
Chapter 5: In a spur.


Lexie stood abased, broken. This feels exactly like my first day in this godforsaken school, she swore, shuddering at the déjà vu. Her jaw stiffened, an unknown fear crippling, benumbing her to seem moronic. She resolved that any attempt of explaining her lateness would be heralded as lies so she remained mute. Kill me already, her sanity pleaded whilst stinging eyes stayed shut, terrified to face her harsh reality. In that peculiar silence, she slipped back into time, to that first day at Grinstate.

"Yes Victoria, she's just said her name, Lexie is it? Lexie Pearson and she's from Brookwood." Miss Thorne muttered as she walked towards Lexie who nodded shyly in agreement.

Thorne's statement had been addressed to a brown-haired, emerald-eyed girl who sat by the window at the far end of the classroom. Her hair flattered about against the whishing afternoon breeze. She was chewing on gum and as Lexie raised her eyes to meet her, she smirked arrogantly, mindless of Thorne's scowl.

Well, that's profoundly rude, Lexie thought quietly.

"Miss Thorne, it is Tori." Victoria corrected conceitedly, rolling her eyes. "I think we have ourselves another rat from the gutters up East, what do we know of BrokeWood?" Lexie sighed as some chortled at the girl's remark.

"Victoria!" Thorne scolded ballistic, "I've had it with you!" Her frontlet wrinkled.

"But, it's not my fault her name sounds like one of our old cars, I was only being candid." She mumbled with a smugness that irked Lexie who watched her pop the gum she'd been chewing with her manicured pinky.

What a brat? Lexie scoffed, mentally strangling her.

Miss Thorne gently held Lexie by her clavicle directing her to her seat. "I'm sorry dear, please, make yourself comfortable."

"Victoria, Vicky or Tori whatever it is you like being called! Apologize this very instant! Extremely brutish of you. That's no way to welcome a new student." Thorne thunderously warned. "You'll have to see me after class-” She demanded fixating her eyes on Victoria, who didn't flinch with remorse. Thorne squeezed herself behind Lexie's chair veering towards Victoria like a charged bull, with that, Tori falteringly opened her mouth and swallowed what seemed to be an insincere apology. Lexie could have sworn she'd heard her curse in lowly mumbles.

"Tori shut up, you know, you really do double as Cruella!" Someone yelled amidst the murmurs, Lexie turned to meet a chirpy dark haired girl at the back, she grinned and waved, whispering an apology. Those sitting behind her chuckled at Tori who'd turned red from aggravation.

"Lexie Pearson, huh? Like L.P? I mean wow...sounds like some band I know." Someone mumbled, she turned. "Calvis Jay." He whispered stretching his hands out for hers, reassuringly. A smile pulled up on her lips from the amusement dancing in his friendly eyes. "L or Lexie will do just fine, also, I happen to know that band." She stated, pulling her hand away. "Wow! We surely are friends," he stated, "what's your fav from Meteora?" His gaze stayed on her and downcast her head.

"At the moment, I'd say numb," she whispered, almost convinced she'd made two acquaintances in that moment. She then removed her neatly covered books and placed them on her desk.

"Order class!" Miss Thorne slammed her hand on her table. The vicinity went silent. "So Lexie," Thorne muttered. No...You didn't have to! She fussed in a low voice.

"Do feel welcomed here at Grinstate. I'm your class teacher this year and every year after, till twelfth grade. Don't worry, I trust you'll acclimate." Lexie doubtfully nodded.

"Thanks again?" She managed to say, flustered as to why everyone's attention was on her.

"We'll take the first few minutes of English to have everyone introduce themselves." She declared pointing at the dark haired girl she'd spotted earlier.

"Kimberly," Thorne said, "Let's start with you."


"I said come in!" Her eardrums reverberated, awakening her from the mind drift, she was startled and it felt like she'd been standing there for an eternity. Dazed, she looked around, some students sat amused giggling, a few nibbled on their pens while others scribbled notes passing them around. The anguished teacher was saying something, gesturing for her.

Timidly, she approached him and as she did, realized that someone had indeed switched Mr. Peterson with another half his age. He was relatively handsome, chiseled, beardless jawline, she shook her head. Self-consciously imagining that a sweaty patch now sat beneath her armpits.

"You are twenty minutes late for Chemistry Lexie," he said reading her name from the sitting arrangement sheet stuck on Thorne's table. "I'm told punctuality is key here."

"I...Sir, I'm..." She stuttered lamely.

"But, judging from that horrible hairdo, I'll take it you had a rough morning? You can have your seat." He remarked.

"Drat!" She muffled, debased, walking to her seat—body slouched feeling dumbfounded and shamed. The thought that she wasn't even half-way through her day shredded her soul to pieces. I should have ditched school. Calvis mumbled something, she didn't hear a word of it or respond, he plugged his earphones.

Her head rest on her desk in distraught.


A/N: Thanks for reading!

Snap, what happened to Mr. Peterson?

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