Chapter 3
Here I was, sitting beside the richest silver fox and father to my cheating ex. Looking at him, I couldn’t believe that I was the one who had just mischievously flirted with him a few minutes before.
“You said your name was Anna, right?”
I opened my mouth to correct him and stopped myself almost immediately. Anna was the name I had given him. As much as I knew he wasn’t close with his son, I wouldn’t risk the chance of him finding out about me until my plan was well and truly executed.
I smiled coyly at him, though it was because I thanked the universe for making things flow smoothly and efficiently for me.
All I had to do tonight was to seduce him to get him to bed.
‘Yes, I am Anna, and you are Alejandro Costa,’ I replied.
A waitress dressed in a black and purple skirt suit approached our table. She nodded at me and smiled at Alejandro before stealing a glance my way.
I looked at the short outfit she had worn, and she looked comfortable in it, a stark contrast to the micro outfits I used to wear at work. I also knew she could smell the potential on her table, but she knew I was the one who could make it or break it for her.
‘Would you like something?’ Alejandro asked, looking at me.
I picked up the menu, pretended to look at the assortment of drinks, and then said, ‘I’ll have the spiced Mojito, 86 the pirate.’
The waitress hesitated for a moment and then wrote down my order.
It looks like she understood what I meant.
‘I will have a Negroni; use the premium spirits,’ he said, handing back the menu.
The waitress nodded and walked away.
He let out a chuckle and then said, ‘I can tell the difference between high-quality spirits and cheap spirits.’
‘What else can you tell?’ I asked.
‘About liquor or about you?’ he asked, a mischievous grin planted on his face.
‘Both,’ I matched his energy.
He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, his hands clasped in front of him.
‘You are like a reposado tequila. Just slightly aged, meaning still young but have the potential to turn to Anejo.’
It looks like Alejandro had some knowledge about spirits, but could it beat mine?
‘In that case, you are a bottle of XO cognac with the potential of turning to XXO.’
‘You are the first person to call me old in such a creative manner,’ he said, a smile on his face.
I smiled back, ‘I’d say the same about you. Though I have a question: do you go around spilling drinks on ladies as a pickup move?’
‘Today I was trying out a new move; it looks like it worked, though I wouldn’t recommend using it too often; not everyone will be as forgiving as you.’
Alejandro was smooth. I have to give it to him. He continued talking, and I felt a sense of familiarity and warmth wash over me.
He was just like his son but way better.
Unlike Lucas, conversation flowed effortlessly between us. The camaraderie was one to die for. I even forgot that I was talking to someone way older than me.
As he talked, I managed to get a good look at him, from his black hair to the high cheekbones on his face. I also looked at his juicy lips that weren’t thin like Lucas’. I imagined myself kissing them and hoped that it would be tonight.
Alejandro also used his hands while communicating. I managed to see his strong veiny hands and imagined if he was also veiny down there.
I took another sip of my alcohol-free cocktail.
This was one of the reasons I had been well-liked by my supervisor. He knew I never consumed alcohol, unlike my counterparts who would come to work drunk or drink while working. It was sad that I lost that job because of a stupid mistake.
Alcohol wasn’t my cup of tea or in this case my glass of wine.
There was also another reason I didn’t want to take alcohol tonight.
I wanted to be sober to execute my plan as Alejandro continued drinking.
We were on our fourth round of drinks, and our waitress Rehema was kind enough to bring us some small bites. I had started feeling hungry but not starved enough to order a full meal.
Alejandro had started being tipsy and I could tell from the way he had started initiating contact with me.
It had started with a small light touch on my hand as he reached for a potato crisp.
I had felt a slight jolt travel up that spot and my heart quickened its pace.
As the evening progressed into night, I felt my bladder getting full and I excused myself.
I also felt my sugar levels rising.
I got up and headed to the bathroom. As I left my seat I saw from the corner of my eye a man approach Alejandro and whisper something to him.
I shrugged mentally assuming it was his bodyguard or something of that kind. Once on the toilet seat, I felt relief as I emptied my bladder. I heard someone enter the next cubicle.
‘I’m jealous, I wish I was the one with him, I’d do anything to be in his company.’
The person in the next cubicle was on a call or so I thought. I wondered whom she was talking about and silently sat not making any movement.
‘Well we are two of us, and if we add Zoe and Daisy to the group, all we have to do is wait for her to come to the bathroom and then detain her.’
I wasn’t liking this conversation as I heard the second voice.
‘After all, she has consumed about seven Mojitos, even if she is not a lightweight, her judgment now should be cloudy, or at the least, she’ll have to visit the bathroom, we can jump her here.’
My heart froze as the second voice continued. I was the topic of the conversation. It was a stroke of luck that I happened to overhear them. I couldn’t blame them much, Alejandro was eye candy regardless of his age.
I got up and was about to flush but afraid they’ll hear me. I slowly opened the stall door and walked out. At the sink countertop, there was an empty bottle.
‘Or we could just rip that stupid dress, that way she will out of embarrassment be scared to go back to Alejandro’s presence.’
I looked at the bottle again and this time an idea popped into my head.
I filled up the bottle with water and saw a cleaning cart that I pushed against the next stall. I poured the water over the gap above my head and heard them squeal in anger.
They tried to push the door open but the cart didn’t budge.
‘Next time you plan to jump or ambush someone, make sure they aren’t nearby,’ I shouted gleefully and left the room almost skipping in delight.
I went back to the table where Alejandro was seated and he saw my red cheeks.
‘Everything okay?’
I nodded but didn’t explain anything. I don’t know why but I felt all giddy and happy at what I had just done.