

Mae was being covered up like she was a broken toy being taken away for repair. As soon as she was moved off the stage, the bidding continued.

The next time the curtain over her cage was pulled up, she was back in the office the man who brought her here had taken her to meet Leo Vance.

"You bastard," she cursed at Leo who just smiled. He was seated behind his desk like before she left but was more comfortable now. He had his legs crossed over his desk while he faced the screen in front of him.

Mae hadn't noticed the screen there before. She heard numbers still being announced so she looked at the screen like him and saw some other young girls being auctioned and bid over. They were much younger than she was. It broke her heart to see them sitting in their cages quietly unlike her, looking hopeless and waiting to be sold off.

"Let me out of here and I'll kill you Vance, I swear I will!" She yelled at him and shook the cage she was in so he looked at her. His look was cold and indifferent at first but then she got that annoying smile of his that reflected fearlessness and lawlessness.

"Don't say what you can't do Ms Yrote." He said something to her since she returned to him.

Mae turned to the men standing by the door and around her cage as she heard them laugh. The man Leo had killed earlier was no longer on the floor and there was nothing to show that anyone had being shot dead in that spot. She wondered if the man standing in that same exact spot knew someone else who stood there died by Leo's gun earlier.

"You think I can't kill you? Let me out and see," Mae had tears in her eyes."Or are you scared? Are you afraid to die, because I will kill you Vance." She said in a low, tired voice but Vance could here the determination in her voice and he found it casually amusing.

He got up from his seat behind the desk and walked leisurely to the cage she was in. When he got to her, he pulled on the knees of his suit trouser before squatting by the cage.

"You had your chance to kill me, Miss Yrote, you couldn't and now, you won't even let me make some good money off you. Don't you think you're being a bit selfish?"

"Let me free if you dare," she whispered to his face impudently. Leo was taken aback by her sudden boldness.

"Okay." Leo shrugged, willing to see what she had in mind."You want to kill me so bad, don't you." He laughed."There's three of my men here with us. Surely, they won't just stand and watch you try to kill me but if you can kill just one of them, Ms Yrote, I'll let you a chance to come at me. Deal?"

Mae swallowed and looked at the men. Two of them looked burly and just one amongst them was lanky but tall. She watched Leo return to sit behind the desk and cross his leg like before.

His eyes on the screen, he gave an order to his men."Let her out of the cage."

His men looked at each other and then back at him. They smiled and knew their boss wanted some entertainment asking them to free Mae because they assumed she couldn't do what she threatened. One of the men went by the cage and started to unchain it's door.

"Don't shoot at her, she doesn't have a weapon." They heard their boss instruct with his eyes still on the screen watching the bidding going on in the hall.

Mae started to calculate what to do once she was let out of the cage. As soon as the door to the cage open, she heard the burly man snicker as he waited for her to crawl out.

She took a deep breath and came out of the cage. One glance at Leo Vance and her anger paced at its peak. She charged at the lanky one among the men, deceiving his sight by making him believe she was coming directly at him but instead climbing on the top of a mini cupboard behind him and attacking him from behind.

It was just a blow to his head but she knew where to hit him to make him collapse to the floor. The other two men looked at themselves, surprised at how effortlessly she made the lanky one go to sleep.

Leo turned his eyes away from the screen to her when he heard someone fall with a faint thud. He had thought it was her falling to the ground but it wasn't so he smiled. She was more surprising than he thought.

"Who next?" She asked both the men staring at her. She knew Leo told her that killing just one of them was enough but just like he also told her, the men wouldn't let her attack him if they were alive and present so she had to take them out too.

One of the men started towards her but she was quick to avoid any hit from him thanks to how much bigger he was compared to her petite self. She slid beneath him, passing in-between his legs and kicking him in the crotch. She panted as she saw him crouch low in pain and knew it was her chance. She immediately went for one of the mini statues that had fallen from the top of the cupboard she had climbed on earlier and hit him in the head with it.

When he fell to her feet, she drew in breath and looked in Leo's direction. She saw that he was watching her take out his men one by one but she didn't see him radiate any sign of fear. All he had on his face was his smirk which she found annoying and a hint of surprise.

"Your turn Mr." She looked away from Leo and back at the last man standing. He tilted his neck from left to right as he cracked his neck and let out some breath before rushing to him but he slapped her to the floor.

Her cheeks burning with Sharon pain due to the slap, she heard Leo laugh and when she lifted her face to look at him, she saw that his eyes was back at the screen. She got back on her feet to meet the last burly man's smile.

She wiped off the little blood on her lips from when he slapped her and looked at the wall behind him, she smiled. She could use that. Anything and everything could be a weapon, it was what she was taught during her training before she joined the agency.

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