

As she stood still in front of Omar, she was forced to remember the last night with Leo Vance. His breath on her skin, his non-negotiable words of finality to her.

She had woken in the morning still on the chair she had slept on the night before. She had sat there waiting for Leo's return but he didn't come back that night so she slept off without knowing and when she woke up, she was in the same sofa she slept in, just that she wasn't in Leo's mansion anymore.

She had woken up to find herself by the roadside with some people staring at her and wondering why she was there.

After telling Omar all that happened last night between her and Leo Vance, she saw her superior clench his fist with a smile which she found uncanny and unsettling.

"So he asked who you were and you just gave yourself out? Without a fight?"

"I...he..." Mae started to stutter.

"Please tell me you didn't not give him your name." Omar inhaled deeply after asking and raised a brow when she didn't answer immediately.

"I...I did..."

"Okay, you're fucked." Omar got up after hearing all Mae had to say.

"W-what?" Mae got worried having to hear that from Omar.

"I'll deploy some people to stay with you for the next two weeks so he doesn't come back for you."

"He's gonna come for me?"

"Yes. Try to be more careful for the next few days and you should be fine."

"Why though?"

"You tried to kill him, that's why."

"B-but he didn't even let me make that effort, he didn't leave me a chance to try and kill him." Mae got scared.

"Pull yourself together. I just stated how it usually ends for anyone who tries to kill him but he might not come for you. If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it that night, given the way your encounter with him was."


At Mae's residence.

Mae stood by her open fridge and took out a bottle of milk. Shaking the bottle before opening it, she poured some into her glass and only took a sip when her door was opened by one of the securities Omar sent home with her.

"A call for you." The man said and handed a phone over to her before leaving as quickly as he came in. Mae just nodded and took the phone from him, drinking some more milk from the glass.

"Hello?" She voiced to the phone, expecting it to be Omar because he asked her not to use her phone for the main time.

"Did you treat your disease yet?" Mae spat out all the milk in her mouth and started to cough after. She knew whose voice she just heard over the phone. It was Leo Vance's.

She remembered lying to him about having a disease that night but knew now that he must have already found out that she lied. With the back of her palm, she wiped some of the milk off her lips and put the phone back to her ear, walking to the window of her living room to take a peek outside and know if the securities were still there.

When she looked, she saw that they were still standing outside, all three of them and there was no one else.

"Are you going to kill me?" She asked with a shaky voice and heard a light laugh.

"That will depend solely on your decision." Leo's voice insinuated seriousness even though he just laughed.

"I need to go to Mr Troja," Mae threw open her front door while still stretching her right arm into the jacket she was putting on.

"We were instructed not to..." One of the men wanted to stop her but she just slapped the phone back into the palm of the man who brought it in for her.

"Take me to Mr Troja, it's important." She begged him. He didn't know she just talked to Leo. When he received the call, It was someone from their office wanting to talk to her so when Mae begged to go see Omar there, he only assumed they had asked for her presence there urgently. He had no idea that the call was tapped before it got to Mae.

"Let's take her to the office, it could be important." He suggested to the others and they nodded in agreement.

Once she was got to the investigation agency, she went straight to Omar's office. Three knocks to the door, she got a ‘come in’ and went in. 

"Sir," she saluted as she greeted.

"Why are you here? Did any attack happen?" Omar got up from his seat and asked concernedly.

"I got a call. It was from him, Leo Vance." She said amidst faint breathe and Omar rushed to close the door.

"How did he contact you? What did he say? Did he threaten you?"

"He asked me to hide as much as I want, that he could get me to his chamber whenever he wants to." Mae tried to keep up with hiding her fear as she reported.


Two days later.

At Omar Troja's residence.

Omar had Mae stay at his house for her safety. He could request for federal protection for her but then he would have to give report to his superiors on how he planned to have her kill Leo Vance and how it put her safety at risk. He would have to answer for going against the agencies code of conduct and trying to kill him. Weighing the odds, he decided to have her at his place and put some men in place.

Mae stood and looked from her balcony at the beautiful view. She looked down at men patrolling the house and for some reason became tensed with fear.

Are these men really enough to stop Leo Vance from coming to get me? She asked herself. Her question was soon answered. She was still looking from the balcony when one of the men standing outside with his colleagues turned and shot someone next to him. Mae's else widened at what she just witnessed. The other men were about to shoot but the one who had opened fire first shot them all and soon became the only man standing.

She panicked when the man looked up at her before making for the houses entrance. She immediately ran to Omar's room to knock and tell him all that just happened.

She got there and pounded her fist against the door. She got no response from Omar so she knocked louder but the man had already come for her. She felt the cold metal against her neck.

As soon as the man left with her, Omar opened his door and looked around. There was no one in the hall way yet he heard someone knocking on his door when he was in the bathroom. It suddenly occurred to him.

"Shit. Mae?!" He went to the room he left her but she wasn't there so he hurried downstairs. He saw his men on the floor, soaked with their own blood, all six of them, dead.

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