


I can't only hear my heart beat violently against my rib cage, I can feel it thumping on my chest. As I make my way back stage, I try my hardest not to drop to my knees.

He was staring at me so intensely and I felt every bit of it. It took every nerve in me to hold myself from folding on that stage.

Not to lie, I loved the thrill. When his eyes were on me, it was so easy to focus on just attracting him. Now that I'm far from his sight, my body is finally acting like a girl.

Not to talk about the fact that I have to get ready for my last performance before going private. I really want him to be the man I go private with.

"You spent quite the time on stage, Cleopatra." Leo, my manager says taking me out of my reverie.

Cleopatra is my stage name. I arrived in Miami for a vacation to clear my head and I've been here for months. During my stay, a crazy suggestion to work illegally in a club popped in my mind and I followed my desire.

It was worth it. Today makes it worth it.

I make my way past him, keeping my chin up and flash him a husky grin. "Do forgive my stalling. The audience needed it." I purr and wink at him.

I am no fool, I know Leo has hots for me and I've been a very good bitch taking advantage of it.

"Get changed. You will have your last performance with someone else." Without staring at him, I know his eyes are all over me. What can I say? My body is a valuable asset men adore.

Not that I'm complaining.

I spun my head around to face him. I dip a finger in my mouth and suck loudly so he hears the gentle smack of my lips and tongue around my finger. My intention is to paint a nasty image in his head, getting him trapped between his legs than in my prolonged performance. "Delightful. The pleasure is mine." A chuckle slips out of my mouth and I continue forward, making my way to my dresser.

Leo doesn't know I'll quit yet. After the sum I'll make tonight, I won't be here anymore. I'll finally be rid of his face and this place.

A smirk forms on my lips as I push the door leading to my dressing room open. Unlike the other dancers, I have this room all to myself. It's one of the perks of being the most desirable stripper.

I guess I'll have time to enchant my unique guest and whim him into wagering for me in my second performance.There's nothing more desirable than watching two ladies go at it, right?

I sit on the chair in front of the dresser. My eyes focus on my reflection in the mirror. I have dry champagne on my body. And my dress is torn.

I need to put on something nicer for him. Something sexier. Something captivating and mesmerising.

I get up and walk to the hanger of props and lingerie.

Lingerie seems too basic. All lingeries are practical the same thing with different designs. I want something that covers my body well but still gives the tempting view of me naked.

I rummage through the clothes.

That's when I notice a chiffon shawl.

I can wrap this around my skin like the ancient Greek's clothing, just with a little modifications to reveal my hips and legs. I drag the shawl off the hanger and stretch it in front of me. It's long enough.

I hold it to my neck with one hand and use my other hand to wrap it around my back. Heck, it's even wide enough!

With all the brooches and needles and threads I have in this room, I can stitch this perfectly around my body.

I fling the scarf on my chair and proceed to look for an inner wear. Anything unlike the typical lingerie....

After a long search, I didn't find anything. A sigh left my lips. Maybe I should go for a different aesthetic. I don't have to put on a bra while having this shawl on. I can replace that with the fake golden beads which lines down to my waist and a black thong with net socks. It'll be perfect.

I take a hanger holding a pair of bikini out of the dresser and drop it on my desk. Now all I have to do is look for that jewelry.

A violent knock makes my heart skip a beat. What the fuck? Who's that animal knocking like he's about to break down my door?

I take a deep breath and plaster a smile, walking to the door. "Yes?" I say once I open it.

"You have ten minutes to be on stage. Get ready." The man says like he didn't do anything outrageous.

"Sure." I say to him. "And André, next time you want to talk to me, do so quietly with order. Don't forget I'm the reason this place has more customers." My eyes are on his, piercing straight into his soul. I notice the hard look on his face waver into a scared one.

This always happens with insecure men who seem to think they're dominant over women because of their gender. The act recklessly and put on a front till they're called out. "Sorry for disturbing." He murmurs.

I lower my chin and he leaves. That was my way of accepting his apology. I shut the door behind me and sigh, leaning my back on it. Ten more minutes and I haven't even started with this shawl.

I blame André for distracting me further. I must have nine left. Thank goodness I'm a woman good at my craft as I am with moving my body.


I am waiting. Waiting for her to walk up that stage and perform.

This time, I am sat in front. God knows I will get the best view of that body. And maybe tonight, I'll get to touch it.

The stage lights light up and a steam screen blocks my view, yet despite this, I can see the figure of someone walking forward on the stage.

Two people actually, and I can tell which is her despite the obstruction.

The misty air of the club clings to me like a second skin and slowly fades away allowing my gaze to fix her. Standing with a leg in front of the other with her hands raised, is the woman that beguiled my attention. A veil covers her mouth and her nose is adorned with a nose ring.

Strapped around her arms is a thin material like the veil on her face. My eyes peer lower to her torso.

The erection of her nipples shooting out of the thin fabric is the first thing that catches my attention. She's not putting on a bra.

I was hard before, now the heat caused by that little snippet of her nipples goes straight between my legs, sending tiny sparks to my dick which threatens to burst out my zipper. It's agonising, yet the kind of pain that I hunger for.

My lips spread ajar slightly and I lean forward.


This girl makes a drunken man feel sober. I bite my lower lip and lean back on the chair, keeping my eyes on her. Music starts to play and her hips sync with the rhythm.

That sexy rhythm of her waist I want grinding on my cock so badly. Cleo eyes the crowd. It doesn't take long till her eyes land on me.

She was looking for me. Oh baby girl, you got me captivated to stay from the moment my eyes met you.

Through the veil, I glimpse the end of her lips curling to form a grin.

