
Chapter 7: Leave! Jean

~~~"You ready?" Ricardo asked as he descended the staircase, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. Natalie's gaze followed him as he approached, and she was struck by how good-looking he was. She bit her lip as she continued to stare.

"Don't eat up my brother," Jean whispered in Natalie's ear, jolting her out of her daze.

"Pfft," Ricardo scoffed. "She's free to do as she pleases." His gaze lingered on Natalie, and she felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Okay! Let's go" Jean say rolling her eyes at the couple.



Jean is describing the location of the shoot, the type of photographs that will be taken, and the wardrobe Natalie will be wearing. Natalie listens carefully, absorbing all the information. She asks a few questions to clarify the details. It's all business - there is no emotion or drama, just a focus on the task at hand.

"The dress is a simple, elegant design, in a neutral color that will complement any background," Jean says. "The theme of the shoot is 'refined beauty,' so the focus will be on your natural features and the emotion you convey through your eyes and body language." Natalie nods, understanding the concept and visualizing the photos in her mind.

"I have to warn you about something," Jean says. "Ladi will also be at the shoot. She's another model who has a reputation for causing trouble, and she might try to sabotage your work." Natalie's eyebrows raise, "I know she'll do that I already know about Ladi and her reputation," Natalie says, a calm confidence in her voice. "I'm not worried about her. I know what I bring to the table, and I know that she doesn't have what it takes to cause me any harm." Jean nods, impressed by Natalie's self-assurance. "That's the right attitude," she says."

Jean glances over to Ricardo.

"Are you okay Mr Ricardo?" Jean ask,a worried look starting to appear on her face. Ricardo and Jean's relationship was a secret to the outside world and their driver was inside the car with them so hence the formalities.

"Am fine,just making some necessary preparations" Ricard says barely audible.

"Back to the public attitude are we?" Jean muttered rolling her eyes.

Ricardo shook his head not wanting to engage in her trouble.

He knew if he said something,she would start bothering him and that was what he could not do now.

He sat back still on his phone arranging security for Natalie. He doesn't want her getting injured like the other time. Seeing her bruised or in pain was something he couldn't afford.

Natasha buried her head in her phone texting him:

✉️ 'Hey Sugar are you okay' Natalie texts

Ricardo feels his phone vibrates and slides it unlock.

✉️ Sugar,huh? He texts back

✉️ 'I can change it if you don't like it' She texts back

✉️ 'Nah! I like it,Mi alma'

✉️ 'Care to translate,dolcezza' Natalie sends back with a love emoji a smile on her face.

Jean shifts in her seat, trying to get a better look at Natalie's phone. But Natalie is quick, turning the phone sideways to block Jean's view. Jean looks at her with a puzzled expression, clearly wondering what she's hiding. But Natalie just smiles and continues scrolling through her phone, refusing to give anything away.

? 'says the girl calling me an Italian name,what does it mean,my soul'

Ricardo feels a wave of calm wash over him. Natalie has this incredible ability to make his worries disappear. He feels his muscles unclench, and his breathing becomes more even. He sits back in his chair, letting himself relax completely. It's almost like Natalie has a magic touch, soothing his mind and body with just a few words. Richardo text back. Relaxing already. Natalie has a way of taking his worries away.

"Am guessing 'my soul' is 'mi alma' that's really nice,if Jean wasn't here I would probably kiss you and finish what we were doing earlier" Nat text back biting her lips.

Ricardo turned to look at Jean, then back at Natalie. An idea popped into his head, and he said, "Albert, pull the car over."

The car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road. Jean turned to look at Ricardo, a confused expression on her face. "What's going on?" she asked. "We're almost late for the shoot."

Ricardo smiled at her, his eyes calm and steady. "You're not going early to the shoot," he said.

Jean stared at Ricardo, her mouth agape. "What?" she sputtered. "I'm not going early to the shoot? But...why?"

"Cause you'll be walking to the location" Ricardo says

Jean still not getting what Ricardo was insinuating.

Natalie held her mouth stopping herself from laughing. Jean glanced over at Natalie given her a stern look.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Ricardo asked feigning an angry look. He has to look serious so Jean will get off, he really needs to touch Natalie again. Why isn't she moving? He glared at Jean.

"Are you getting off,or I should drag you off? Or better still call someone to do that?"

Jean shook her head sitting properly holding Natalie Luke her life depended on it.

"Am not getting off,Ric am not" Jean say obstinate

"Jean you should do what he says,he can destroy your career you know?" Nat says trying hard to nudge Jean into leaving. She was also getting impatient.

"Am not going anywhere!" Jean bursted out "for all I know someone is waiting to kidnap me as soon as I step out of here." Jean made a crying.

"Doesn't matter,walk!" Ricardo's voice didn't come out strong as he wanted it to,he was fighting back his laugh. Jean's face was really pushing him to laugh.

"Albert! Get this woman off my car" Ricardo ordered avoiding Jean's funny gaze. With the blink of an eye Jean was off the car and she watched Albert driver Ricardo and Natalie off. She was still dumbfounded....

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