Or a good lay—that could be it too. His eyes were on me again having a knack for glaring into my translucent soul. His illegal body came to an abrupt halt in front of my desk.
« For the drink » he muttered in his deep, gruff voice, fishing money out of his impossibly tight pocket. How did he fit anything in there ? Let alone his dick.
« No-Mr—I mean, C.J., you don’t have to pay me back. It was…. » I waved a hand, trying to distract my eyes from his soul-piercing stare.
« I don’t like owing people, » he said, laying a ten-dollar bill onto my desk. I stared at it for a second, unsure if I should take it or not.
« Thanks, » I said through a reluctant smile. His head nodded up and down. Relief washing over his face like he had cleansed his sins in church.
« I’ll buy you another one, sometime, » I said out of nowhere, trying to sound as confident as my mousy voice would allow me to.
I didn’t know where my newfound confidence came from, but he must have liked it. His eyebrows rose into his hairline, plump lips twitching into a small smile. Almost like he was encouraging me to do what I said, toying with me. Begging me on his hands and knees to meet him at the bar.
« You know where to find me, » he said matter-of-factly. Turning on his heels, and walked away from me. His eyes never looked back to see my jaw on the floor.
What just happened ??? I gasped to myself, my fingers shaking from his out of nowhere invitation.
Did he give me permission to buy him another drink ? At the same bar ? Together ?
My Girls :
Me : uhhhhh…. He just paid me back for the drink I bought him. And you’ll never guess what he said to me ?!?
Amanda : Don’t leave us hanging !!
Me : I told him I’d buy him another one sometime……. Feeling brave, ya know ? And he told me I know where to find him !! What does that mean ? What do I do with that ?!
Yvette : holy fuck balls, get yourself back to that bar later !!! Buy the man a drink !!
I swallowed hard and looked around the brightly lit office. Everyone was still working—or not working, they were still chatting like before. And here I was rocked by an odd invitation from C.J. My cheeks were stained scarlet, heat poured from the back of my neck to the tip of my ears. My abdomen swam in sweet delight at the endless possibilities of what could be.
C.J. Cole, THEE C.J. fucking Cole, writer of the best sci-fi, erotic, sex-filled, novels, having sold millions.
Wanted me.
Me !!! An average intern, to buy him drinks.
At least that’s what I thought.
Maybe I was looking at his invitation too literal. Maybe he didn’t want me to meet him at all, maybe it was him acting nice ?
I groaned, going back to lightly slamming my forehead onto my desk. My go-to punishment for my anxiety-ridden fuck-ups.
What the heck was I going to do ? Go to the bar and have a good time. Or make a fool out of myself ? It wouldn’t all be bad, I could at least get some drinks and maybe keep him company ? If I was lucky, maybe I’d get lucky.
I really needed to get lucky soon or I might go insane.
My girls :
Me : What the hell did I let you talk me into ?
I groaned looking at my phone. I was still in my car, nervously twitching my toes in my heels. Friggin’ heels ! Why did I tell them I was brave enough to do this by myself ? And how did I know he’d even be here ?
Yvette : well…. Hopefully into C.J.’s pants. You got that short dress on ?
Me : Yeah… I still can’t believe you talked me into it. I think my ass cheeks feel a breeze.
Amanda : use it to your advantage. Wiggle that ass, get him !
They convinced me to go out. I hated going out by myself—especially since I would take C.J. up on his offer. Buy him another drink and hopefully get him to talk…. Or more.
Wishful thinking.
I lightly slammed my head into the steering wheel a few times, trying to convince myself to get out of the car. It was now or never, and I had to live my life. I hadn’t enjoyed myself in ages—not since Neil.
So tonight was the night. Have fun. Have some drinks. And talk to C.J. for a change. Or talk up some other person if C.J. didn’t show.
Just have fun, Mercy. Just have fun.
9 :00 PM
I took a deep breath. In and out. In and out. This was it ! He totally wanted me to be here. Yes. Totally -totally wanted me here !! You got this, Mercy ; you are a big girl. A big, brave girl who can approach a man ! Well — a very sexy man in a bar. An illegally hot man. Who happened to write sexy SciFi for your publisher. Who can probably make you come undone with the flick of his tongue. Imagine what’s inside his pants !
Oh yes, brain—thank you for making this so much easier. Deep breaths. Focus, you idiot.
My eyes scanned the bar. Warm bodies packed every inch of the smoke-filled room. People talked closely to each other. Men and women caressing each other’s bodies with drinks in their hands. Their murmurs barely audible above the loud music booming from the speakers above.
‘Fuck’ I cursed to myself. My thighs rubbed against each other. The need for friction between my legs at the mere sight of people touching and caressing.
I didn’t realize how much I needed a night out on the town. I needed a touch, a caress, a kiss, God I needed someone, it had been so long. Too long for one human to take. After seeing all these attractive people with meat between their legs. I didn’t care if it was C.J. who made my dreams come true.
He probably wasn’t interested in me, anyway. I was a short, frumpy, college graduate blindly feeling her way through adulthood. Plus--- he was wayyyyy out of my league. Wayyyy too hot for little ole me. But I’d still try, I guess. I promised the girls I’d give it my best efforts.
I walked toward the bar, pulling my small clutch closer to my chest. My eyes constantly scanned the hundreds of faces around me. Desperately searching for the one I wanted to see. My lonely heart dropped into the depths of my stomach. Stomach acid grinding my pitiful heart into smithereens, and blending it into nothing. Fuck.
The one time I had the courage to come out by myself. He was about as elusive as the pages he promised Reese two years ago ; non-existent. You know where to find me, bullshit. Now don’t get me wrong, there were tons of attractive men lining the bar looking for a woman to complete their night. But not the very writer I wanted to literally sink my teeth into, among other body parts.
I sat down in a huff at an empty bar stool, propping my elbows onto the uncomfortably sticky bar. I took my phone out and stared at the bright screen. Do I tell them I failed ? Do I tell them this idiot wasn’t here yet ?