talking to me? Holy shit!

"Its....... really..... okay" I said stuttering "Besides the Pepsi was almost finished anyways" I replied giving him a small smile.

"You sure? I wouldn't mind buying you another bottle though" Matthew replied with a soft smile.

I opened my mouth to reply as I felt a hand slap the back of my head.

I swiftly turned to face Fefe again "Fefe nah, stop this thing. Na new term be this oo" I said.

"Why are you standing there staring into space?" Fefe asked.

I stared at myself, my bottle of Pepsi was still in my arm and I was still holding my gala to my mouth. There was no "Omingbo Matthew" in sight.

Chioma burst into laughter "Don't tell me you were day dreaming again" Chioma said as Fefe shook her head.

"You need help" Fefe said.

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