

After 10 minutes Aryan reached home. He had a project he had to work on and check on the final stages of his hidden project. He was starting a hospital, trust and orphanage on Mannat's name. The hospital would give treatment for the the poor at less cost and the orphanage would pick up the kids from road who were forced to labor and provide them with education and shelter. This was something Mannat wanted to do from a long time but she was not able to gather all the work force for this nor the perfect spot for the place. Aryan worked hard and searched a lot for a huge area where the hospital, school, orphanage all three can fit in. He finally found one and immediately started implementing the plans for it. He went for several meetings and kept it hidden from Mannat. The work had started nine months ago and it was finished two weeks ago. For a week the whole area was given finishing touches and had started functioning and this week the children started living in and he planned on showing it to his girl. Watch her smile seeing her dream come true. He reached home and saw the door open. He walked in with disbelief as to how can she leave the door open. He locked it and turned around calling her name.

"MANNAT! Where are you? Why is the.." he froze no words coming from his mouth when he noticed her body on the floor and blood flowing from her head. He screamed her name and ran towards her taking her in his arms. He shook her and checked her nerves and breathe. She was breathing still but lightly. He picked her up and ran out of the house and down outside. He took her to the hospital and started shouting.


The doctors came running and starting checking her.

Doctor: take her to OT now she's losing a lot of blood and took Mannat to the OT. Aryan quickly finished the formalities and the operation started.

In the meanwhile all got the news and they reached hospital just to find him standing outside the OT like a zombie staring into space. Hardik went and hugged him and Aryan broke down. He started sobbing fearing the loss of his life, his Mannat. Hardik consoled him and soon 3 hours later the red light of the OT went off. The doctor came out.

Hardik: doctor how is she now?

Doctor: this man brought her on time. She's out of danger but we will keep her in the hospital for a weeks time to observe her as she was hit on a very critical part of the brain which deals with memories. We do not know if she'll remember anything when she wakes up. You can see her after we shift her to ICU.

Aryan was lost when he heard that. Mannat couldn't forget him after all that they faced together she couldn't do this to him.

He just stood still like a statue not saying a word or doing a movement. This was scaring F4 and they just prayed for their friend's wellbeing.

Three hours later Mannat gained consciousness and the doctors were inside checking up on her. They came out soon after shifting her to the vip room and said: Mr. Malhotra she is awake now and congratulations she remembers everything and is asking for you. We have shifted her to the VIP room.

Hardik thanked the doctor and Aryan silently walked to Mannat's room and opened the door. She noticed him coming inside and looked him up and down to make sure this was real. While he was just looking at her.

Mannat "Aru.."

Aryan walked towards her and sat on the stool besides her bed and hugged her. She hugged him back and soon felt her top getting wet. Aryan was crying and soon he started sobbing very badly. She consoled him and then Aryan held her head in between his hands and said: I'm never leaving you alone ever again. Never and trust me love who ever did this will have to pay. They messed with the wrong person. They shouldn't have even looked at you.

Aryan Malhotra was not someone you mess with. The doctor then came in and said.

Doctor: Mr. Malhotra she is fine now. She has to stay in the hospital for a week now to let the head injury heal and to monitor her health for any headaches or something serious.

Aryan nodded and the doctor walked out. They were waiting and not even five minutes later all barged in her room and gave her a smile but didn't move any closer in case they might hurt her. They stayed for two hours and then all left leaving them alone trying to give Aryan time to nurse his and Mannat's health back to normal. The nurse came in and gave her food and medicines which Aryan fed her and she fell asleep.

Aryan called a number and said: they messed with the wrong person find out who was it. I'll show them what it is like to mess with my girl".

A week passed in a blink and Mannat was much better now and didn't have any problem and was now released from there. They were leaving the hospital now as Mannat was discharged just a few minutes ago and their friends behind them.

The coming week she finished all her pending work and she was starting college on Wednesday.

