Chapter 4
She tasted like honey.
Her lips were soft, opening on a
sigh. He took her invitation and took
the kiss deeper, his tongue sliding
into her mouth.
His hand remained in hers, though
he wanted to haul her close and take
her to the couch. He hadn’t wanted to
get horizontal on a woman with this
much intensity in a very long time.
The more he tasted, the more he
wanted until need beat in his head
like a pulse.
The depth and intensity of his
desire shook him. Hit him so hard he
had to fist the hand she wasn’t
holding to keep it from shaking.
He kissed like a master. Daisy
knew she was in way over her head
and all he’d done was kiss her. They
weren’t even touching except for lips
and tongues and his hand in hers, but
it was enough. Enough that it was a
full-body caress when he groaned as
she sucked his tongue.
So very controlled, this man. But it
was there, just under the surface.
Levi Warner was a very dominant
male and she wondered if that
extended to his sexuality.
Hoped so. It wasn’t that she’d had
many dominant lovers or anything.
But he’d awakened something inside
her. Curiosity, yes, but a sense of
satisfaction in letting him lead.
Something she’d never experienced
The weight of his focus on her was
tangible. It made her a little drunk,
needing more even as she barely
managed to process what he gave her
through a simple kiss.
It was enough to let him lead the
kiss, enough to step back and wait for
whatever he had in mind next.
Her body ached, her nipples
throbbed and her pussy was wet and
swollen. She shivered, imagining
what he’d be like naked. In her bed.
In his bed with her in it. Whatever, it
didn’t matter where, the naked part
was important.
He was patient. So very patient as
he continued to kiss her. A nip of her
bottom lip that had her gasping for
air. His beard stubble gave her just
the right amount of friction. Nearly
painful. Enough to make her imagine
what it’d feel like against the skin of
her inner thighs as he went down on
her. And she bet he did it well. If his
kissing was any indicator, he’d be a
marvelous pussy eater.
With a sharp intake of breath he
broke the kiss and stared at her. His
pupils were huge again and it gave
her yet another shiver of delight.
“I should go.”
“You should?” She grabbed the
front of his shirt without meaning to
and released it quickly. If he left,
she’d never speak to him again.
“Christ.” He scrubbed a hand
through his hair and she let the other
one go. Whatever it was he was
fighting with himself over, he had to
deal with it. He was a big boy and
she sure as hell wasn’t his mother.
Nor did she plan to beg him to stay.
She knew her worth as a woman.
She’d been raised by not only a kick-
ass mother, but her grandmother and
sister were also strong, smart
women. Whatever her concerns about
her talent and art, she’d never beg a
man for his attention.
He wanted her or he didn’t. So she
sat back a little and let him work
through it.
“You’re too young. I shouldn’t
even be thinking about sex.”
She sighed. “You keep saying that.
I’m far over the age of consent. Also,
you’re assuming a lot. I don’t fuck on
the first date.”
Then he laughed and she felt better
for it.
“You’d leave me with blue balls?”
he teased.
“I’m too young? You give me that
line and talk about my age? I’m sure I
heard that one back in the day. Do
you think I’ll give you a pity hand
job?” She grinned. He was adorable
and damn, she might have broken her
no fucking on the first date rule
earlier, so it was probably good that
they both stepped back for a moment.
He made her feel…unfettered. And
as lovely as it was, no man had ever
made her want to jump so foolishly
into something.
He grinned back. “Well, all right,
it’s been some time since I’ve used
that line.”
“What’s next? Will you tell me
you’ll only put the tip in?”
He laughed and brought her to him,
plopping her into his lap and
squeezing her tight. And then he
paused, as if he were surprised. But
she liked it and wouldn’t let him
second-guess himself, so she gave
him a squirm to remind him she was
there, her ass against his cock, and
his eyes lost focus a moment until
they honed in on her mouth.
“When I put it in, it won’t be just
the tip.”
She gulped. She knew it. It
couldn’t be avoided. ’Cause hell
“You’re very sure of yourself.”
“And you’re very breathless when
you say that.”
