

"You know I would never forget what day it is today. Go ahead, open it up!" he encouraged. Lena opened the box, delighting in what was inside. It was a lovely, pale blue hair ribbon.

"Thank you so much sir!" Lena exclaimed, bowing slightly.

"I hoped that would put a smile on your face, I know how much you adore those. I need to hurry on to the party dear, but run upstairs and turn down the noble suites?" he asked. Lena nodded.

"Of course, sir. Thank you very much!" Lena said again. Sterling nodded, and left for the grand hall.

Once she was alone, Lena began feeling hurt again. She tried to shake away the feeling and focus on her duties, so she took the long walk to the western wing of the manor, which contained the noble suites.

Lena entered the Crown suite, trying her hardest to keep from crying. She realized she was still holding the gift from Master Sterling, and she walked into the bathroom of the suite to put it on.

She released her hair from the tight bun it was in, allowing it to flow down her back. She tied the ribbon as a band around the top of her head. She liked the way it looked, and smiled weakly at her reflection.

Lena put the box in the pocket of her white lace apron and exited the bathroom, crossed the lounge, and opened the double doors to the bedroom.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste at the sight of the painting depicting a storm that hung above the bed. The bed was inviting, however, with its rich dark tones and fine fabrics.

She began removing the decorator pillows and replacing them with sleeping pillows stuffed with goose down feathers. She turned down the sheets and comforter, trying not to think of everything Gregory had said to her earlier that afternoon.

Eventually, she couldn't contain her emotions any longer, and Lena began to cry. She felt a very physical pain in her heart, and felt like she might get sick again. But in that moment, she didn't care.

Lena was sobbing so loud that she didn't even realize there was a second person in the room.

"Now why is a girl as lovely as you crying?" a deep male voice said. Lena hiccupped in surprise and quickly wiped her face, trying to locate the speaker.

He was standing in the doorway in white tie. He was tall and incredibly masculine, well-built and powerful looking. He had thick black hair, faintly peppered with gray at his temples, that was held together at the back of his neck. Thick, dark, expressive eyebrows sat atop deep-set, steel gray eyes. His jaw and chin were broad and hard. To Lena, he looked dangerously handsome.

"I'm so sorry sir, I was just...preparing the rooms for bed. I did not know you would be here so early," she stammered. He slowly stepped closer to her, and Lena began feeling incredibly diminutive in comparison to him.

"It's no problem, really. What is your name?" he asked. His steely eyes seemed to see right through her, and she began feeling uncomfortable.

"Lena," she replied.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lena. I'm Renz," he said. Lena curtseyed.

"I apologize for disturbing you, sir. I will leave—"

"You're not going anywhere," Renz interrupted. Lena's eyes widened.

"Pardon?" she asked. Renz smiled, and removed his jacket.

"I said, you are not going anywhere. You, Lena, are going to tell me what made a beautiful girl like you cry. And I am going to do whatever I can to help," he said softly. Lena shook her head.

"Sir, that is very kind of you, but I really have to finish turning down the rooms," Lena answered.

"Just for a few minutes, Lena. Why were you crying?" Renz asked.

Lena couldn't hold it inside anymore, and she began to cry a fresh set of tears. Renz stepped in close and pulled her against his torso, wrapping his arms around her small body. She was feeling too sad to protest, and didn't even think of how inappropriate the situation was.

"There there, sweetheart...what happened?" Renz asked, tenderly stroking her back.

"M-my beau...the man that I thought loved me...he's in love with s-someone else! And he proposed to her this morning...and it's my birthday today!" Lena cried. Renz gently stroked her hair.

"Why happy birthday, Lena. How old did you turn today?" he asked. Lena sniffled.

"Eighteen, sir," she replied.

"Such a tender young age. What kind of man would dare break your heart this way?" Renz asked. Lena began to cry harder.

"H-he said that...I'm immature and c-can't fulfill his needs," Lena sobbed.

Renz gently lead her to the cushion at the foot of the bed, beckoning her to sit down.

