
Chapter 5 A Bet

"Ugh! You are pretty fast."

"You should have thought about it long ago."

"It's her who came up with this idea, isn't it? Even if The Williams has no heir, she still does not believe me."

Looking straight at Mona's eyes, Alice said indifferently.

At this time, she knew clearly that the company seemed to be a makeup to her. Thus, she let her take the position of the person in charge.

But in fact, Lady Nancy did not believe her ability and doubted her.If there were something going wrong with this company in Kent, she would never inherit The Williams for her life.

Mona nodded when hearing Alice's words and said nothing else.

"Okay! I will definitely make her regret the decision she made! I will take this challenge today, not for others, but for you to see and give me an explanation!"

After Mona watched Alice leave, she sat on the sofa and calmed down for a while.

When Alice calmed down, she dialed a number and took out her mobile phone.

"Nancy, she accepted this challenge!"

"Next, it's up to her! If she doesn't have the ability, let alone the property, I won't leave her a cent!"

Mona listened to her mother-in-law's words on the phone, opening her mouth for a while. But she didn't say anything in the end.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, she thought what Alice said to her just now was all true.

If it weren't for Alice's elder sister, Jasayla, who got into trouble and was about to go to prison, maybe she would never have come to Kent City.

The next day, a piece of news shocked Kent City.

For some unknown reason, The Williams in the Capital City suddenly announced that they would register a new company in Kent City.

The Williams had significant influence in finance and real estate. Their development in Kent City would definitely accelerate the growth of Kent City's economy.

In the entire Kent City, several families had managed to have a relationship with The Williams and then cooperate with them.

In less than a week, The Williams completed all the procedures required for the company registration and successfully listed and opened in Kent City. The company of The Williams was named Renaissance, and everyone in Kent City thought it was bizarre when they first heard it.

They didn't know why The Williams called it this name.But it didn't take long for the attention of everyone in Kent City to be attracted by other things.

Renaissance Company acted very quickly.

On the second day of its establishment, it acquired all the undeveloped land in the south of the city in one move.Besides that, everyone in Kent City also heard that the reason why Renaissance Company did this was to build a brand-new area from scratch.

No one would have doubts about the ambition of Renaissance Company, considering the background of The Williams in the Capital City.

The first time everyone heard the news, they all believed that the wasteland selected by Renaissance Company would definitely become the most prosperous area in Kent City in the future.

After hearing the news, all the families in Kent City were so excited that they found Renaissance Company and wanted to cooperate with it.

The Whites' main business was in the building materials industry.Facing such a big cake, they definitely want to take a bite.

In addition, many people in The Whites thought that The Williams who gave gifts at Flora's birthday party before was The Williams in the Capital City.

When the girls in The Whites heard the news, they were all overjoyed.They racked their brains and left no stone unturned to get involved with The Williams in the Capital City.

But their dream was finally in vain! No matter what they did, the person in charge of Renaissance Company would not see them.

Seeing such a situation, members of The Whites were so anxious that they quickly convened a family meeting to discuss it.

Flora also attended the meeting on crutches.She sat in the middle and looked at everyone in the conference room with deep eyes.

After everyone was seated, Flora said in a deep voice, "The business of Renaissance Company is a big cake, and everyone in Kent City is watching."

"If our White family can cooperate with The Renaissance Company to develop the wasteland in the south of the city together, the power of our family will increase greatly. And we will be the first-class family in Kent City in some day."

"Grandma, we all want cooperation with The Renaissance Company, as you said.But people from Renaissance Company don't want to meet us at all."

"Yes, after so much effort, I can't see any hope at all. It's so frustrating."

"With the attitude of Renaissance Company, they are definitely not The Williams who gave us gifts a while ago."

After hearing Flora's words, everyone in The Whites talked to each other with the same disappointed and passive tone.

Seeing this, Flora scolded, "Don't talk nonsense! The Whites still have hope as long as Renaissance Company has not determined the cooperation partner."

"Since you can't see the boss of Renaissance Company by making an appointment, you can use the most direct way by going directly to the company and waiting for the boss."

"I don't believe you cannot see the person in charge."

"There are so many people in our White family."

"We could send one there waiting at the company, and it will take a long time until everyone has his turn."

Send someone to wait at the entrance of the company for their boss? If other families in Kent City knew about it, they would laugh at them behind their backs!

Although The White family was not wealthy and prestigious, the family members were very proud.How could they be willing to do such a thing?

Thinking of this, everyone subconsciously closed their mouths.Everyone was afraid to be accidentally noticed by Flora and become the first watchdog.

Today's meeting was an internal meeting of the entire White family.

As the future heir of The Whites, Ivan would definitely attend.

At this time, he was sitting in his seat, thinking secretly in his heart about what kind of method he could use to meet the boss of Renaissance Company.

He was too devoted to his thoughts, his eyes a little lax.

And it was at this moment that Shawn, who was sitting in front of Ivan's right, noticed him.Noticing Ivan's silence, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

He said, "Grandma, everyone has been promoting many projects in the company during this time and may not have time to go to The Renaissance Company.But I remember that Ivan has just finished the project and he has nothing to do during this time.

How about letting him go?"

When the people heard this, they all responded immediately and hurriedly agreed.

"Yeah, the project I'm working on is at a critical time during this time, and I don't have time."

"I remember Ivan said some time ago that the project he was working on has just ended, and the next project has not yet started."

"He is free all these days."

"We can let him go. Otherwise, he will be boring if there is nothing to do in the company."

"Yeah, it seems that Ivan is the most suitable person to do this job."

Ivan was sitting in his seat pondering and froze when he heard everyone's words.But before he could refute it, his personal cell phone rang rapidly.

Ivan ignored the words of other people and quickly looked down at the phone.

It was a message from Alice, and the content of this message was not long.

"Take the task of negotiating with Renaissance Company."

When Ivan first saw the message, his thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but he quickly returned to calmness.

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