“I’m not afraid of your age. I want
to fuck you. I also want to eat four
cupcakes at once but I restrain myself
to two. I have self-control.” She
looked at him again. “Sometimes.
Anyway, I like it when men are sure
of themselves. Well, when they
deserve to be.”
“Is that so?” His eyes had
darkened and his grip tightened. His
cock was insistent against her
trousers and she nearly came from
how fucking hot it was.
“I don’t know. Do you deserve to
He slid his hand up her belly,
between her breasts, to her throat
where he collared her with his hand
and she couldn’t stop her sigh of
longing. Or of the way she seemed to
lose any rigidity in her spine and just
melted into him. It was as if he’d
flipped a switch inside her and she’d
gone gooey.
Pleasure pulsed through her, slow
and warm, leaving her lethargic.
He bent and kissed her again, his
hand still at her throat. He cradled
the back of her head with his arm and
devastated her mouth. This kiss was
more aggressive; his tongue slid
against hers, teasing and taking, and
when he nipped her bottom lip he
laved the sting and made her moan.
“I think I do, yes.” He placed her
next to him on the couch. “But I don’t
fuck on the first date either.”
She waited.
“What are you doing tomorrow
The second date was a totally
different set of rules.
“I’m actually busy. My friend is a
caterer and I help her out.”
His brow furrowed and she tried
very hard not to laugh. It was
probably the first time he’d heard no
in ages.
“Sunday then?”
“I’m free for breakfast or lunch. I
have plans in the evening.”
“I’ll be at a family thing on Sunday
until six.”
“Monday I’m free. After seven.
You can take me to a movie.”
“I don’t want to waste time in a
dark theater not looking at you.
You’re pretty amazing to look at.”
One of his brows slid up and she
tried not to giggle and just barely
made it. It would have blown the
whole age reassurance thing if she
had giggled. But he made her giddy,
damn it.
“You say some good stuff, Levi.”
“Monday night it is. How about
“All right.”
“I’ll pick you up here at seven.”
He stood. “Give me a tour.”
She allowed him to help her up.
“You’re imperious.”
“I’ve been told that before.”
He’d be worth it, she wagered.
“Obviously this is the living and
sleeping area.” She waved a hand at
her house. “Kitchen you’ve seen.”
He wandered, looking at her
pictures, her art. “What’s behind that
door?” He tipped his head to the left.
“Hm. I don’t know if I should
show you.”
“The bathroom? Is it a mess?”
She opened the door. “It’s my
He followed her inside and
paused. “You sleep out there to keep
all your clothes in here?”
“This is far more than a closet.”
She folded the throw she’d left on the
little fainting couch she’d picked up
at an estate sale the year before and
took in the space she’d made her own
in the years she’d lived in the little
Her clothes did indeed take up not
just the small closet attached to the
room, but two walls as well with
pegs and shelves for all her various
accessories. But bookshelves lined
the third wall and a reading nook and
vanity desk and mirror was on the
last one.
He touched her clothes, a secret
smile on his face.
“Tell me why.”
“I can sleep out there just fine. But
this is where I go when I need to be
soothed, or to relax and read. I can
sew in here. I get dressed and put on
my makeup in here. Drink some wine,
think about my next project.”
“I like that. A room of your own,
so to speak.”
“Exactly. When I’m in here I don’t
answer the phone or the door. It’s
just alone time. I think you’re the first
man to have been in here who I
wasn’t related to.”
“An honor indeed.” He turned
around the room and realized she’d
revealed the inner heart of herself to
him. This room was her intimate
space. It smelled of her. Whatever
perfume she wore bore a faint, but
unmistakable mark on the air.
She had hats of all colors and sizes
on hooks and in round, pretty
hatboxes on shelves. Shoes of all
kinds. Her makeup table, and how he
loved to watch a woman get ready. A
flash of memory of Kelsey lining her
lips or dabbing perfume at her wrists
came to him. A nice memory.
But this woman was altogether a
different creature than Kelsey had
been. Confident. Generous. Here.
