
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven


“You could have at least caught her.” I laugh as I stare down at the beautiful girl out cold on the floor. Black punched her hard, her eye is already swelling, and I’m betting her head will hurt tomorrow.

Better than what Alejandro would have done to her for that cheap shot, but when I actually look over at the guy, he’s icing his cock and has a strangely impressed expression on his face as her bat leans next to him.

Who is this girl?

Definitely not the meek little good girl I was expecting, that’s for sure. Hell, she didn’t even seem scared when we told her everything. She tried to fight. I like that. It might keep her alive for a while. At least long enough for me to get my dick wet and see if she fights like that in bed.

I bet she does.

She’s a wild one.

“Jake" goes with Black and packs her things in a bag…more than just panties.” Sylvester sighs, staring down at the girl. "Alejandro, pick her up, will you?”

The big guy grumbles, pulling the ice from his dick, but he lifts her up and cradles her to his chest without looking down at her, his teeth clenched. Nodding, I follow Black upstairs. “Shit, I’ll get the key,” I tell him when he tries the handle and it doesn’t budge.

I’m turning to do just that when I hear a smash. Glancing over my shoulder, I see he’s kicked down the door. He grins back at me. “No need, it’s open now.”

Shaking my head, I grab my dice, a habit, as we step inside. My eyebrows rise, it’s a fucking mess. Clothes and beer bottles are everywhere. Sylvester would have a shit fit if he saw this place. Black, uncaring, heads straight for the half open wooden drawers on the back wall under a window. He starts grabbing handfuls of panties, I even catch him sniffing some.

I snatch a bag from the built-in wardrobe next to the bathroom door and fill it with her toiletries and makeup. I take some clothes that are hanging up and other articles from the room, as well as some bits and bobs she might need. We can always buy her whatever else she wants, but her having her own stuff might calm her somewhat.

I almost laugh out loud as I remember how she took down Alejandro. It’s not often someone gets a drop on him. Hardly ever, in fact. This is going to be fun. A noise drags my head up to see Black bouncing on her bed, his arms under his head.

“You going to help or jack off into her knickers?” I ask seriously, noticing a stringy pink piece clutched in his hand. “Remember what we said about touching yourself in public?”

He frowns, tucks the panties into his pocket, and fluffs up the pillow under his head but freezes. With a slow move, he reaches under the pillow and pulls out a gun—a small revolver. Well, well, well, where did our little one get that?

Black's face splits with a grin. “I think I’m in love. Do you think she would shoot me if I ask?”

“Probably, want to bet on it?”

“Hell no, you cheat!” he snaps, making me laugh. I do, sometimes. Other times, I just read people, it’s a talent of mine I’ve honed. It makes me a bad person to bet against, and also the best bookie in the city.

Peering above the mini fridge, I spot a photograph, the only one I’ve seen up here. It’s of a younger Zamsii without as many tattoos, and her hair is longer and blonde. She has a nose stud, but it’s definitely her, and next to her is a large man. Huge actually, with a bald head and greying beard, scars at the corner of his chin, and a nose that’s been broken. Who is he?

It’s not her dad, but it has to be someone important to her. So I take it, fold it away, and pocket it just in case we need to find him and use him as leverage. Looking around, I nod at Black “I think that’s everything. Let’s go before she wakes up and starts punching people again.”

“Do you think she would?” he questions wistfully.

“Crazy fucker,” I mutter, as I hoist her tattered bag higher and head downstairs.

Alejandro is still holding her, looking like he would rather be anywhere else, and Sylvester is wandering around the bar. No doubt learning everything he can. I know how to read people, but Sylvester? He’s made it a fucking game, a sport, to find people’s weaknesses and exploit them, destroy them with what he learned.

Little miss Zamsii will be no different.

“All packed, she doesn’t have much.” I shrug.

Sylvester nods. “I don’t think Sylvester cares about things other than this bar.”

Alejandro growls, “Fucking great, can we leave now?”

“Scared she’s going to take a shot at your junk again?” I taunt, and he narrows his gaze at me.

“I’ll carry her,” Black offers. I step in his path as Alejandro turns her away from him.

“That’s okay, man, he’s got it,” I say to the man who frowns and peeks around me to try and see her. Fuck, I look over at Sylvester and he nods, he’s noticed it too. The last person Black became obsessed with ended up being burned to death. We want her to suffer, but not that much…not yet.

That means we need to stay between him and her, at least for now.

“Come on, we’ll head back.” I clap him on the shoulder, dragging him away as Sylvester steps between him and Alejandro to further block his view.

Black moans but perks up when I tell him he can drive.

“We’ll meet you back here, get the guest room ready so she can stay there for now,” Sylvester calls, and I nod.

Guest room? Like she’ll be staying in there for the long haul. It seems Zamsii is going to live with us. And from just the moment I spent with her, I’m betting she’s going to try her best to kill us for that.

I can’t wait.

It’s been awhile since we last did something fun, this one just happens to come in a delectable package which I plan to open. Yes, I’ll have Zamsii before we kill her. I’ll make her beg for it, crave it until she caves…then I’ll finally fuck her.

She’s now lost the biggest bet of all—her freedom and her life.

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