
Chapter 06


                      **Arianna's POV** 

   "Let's get started with your next punishment." He tells me and that mischievous smirk on his face grows larger. A feeling of dread starts to grow in my heart. I have a feeling that whatever he has planned for me is going to be really bad. 

   I try to back away from him towards the door hoping that nobody is on the other side and maybe I'll be able to escape but deep down even I know that it won't work but I have to try, I can't go through what I went through last night again. I'd rather die. 

  I started to back away towards the door and one of the floor board creaks. "And where exactly do you think you're going?" Luciano asks me with rage in his eyes. 

   Tears well up in my eyes, knowing I've been caught. "Please Alpha Luciano, I don't know what I have done to you but please let me go. I promise I'll go far away from here and you'll never have to see me again." I tell him hoping that he'll really let me go. 

   He starts laughing maniacally. "Let you go? You really think that I'll let you go?" He walks up to me and backs me up against a wall. "You belong to me, I bought you some you have to do everything I say and I can use you however I want. This should be the first and last time that you talk without my permission, you only speak when I tell you to speak. Is that clear?" He growls at me. 

    Tears start falling from my eyes and I answer him. "Yes Alpha." The next thing I know he gives me a backhand slap and the force of it lands me on the floor. 

    "You filthy omega, what did I just tell you? Did I give you permission to speak?" He asks me and not wanting to be slapped again I knew down on the floor and bow my head and I do not speak. 

   "You see that wasn't so hard now was it?" He asks me again but I do not answer him. 

    "Get up." He tells me and I do so. 

    "Strip." He orders. The tears started pouring from my eyes again thinking of what I'm about to go through. 

    "Do not make me repeat myself girl, I said strip." I immediately do as he says not wanting to anger him more than he was. I take off my clothes amd my underwear. He looks at me, perusing my body and then he turns and walks to his bed where he picks up a piece of clothing and throws it to me. It lands on my feet. 

    "Put that on." He tells me. I pick it up from the floor and look at it. It's a sheer dress, if i put it on there's really no difference between that and me staying naked. 

   "You're really testing my patience girl, I said to put it on not admire it." He growls and I immediately put the dress on. It's so short that it lands just on my thighs barely covering my butt cheeks and my nipple's are poking out of the fabric, anyone that looks at me can see everything. I raise my hands to try and cover my breasts. 

    "Put those hands down, I won't have you covering anything. Now that you are dressed, it's time to tell you your punishment for the day. Today I have a meeting with my council and your job is to tend to everyone's need including mine whatever they might be." He tells me with a devilsih smile on his face. 

    "Now I always want you two steps behind me, If i turn around and find you farther behind, you won't like what will happen and don't even think.of trying to run away because I'll know and I will find you. So get used to the fact that you belong to me and this is your home from now on." He tells me and I nod to acknowledge that I've heard what he said.

   He walks to the door and I follow two steps behind him, someone on the other side of the door opens the door for him and he walks out and I immediately follow his. His story's are long and he walks fast so I try my best to keep up within even though am tired and in pain. 

   We leave the building which I assume is his house because it's the biggest and most oppulent. We walk through the courtyard and people are milling about going about their day and when we pass them they all bow and greet their alpha and he nods at them in acknowledgement and then when they are done they all turn their eyes to me. Some of them stare at me in curiosity probably wondering why I'm dressed like this following their alpha, but the others stare at me with lust and they don't even bother hiding it. 

    I guess this is what Alpha Luciano wants for everyone to stare at me like I'm nothing more than a piece of meat a useless omega whose only job is to be used for pleasure. 

   A few minutes later we finally arrive at another building, I assume this is where the meeting will be held. I breathe a sigh of relief that we have finally arrived, I walked all the way here barefoot and my feet are so sore. 

    We walk in and waiting for us there is someone I've met before, it's Davison, Luciano's beta. When he realizes that it's me behind his alpha he looks at me in shock, he starts to walk up to me but Luciano stops him. 

    "Leave her be Davison the girl is none of your business." Luciano tells him and Davison immediately stops but then he looks at me with sympathy and pity in his eyes. Not wanting to see that look I immediately look down staring at the ground. 

    "Is everyone here?" Luciano asks him. 

    "Yes, everyone has arrived all waiting for you." Davison answers him. 

    "Ok then, let's go in." He says and then he starts walking and Davison follows walking beside me, I don't dare look up at him because I don't want to see that look in his eyes that look of pity it would make me just start crying all over again and I don't want that. 

    Luciano stops walking and I look up to see why, we are standing in front of two huge double doors with guards at each side. This must be their meeting room for the council. Luciano turns around and looks at me with hatred in his eyes. 

   "Remember our conversation girl, remember why you are here. If you misbehave, you won't like what I'll do to you." He tells me and I nod my head. 

   He turns back the guards. "Open the doors." He tells them.




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