
Chapter 12: The Week's End

Some nightmares haunt you as reality in dreams.


"Why are you doing this?" Lexie wrestled, hurting from the friction against her skin.

"I said hurry up you fools or we'll get caught!" The boisterous leader demanded.

"I have nothing valuable!" She swore, traumatized. Save for her necklace, her grievances were all true. Why's this happening? Is this be about my father? His job? I'm doomed.

"We shouldn't have taken her, you know...?"

"We were only supposed to find the safe, grab the damned letter."

"Shut up! I said shut the hell up! Both of you or I flipping kill you!" The ringleader bellowed and they obediently went mum as he paced about anxiously.

"But we are screwed Dan, she saw us, if we get caught, we go in for life."

"You make me sick Russ, when will you ever grow a pair?" Dan grizzled and without notice, the gun went off, a body fell beside Lexie who yelped. They were in her living room and though blinded, she could tell they were in a faux pas.

"Hey, don't even think about touching her! We've got to go and I mean now!" Dan's voice reverberated in the dark room. Harrowingly, she wiggled away from the dead body.

"I'll be damned if we get caught." His accomplice swore, scampering. The manly voices hollered, barking at each other on who was to blame for Russ's death. She wished she had the strength to escape while they fought over who'd get more ransom money. Footsteps treaded along the hallway and a light was flicked on, she feared for her mother's life.

"Lexie! L..." A voice whispered quietly to her heart, awakening her fearful soul, nudging her to be bold. "Are you ok?" Her heart thudded. She felt offended by that question, I was nearly raped. Her forehead suddenly went cold and the environ grew frigid, eyelashes flipping open as she struggled for her sight to be limpid. "Where am I?" She mumbled confused.

"Hey, you seem sick." The wet piece of cloth was removed from her forehead. Skepticism overwhelmed her belief, clouding her judgement.

"Who...who are you?" She rubbed her eyes, babbling.


"Goodness! What is taking her so long?" Kimberly groaned, walking towards the bathroom. "Shon!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted, pushing back the bathroom door.

"Where is my comb?" She inquired vexed.


"Walk away child, I'll smack you!" She threatened. Her twelve year old brother was all "grown up" or so he presumed seeing as his birthday was hours away. He'd officially be a teenager and with that came a self-absorbed, "I'm old enough” complex. The thought of arguing with his teenage self-sickened her, she sighed, staring at her horrid hair.

"I've placed the cash on your much disorganized dressing table." Mr. Curtis informed rushing down the stairs.

"I'm not disorganized, just from looking for my comb," she mumbled miffed. "Hey dad, wait, what about mom and Shon?"

"She's said she'll be fine, will you take Shon with you?" He said casually.

"Shon? NO! I mean no...Uh, he'll see our gifts for him!" She defended her outraged statement. “You know?"

"Right, he's come of age anyway, make sure he eats before you leave." Mr. Curtis instructed before stepping out, Kimberly rolled her eyes. She walked back to her room and grabbed her phone. "Lexie c'mon!" She muttered desperately, her phone buzzed.


"You got me really worried."

"Mom?" Lexie stuttered wiping imaginary tears, the dripping wet clothe was still on her forehead.

"It's ok, you're ok. Thank God." Kayla reassuringly said.

"I...I...thought?" She choked lifting her once numb hand to block the beams of light.

"Bad dream?" Kayla inquired.

"Worst." She said her voice shaky, "you have no idea."

"Was I dead in that dream?"

"You weren't even in it." She said.

"Then it wasn't bad enough," Kayla joked cheering her up.

"I walked into your room this morning because I had a message for you. But you seemed distressed in sleep and your temperature was soaring, I grabbed a wet towel." She explained as Lexie massaged her throbbing temple. "What message?" Kayla handed her the phone and she pulled herself up to sit, handing her mother the wet cloth.

Hi L! Tell me you’re free?! I need my best friend today, all day actually, in fact all weekend I'll explain when we meet. Midday, usual there or be dead....xx

"Kimberly..." Kayla shook her head looking at Lexie's ghastly gaze, she'd just jumped out of bed. "What?" her mom asked confused. "Are you even sure you want to go out? You've got a fever." She stated concerned.

"A shower will do mom, please text her back and say I'll be there."


"You're late and I'm mad!" Kim pouted sipping the last of what had been her caramel milkshake. "Where the hell have you been? It's been a century, I looked like a fool sitting here doing nothing. Did you know Cold Stone kicks out anyone, who is out to enjoy the towns view without placing any order?" She rambled on comically.

"Oh c'mon! Don't be dramatic now." Lexie said hugging her.

This had been their rendezvous joint ever since they could remember. If anything, it was the most convenient meeting place for them both.” I took a bus here I'm sorry." Lexie apologized, fanning her tampering body with her hands, it was sweltering.

"Yeah? So did I and I kept time," she retorted, Lexie frowned, “relax, I'm only joking, I think I would make a great actress." Kimberly stated flipping her hair backwards. "Tell me you're not ordering anything? We've got errands to run and get back home, take care of Shon, mom's being wretched. Ugh! Pregnant women can be so annoying!"

"Okay...sorry about that." Lexie muttered. "But what in the world is up with your hair today?"

"Don't get me started!" Kimberly replied, running her fingers through. "I'd be in a hoodie if it wasn't for the heat."

"So, about your mom..."

"You dare ask? The woman has been blistering. If I didn't know dad well, I'd presume he left to "handle matters" just to stay sane." She said laughing.

"Sure you're not over exaggerating?"

"I'm serious, you'll see for yourself tonight, she may drive you nuts."

"Dear me..."

"Let's go shop for that twit back home, do you know he had guts to talk back at me this Morning? He suddenly feels so mature." Lexie laughed. It took them about three hours to get done.

"Thanks for picking us up, don't know how we'd manage carrying all that," she expressed getting into their car while Mr. Curtis loaded the last of their shopping into the boot of their black SUV.

"Lexie, dad's talking to you." Kim said hitting her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry Sir...sorry about that."

"Missing home already? Was saying thanks for helping Kim, I'm sure she appreciates that."

"Yes, I do." Kim reiterated, echoing her dad's words. Most often than not she forgot courtesy and Lexie had grown accustomed to that.

"You know, you're always welcomed to our home." He added as if sensing her angst.

"Thanks." Lexie said.

The music played and they both sang along but Kim louder than usual. It must have been sugar rush from the ice cream Mr. Curtis bought them. Kimberly eventually hushed and unknowingly, they both rested their heads on the window, staring at fast paced trees and buildings. They both anticipated a great weekend but Lexie battled much to assuage her worries regarding the subtle dream she had earlier that day.

"Dad, Lexie and I are still going for the concert yeah?" Lexie sat up startled, she was only knowing about it then.

"Did you inform Darby?"

"But dad!" Kimberly groused, "I love this band!"

"Talk to your mother Kimberly." He reiterated, she looped her arms angrily.



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