"Wait right here," Renz said, quickly exiting the bedroom and closing the double doors behind him.

His brief departure allowed Lena to return to rational thinking. What was she doing? He was a guest of Master Sterling, and she was crying to him about her love problems. Surely she would be dismissed if Sterling ever found out...

Renz walked in, interrupting her thoughts. He was carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He kneeled in front of her where she sat on the cushion and poured two glasses, handing one to her. He still seemed large, even though he was kneeling in front of her.

"Drink this," he said softly. Lena shook her head.

"I've never had champagne before," she admitted sheepishly. Renz chuckled.

"Just try it. You might enjoy it. I insist," Renz said. Lena took a tentative sip, enjoying the light, sweet, bubbly flavor.

"That's it...have a bit more," he urged. Lena took a few more confident sips, and pretty soon had finished the glass.

Renz handed her his glass, which she took a sip of.

"It sounds to me like this man was completely unworthy of a woman like you," Renz said. Lena's brow furrowed.

"What do you mean? He's...beautiful. He works in the stables...with the ponies and the...horses," Lena said, finding it strangely more difficult to speak. She was beginning to experience an odd sort of dizziness she'd never felt before.

"Lena, I can already tell you're a very vibrant girl. You deserve someone as equally passionate as you are. Someone who will also delight in guiding you," Renz suggested. Lena shrugged her shoulders clumsily, spilling a bit of the champagne.

"I am so sorry, sir. Is this what it means to feel drunk?" Lena asked. Renz laughed, hard.

"No, darling, I don't think you're drunk yet. But perhaps you are a little tipsy. Tell me, have you eaten anything recently?" he asked. Lena shook her head, realizing she actually hadn't eaten anything all day.

"Perhaps I should...go to my room. No I have to finish turning down the beds. But after, I think I should sleep," Lena said, words slurring, beginning to stand up. Renz grabbed her by her tiny waist and sat her back down on the cushion.

"You're not leaving," Renz said calmly. This made Lena frown.

"Why not?" she asked. Renz smiled warmly at her, beginning to play with her hair at the center of her back.

"Because I'm not finished with you yet. How long were you involved with this stable worker?" Renz asked.

"Six months," Lena replied. Renz nodded.

"And might I far did you progress in physical intimacy in these six months?" he pressed. Lena began to blush, and tried to stand up from the cushion. Renz, however, grabbed her waist again, and kept her locked where she sat. She squirmed a bit, completely unaware of the increasing rise in her skirt.

" is not seemly to ask such things, sir. I really best be going," she said.

"Not very far then, I take it. Did he ever even kiss you, sweet Lena?" he pressed. Lena automatically shook her head.

"You poor girl. Eighteen years old, and never even properly kissed," he murmured sympathetically.

"Sir, I think I should leave. Thank you for the champagne," Lena said softly, becoming increasingly dizzy. She tried to stand up once more, but Renz had a solid grip on her waist.

Her heart pounded in her chest as he moved forward on his knees, and squeezed her waist tighter. Lena bit her lower lip and stared into the gray eyes that were boring into her.

"Let me stand, please sir," Lena whispered quietly. Renz continued staring at her.

"No, Lena. You're staying here," he replied simply. Lena shook her head, growing increasingly fearful.

"Sir I have to finish the rooms before the guests retire for the evening," she protested, trying to pry his hands off of her.

"No one will notice. And they will not be back for a very long while. We are alone, Lena," Renz said softly, bringing his face closer to hers.

"Sir, stop that. Not any closer, please," Lena pleaded, pressing her hands against his wide shoulders. Renz curled his fingers in her hair and pulled her face closer to his.

"That ribbon makes your eyes blue," he murmured. And with that, he pressed his lips against hers.

Lena sat there wide-eyed as she felt his lips begin to move on hers. She was frozen in fear, unsure of how she was supposed to react. She felt him run his tongue along her lips, and instinctively, Lena opened her mouth. She gasped when he sank his tongue into her mouth, and trembled when she felt it chasing hers.

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