He pulled out a red dress,
examining it. Imagining how it would
look on her. He wanted to see it
against the warm tones of her skin.
“You’re a clotheshorse. I never
would have guessed that about you.”
“I love clothes. I always have.
When I was a little girl, I went with
my mom and grandmother a few
times a year to estate sales and
garage sales. We’d find clothes and
bags, pieces of furniture. It’s where I
began to accrue pieces for my first
mixed-media stuff.”
“You’ll wear this to sushi on
Monday.” He indicated the dress.
“Vintage. I bought that for twenty
dollars at a garage sale. I had to
replace the zipper. I hate putting in
zippers.” She took it from him, her
fingers caressing the material. “One
of my favorites.”
He didn’t disagree, only looked at
her dress and drifted past the shoes in
racks on one of the walls before
hanging it on a hook near the
bathroom door.
“Where do you work?”
“Studio. Come on then.” She
switched a nearby lamp off and
started to lead him from the room, but
he wasn’t ready to go just yet so he
snagged her as she passed, pulling
her close.
“Thank you for showing me your
room.” He brushed a kiss over her
“You’re welcome. Now you know
my secrets.”
“I doubt that.”
Her grin was cheeky as she led
him from the room and out the back
It was a cold, clear night and the
yard was quiet as she led him through
it. In the distance he saw the bigger
house, her parents’ house, he figured.
He could never live on the same
property with his parents. He loved
his family. But it was way easier to
love them when he lived out here and
they lived back in Seattle. The
distance was a good thing. He
wondered just how involved her
parents were in her life.
“I share the space with my
grandmother.” Daisy flipped on the
lights as they entered the studio
“This is beautiful.” And it was.
Soaring ceilings with windows
would flood the space with light
during the daytime. Just then he could
see the stars high overhead.
“Thank you. My friend’s brother is
an architect. He did the plans and my
friends and family did nearly all the
building labor. We did have a
plumber and electrician in because
that was beyond our DIY skills.”
He walked through the space, in
awe. He hadn’t told her this, but he
was a huge art lover. He’d been
raised to appreciate the fine arts by a
mother who spent a lot of time and
energy fund-raising for various art
programs. He went to shows and
gallery openings on a monthly basis.
That Daisy was an artist as well as a
scorching hot woman only made her
harder to resist.
“This is all your stuff?”
“Down here, yes. My grandmother
has a perch. That’s what I call it. But
she has a little loft up there.” She
pointed to a space with a comfortable
chair, a couch and several easels.
“She wants to be left alone when she
works so she heads up there, puts
headphones on and does her thing.
This is all my space down here.”
Christ. To be her age and have so
much talent.
“How long have you been doing
“Those garage and estate sales I
told you about? I was six when I
bought this container of cards and
letters. It was pretty. I liked the
pictures and handwriting. That was
the raw material for my first piece. I
papier-mâchéd it into a series of
little boxes. My mom still has them. It
went from there.”
“They were supportive then?” He
paused to gape at a painting of a
woman’s upper body, her arms above
her head as she arched. A shiver
moved through him at the sight. And
then craven greed to posses it. “This
is…I want this.”
“You do?” She sounded surprised
and when he looked up he caught
sight of her face. Wariness lived in
her eyes. “Why?”
“It’s stunning. I have a large,
empty wall in my media room. This
would be beautiful in it.”
“I have plans for it.”
“Like what?” He had enough
money to outbid anyone who could
possibly be his competition.
She looked him up and down.
“Plans. I want to enter it into a
contest of sorts. When that’s over, if I
win and get the placement that is, I’d
be happy to discuss selling it to you.
If you still want it.”
He wanted it. Almost as much as
he wanted her. This woman he’d so
underestimated at every turn. He’d
seen a beautiful woman, a young
woman and he hadn’t paid much
attention to the rest of her.
But there was so much more to
Daisy Huerta than he’d imagined at
first. Anyone who could create
something like this was someone he
wanted to know.
“I want it. I’ll want it in a week or
a month.” He got what he wanted. But
he wouldn’t say so. He’d show her.