Cleo lowers her gaze to face me, still keeping her chin high. She wants me watching her. That I will do.

Impress me Cleo. I am your highest bidder after all.

A hand emerges from behind and encircles Cleo's body, scouring around her torso gently while groping her.

Her body is soft. I can tell just by how those hands sink in effortlessly. Cleopatra whines her waist and tilts her head backwards at the person's touch mirroring arousal.

It's a woman, the one on the stage with her.

Never have I wanted to switch positions with someone before.

The lady's hand dives lower, sinking beneath the flimsy cloth around Cleopatra's waist. My eyes probe the woman's fingers on Cleo's skin like a lion does it's prey. That's when I notice a thin, black strap at the junction of Cleo's hips.

I follow the trail with my eyes and a soft gasp makes its way out my mouth. She's wearing a thong. A netty thong nearly hidden between her pussy lips.

My breath hitches. I feed my throat the remnants of the whiskey in my tumbler while tracing my eyes higher up her body.

Over her chest, is a thin cloth, most likely tied to the back of her neck and it draws down her torso, concealing her nearly exposed tits but revealing a section of her waist as it is held to one side.

The cloth wraps around the lower section of her waist then falls down, exposing both sides of her legs.

Cleopatra drops down to the ground on her knees, keeping her knees apart. The other lady's hand follows Cleopatra's mid section to between her legs, keeping their bodies collided.

That's when her upper body sinks slowly to the ground. My body reacts to the gentle touch of her nipples on the ground before the rest of her torso. Cleopatra's hips arch up and she widens her legs further, still keeping her knees on the stage floor. Now she's twerking.

I tilt my head around, examining the faces of everyone present, briefly, before averting my gaze back to her. She has everyone captivated. The movement of her ass and thighs makes the eyes of every man present in this place swoon.

Her eyes meets mine. In fact, from the sly look on her face, I can feel she's been staring at me this whole time.

She swirls around, curving her legs while swaying smoothly into the body of the other dancer on stage. Their bodies collide and they're facing eachother.

Cleo leans closer, allowing her fingers wander around the lady as her face roams around hers.

I must admit, seeing two women nearly naked and so intimate has to be one of the most gratifying things to graze a sadistic man's eyes.

They tilt their upper bodies backwards in unison, using their hands to support the bend on their torso then separate, untangling their legs while sliding in the opposite direction from each other.

My attention is on one person and just her. Cleo.

Cleopatra lines her body on the ground, laying on her back, keeping her head pressed to the ground as she sends me an inviting look. She's biting one end of her lower lip.

I return her invitation with a dark half grin.

Her legs haul up in the air, swinging back and forth before pressing to the ground. The tip of her heels rest on the floor and she spreads her legs wide.

My gaze darkens.

Watching her from a distance does me no good because every limb in my body craves her. My cock begs to burst out of my zipper and my thoughts are wrapped around all the things I will do to her if she lets me put my hands on her.


I'm starved. And the only one I can think of that will quench this unending thirst is her.

My jaw tightens. I keep my eyes plastered on the motion of her legs and what lays between. Not only is her outfit revealing but it's exposing parts of her body I desire to see bit by bit not never fully.

I swallow.

How women look elegant while moving spontaneously with heels amazes me. Not one mistake was made by her tonight. She owned the stage and manoeuvred it to aid her cause.

There was no flaw. And I doubt there will be.

"Still wagering on her sir C?" The bass voice of a male echoes in my ears. Is that even a question?

"Yes." I say confidently, occupying my mind in every bit of the show. Water pours from the ceiling, landing on her, leaving her drenched.

You would think watching the same thing more than once may be unpleasant but it's not with her. Not with how her outfit is almost transparent and sticks to her wet, shimmering body under the dim lights of the club.

Her features are highlighted even more. Every bit of her lustrous self from every angle dances before my eyes and the only thing on my mind is when does this show end?

How soon will she be confined alone with me and scream my name in the expense of our-

"The highest bid currently settles at six figures." The man interrupts my thoughts. The doubt in his tone is obvious. He doesn't think I want to proceed. Or rather, he doesn't think I would be able to. While the insult stings, I choose to let it slide.

With my attention still glued to Cleo, a low hum leaves my lips. It's not even a thought to reconsider my decision. "Did I stutter earlier?"

"I.. My apologies sir."

If I wasn't so focused on the goddess before me, I would've said something provocating. I would've ensured he loses his job.

Crouched, her body dances forward. She draws a finger forward and points. I know it's directed at me. The sexual tension between us was established since I caught her on that stage. Cleo falls to the ground, her fabric, glued to her skin, falling along with her. Her body humps on the ground, imitating a ride. I cock my head to the side and lean my lower half forward, keeping my legs apart.

A grin forms on her face as she notices. A body emerges behind her. Cleopatra turns back and spreads her legs, giving space for the other dancer to rock her body.

Her facial expression while the dancer did that.... fuck!

If not for the constant collision they do during their performance, I would've forgotten the existence of the other lady.

Cleo stretches her hand up and entangles the lady's hair in her fist then rolls her over, taking charge of her body. The other dancer stays down, allowing Cleo's her face sink on her body as Cleo prowls over her. Now Cleo grinds on the lady's mid section without letting her body touch hers.

My favourite part about this? While doing that, she ensured to maintain eye contact. If there is a woman who's deliberate on what she wants and whom she wants, it's Cleo.

And I love every bit of it. Harnessing every move with a reaction is my cock. The sparks and fires brewing down every part of my body with a yearn and outward cry for her is profound.

I have only one thing in mind. How soon till this show is over?

Because I will end up with her tonight and the question won't be how long she'll last, but how many times she'll come.

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