September 7th 2011; Wednesday. Time: 1 pm.

Silver Creek Academy:

A Lamborghini black in color stopped and nobody came out. What is actually going to happen.

Next not seconds later four more cars arrived. Same model, same color. The cars two in front of the earlier car two at back.

The first and the last car doors opened and five men dressed in black suits got off from each car. They opened the doors for the three cars in middle. The middle car had two people and the cars behind and front had four and three people respectively.

As the people inside the cars got off the people's jaw dropped. It was them. The DANGEROUS 4 along with The F5. All walking in with style. The aura around them reeked of confidence, power and money.

All the students were shocked to see them. They all knew about The F5 but didn't know that D4 was actually The DANGEROUS 4 the famous band from London. All were scared shitless obviously nobody was that stupid to be their "entertainment" willingly. But seeing them all went towards them forming a crowd for autograph and selfies. The nine of them were giving autographs and selfies also somehow the press arrived taking their pictures. It was first time that D4 stepped in college in their style. They were extremely famous and their popularity kept increasing with time. All these people never came out of the disguise as they wanted a normal life away from fame and concentrate on completing their education first. With the help of their bodyguards they reached the diner where the juniors were seated. The once chirping environment was now silent. Why wouldn't it be. After all the popular group had walked in with bodyguards around them but at a distance. They settled in their place- The centre table.

As they were seated many of them came to Mannat with flowers and gifts welcoming her back in college which she accepted and said thank you. All the juniors they taught also came there and announced that they had a song prepared for Mannat. They sang and she thanked them all and gave them a group hug saying they were very nice and she got emotional. All the juniors sat down along with them pulling chairs when she told them to. The tables were compact and could be opened and closed accordingly to the number of people. They opened it to its maximum and all sat around it eating their food whereas Mannat was in Aryan's arms because he was not ready to create distance between them. He fed her hot chicken soup which he made for her and the rice later on. He wasn't going to let her drink or eat outside food for a while. Mannat got up to go use the washroom and Riya who got up to move behind Mannat to join her passed by Alia's side. Riya tripped as Alia stuck her foot out causing her to face-palm the floor. Chaos broke out as everyone laughed at her.

She got up and was walking out the diner when she heard Alia calling her. She turned and seconds later she was hit by a number of food items all over. Not only did F5 and D4 threw food products but all the students present in there. Two female bodyguards took Riya and tied her to a chair.

Riya: Why have you tied me up please let me go. Why are you doing this to me?? I didn't do anything to be your target.

Mannat annoyed with her fake ness spoke up looking at her in disgust "Ohh you don't know why you are tied up. You don't know all the crimes you did"

Riya: noooo I didn't do anything. Please let me go.

While Riya was shedding tears Aryan took out his laptop and then opened a video setting it with the projector. He then played it. It was a video showing a guy coming to his apartment and then hitting her in the head and going.

Riya: Omg why would someone hit Mannat. Look at that it's a guy who hit her. Aryan played the video again and stopped it at a spot and zoomed in. It showed her hand where there was a butterfly tattoo and a R written with a bracelet which they have seen Riya wearing always. Alia took some makeup remover from her bag and wiped her hand with a napkin only to see the tattoo while Reva removed the bracelet from Riya's bag.

Mannat looked at her again tauntingly "now you want to say anything Miss. Courtney Kansas".

Riya started sweating: what are you saying. My name is Riya not Cou..rt..ney...

Mannat: then why are you sweating so much sweetheart.

Riya: because of the hot tempera...ture.... she was stuttering but Mannat had enough and she screamed loudly.

Mannat: ENOUGH!!! OFFICER!!!

A cop from London who had come to India on Aryan's report took her away and left to the airport with her and the Indian police following.

Next minute the principal came in and apologized to them and asked Mannat about her health and after receiving a reply he left for his cabin.

Riya Baretto's oops sorry Courtney's chapter had closed forever from their lives. Now turn a new page to a new chapter.

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