
01 - Lustful Night

Genevieve had found herself in the darkest depths of despair. Just hours ago, her fiancé of five years had callously dumped her, shattering her world into a million jagged pieces.

“Genevieve, we can’t work again. I know I promised you we would spend the rest of our lives together, but I don’t see you in my future with each passing day. I think it’s better if we end it here and now.”

“I have a solid plan for my future, and you don’t look like the kind of woman I want to spend it with. On the other hand, Penelope is the kind of woman that every sensible man would like to have in their arms forever. I know this might sound outrageous, but it’s true. Penelope and I are getting married.”

She never expected the man who swore that she was the only woman he would marry and start afamily would say those cruel words to her one day.

She should have known she would never fit into his life, but she foolishly trusted his lies. She had spent five years of her life being the ideal wife for Henry while, at the same time, he was busy nestling between the legs of Penelope, her supposed best friend, cheating on her.

Her vision blurred as her fingers signaled the bartender for another shot of tequila. One after another, she downed them, each fiery gulp stoking the rebellion within her. As the alcohol coursed through her veins, Genevieve felt her misery fade, replaced by a reckless desire for oblivion.

Genevieve just wanted to forget tonight and forget everything.

Genevieve downed the last of her drink before making her way to the dance floor. It was time to let off steam and enjoy the rest of the night. The music tempo was great, and the alcohol even made it better.

“May I have this dance?” A gruff voice called out and she turned around to see a very hot man, looking at her with a smile. There’s nothing wrong with dancing with a stranger, so Genevieve nodded before bowing before him in a mocking manner and he laughed.

The tension between them was palpable as they began to dance, moving together in perfect harmony to the seductive rhythm of the music. Genevieve was having the time of her life with this stranger.

Genevieve’s hips swayed sensually, and her hair brushed against his chest with each sultry movement. He held her close, their bodies fitting together like two pieces of a passionate puzzle. She felt like they were the only ones on the dance floor and nothing else seemed to matter, the whole world was merged into a blur.

Their lips drew nearer, breaths intermingling with the promise of desire. The stranger’s fingers traced the curve of Genevieve’s back, igniting a trail of fire along her skin. She arched into his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips. She hasn’t felt this good in a long time.

Their bodies continued to move in a sinuous dance, desire building with every passing moment. He leaned in, capturing Genevieve’s lips with a hunger that mirrored her own. Their kiss was a fierce, passionate collision of lips and tongues, a testament to the magnetic pull they couldn't deny.

Genevieve’s hands roamed over the stranger’s sculpted shoulders, down his back, and back up to grasp his hair, pulling him closer. The taste of him was intoxicating, a heady blend of desire and anticipation. Nothing mattered anymore, she wanted to taste more of him.

His hands, strong and sure, glided down Genevieve’s sides, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. He felt the curve of her waist, the gentle rise of her hip, and the smooth skin of her thigh. Each touch fueled the fire that raged between them, a hunger that couldn't be denied.

Their bodies moved in a sensual, synchronized dance, their passion deepening with every passing moment. Genevieve’s heart pounded in her chest as she pressed herself closer to him, the rhythm of their bodies merging into an erotic symphony.

“Do you want to take this party elsewhere?” He asked in a low gruff voice and Genevieve couldn’t deny what he was doing to her. She nodded before pressing her lips against his and he led them both out of the bar into a waiting vehicle. The moment the door was locked and the partition went up, He pulled her onto his laps before kissing her again.

The ride from the elevator was quite eventful because they couldn’t have enough of each other. Clothes were flying around and Genevieve just wanted to get naked and beneath him.

“You’re quite the fire girl” he chuckled as he took off her dress and she pulled him down to kiss her again. Tonight would definitely be one for the books.

The night passed in a blur, a wild mix of pleasure and pain, almost a physical manifestation of her emotional turmoil. The stranger was gone when she awoke, leaving nothing behind except the faint scent of cologne on the sheets and a business card with a single word scrawled: "Adrian."

Genevieve stared at the card, confusion and fear mingling in her hungover mind. Her memory was foggy, and the pieces took a few moments to fall into place.

Adrian Voss.

He was an enigma wrapped in a tailored suit, a figure that cast a long, imposing shadow across the world of finance. Standing at an impressive six-foot-two, his presence alone commanded attention in any room. What set Adrian apart was his eyes – piercing orbs the color of obsidian; they held a cold, calculating gaze that could freeze the bravest souls in their tracks.

The first time Genevieve had met the man had been at Henry’s business launch, and how he walked around like he owned the place didn’t go down well with her ex-fiancé. She could remember how Henry bitched about him for the entire week, and she knew that she had to stay away from that man as she usually stayed away from everything and everyone Henry despised.

Why had he left her his name?

Genevieve had no idea what to feel; she slid down the wall and took deep breaths. The headache from last night was still evident, and her legs throbbed lightly, evidence of a perfect night. Somehow, regret wasn’t crossing her list. Maybe it was time to face her new life without Henry.

She showered, changed into the neatly folded outfit by the dressing mirror, and downed the aspirin. The man was thoughtful; she would have to give him that, and she was grateful he didn’t wait for her to wake up. She had no idea how she would have faced him, and the embarrassment would have been a lot.

For now, she would pretend last night didn’t happen and continue her life like that.

Walking out of the suite, Genevieve looked around. It was one of the top hotels in New York, and she wondered if he had this suite in reserve for nights like last night when he met women who just wanted to forget who they were. She only hoped no one saw them walk in together. She headed for the private elevator and tried turning on her phone before realizing it was down. She almost screamed in anger, but she decided against it.

“The boss asked us to make sure you get home safely.”

A man in a suit walked up to her as soon as she got to the hotel entrance, guiding her toward a car. Genevieve nodded as she realized that Adrian arranged it. Maybe it was him making sure she didn’t become clingy and not want to leave.

They dropped her off at her apartment, and she looked around before walking inside. She hadn’t spent the night here in a long time. She plugged her phone to charge and lay on the couch, letting memories of the past attack her. The fact that her dream to be Mrs. Sterling shattered still ached her heart.

The loud shrill of her phone interrupted her thoughts, and she scrambled for the device. The caller ID was her sister, and she knew it was only a matter of time before the whole world knew they had broken up. She wasn’t ready for their consoling or the pity party now, but she picked up the call.

“Hey Gabriella, what’s up?”

“Genevieve, You need to come home now; it’s urgent,” Gabriella replied, and from the sound of her voice, it was apparent she had been crying a lot. Genevieve tried to ask for more information, but the girl ended the call.

Genevieve scrambled up from her sitting position and tried to rush home. Her thoughts were everywhere, and she wondered what could have gone wrong.

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