

I am what everyone will call a nerd, being seventeen years old and I am yet to experience my first kiss.

My basic teenage life is all about going to school, avoid the jocks and popular crowd, don't get shoved against the wall, and do everything that will not attract any attention to me.

Well, that's how it started at first until I met Courtney who is now my best friend.

I met her in our sophomore when she moved to our town. I don't know what drew her attention towards me when the teacher was introducing her but anyway, after the introduction, she sat beside me and we have been inseparable since then.

Courtney is very much my opposite, she is beautiful, social,  few days in the school she was already popular with people saying hi to her, smiling in her direction boys clamoring for her attention, cheerleaders wanting her to join them.

She will make a great addition to the team because she has a superb body.

By my association with Courtney, my years of being invisible in school became a thing of the past. People started noticing me talking to me, I can no longer come to take my studies and go home with no one being the wiser. Now people say hi, smile at me on the walkway. They knew if they wanted to be close to Courtney they have to be nice to me.

Since my friendship with Courtney, I started getting invited to parties but I always turn them down to the disappointment of my best friend but the idea of going to a party always terrifies me, and I can't say what terrifies me more, the idea of being made to leave my comfort zone or the idea of interacting with boys, I think is the later. Whenever a boy tries to or speaks to me I become a stammering idiot to the amusement of Courtney who teases me mercilessly because of it.

There was also something new that started happening to me since Courtney came into my life. I started noticing some little changes in me, for example, the way my heart beats faster when she smiles at me or touches me or the way I miss her so much when she is not with me. If Courtney wasn't a girl I will think I was having a crush on her but that's impossible yes, yes I assured myself and tried to carry on with my life, pushing the thoughts away.

It was Friday, the school have dismissed I was waiting for Courtney who had a different class from me.

"Hi," she greeted with a smile when she caught up with me in the hallway.

"Hi," I responded smiling back at her.

"So.... she began and I couldn't help making a face I already knew what she was going to ask, I mean is Friday, and she did while wiggling her eyebrows at me trying to look like a little puppy asking for a treat.

I thought about saying no like I always did but instead I found myself nodding my head. Her whoop of joy didn't drown out the doubt that immediately clouded my mind.

what have I done, I thought in panic.

*Don't look so scared, is just a party" she teases, seeing the look on my face.

"Easy for you to say, you are beautiful, popular and everyone likes you what am I?"

"Beautiful" she supplied given me a look, but I ignored her. Her opinion didn't matter, she is my best friend she is biased.

Before you knew it, it was time for the party. I dressed up in my normal wear, a T-shirt, Jeans, and my black and white sneakers packing my hair in a rough ponytail and I was ready for my first high school party.

The sound of horn disturbing the whole neighborhood let me know that Courtney has arrived.

I ran downstairs saying bye to my parents whose only response was to be home by Eleven.

"Hi," I said to Courtney as I entered the car.

Courtney flashed a look at my dressing.

"what?!" I asked noticing her look. "Nothing" was her casual response before she drove off.

When we came out from the car and Courtney stepped out my jaw dropped, she looked gorgeous, I looked down at myself already regretting putting on plain jeans and all around me the girls arriving at the party all looked hot in one gown or the other.

"Damn!," am going to stick out like a sore thumb in there, I thought with mortification glancing around me.

"Are you coming?" Courtney asked seeing as I wasn't following her. I sighed since am already here I might as well brave the whole thing out.

The whole place was packed with teenagers and the music so loud I wanted to cover my ears. Is it the party that everyone talks about, why would anybody wants to be here that could cause serious problems to one's ears I muttered to myself in wonder.

"What?! Courtney screamed over the loud music.

"Nothing," I said holding on to her hand, I wouldn't want to lose her in this mass of people.

We have been here a few minutes when Courtney convinced me to go on the dance floor with her. Initially, I was shy to move just stood there shaking on my legs while Courtney danced around me. When she saw I was so stiff she pulled me to her body "loosen up girl" she whispered close to my ear causing shivers down my body before she started dancing on me again. Gradually I lost my inhibition and started matching Courtney moves with some of my own.

"So you could dance and you have just been hiding it," Courtney stated in a teasing tone.

"I didn't know I could" I said in my defense, allowing myself to have fun.

"Come on," Courtney said taking my hand. "Where to?"

"You will see," she said.

She stopped at the drink section and picked up drinks for both of us. My first sip, I spat out the drink at the foul taste, making Courtney laugh.

"You are so innocent" she whispered to my ears making me shiver. "Just close your eyes and imagine is juice and just chuck it down."

How will someone ever confuse this poor excuse of a drink for juice beats me but I did as she said and chucked the whole thing down all the while my face was squeezed comically.

"Come let's go," she said taking my hand again.

We entered a room filled with people playing some type of game. They all smiled at Courtney and just nodded at me.

Courtney sat down in between two guys and made space for me to seat beside her.

"So what are you guys playing?" she asked out loud.

"Truth or dare" one guy answered wiggling his brows at her.

Either Courtney didn't see the look or she chooses to ignore him.

"Am in" she said then looked at me. I nodded my head shyly.

This is my first truth or dare game. They spore the bottle and I chanted don't fall on me in my mind. My prayers were answered but the bottle landed on Courtney.

"Truth or dare," the boy asked, a challenge in his stare.

"Dare Courtney said with a gleam in her eyes, answering the challenge.

Damn!, she is brave I praised her in my mind.

"Pick the hottest person in the room and spend seven minutes in the closet with the person." The boy said with a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened at the dare and widened the more when Courtney took my hand and dragged me to the closet. She pushed me inside and stepped in behind me closing the door.

She started walking towards me, "I have wanted to do this for a long time she whispered in a husky tone. I just stood there with a frozen and shocked look on my face.

Am going to have my first kiss in a closet with a few of my classmates listening just outside it and from my best friend, I thought in my mind, my heart rate accelerating at this incredible but scary thought.

"Don't tell me you haven't been kissed before?" she asked with a slight frown standing very close to me.

I started shaking, not knowing if it's from her nearness or what is about to happen, probably both.

"Your innocence turns me on so much" she growls very close to my lips before taking it with hers. It was very gentle, her lips soft and sweet. I mewled as she kissed me so tenderly, wow I thought. She ran her tongue along my lower lips asking for entrance which I granted her. The sensation of having her tongue in my mouth was exhilarating. I was in heaven. Our kiss became passionate, we lost sight of where we were as we made love to each other's lips. Yes made love that's exactly how I will describe it. God, I love kissing her I moaned into her mouth pulling her closer as the kiss became more aggressive. She was about to pull up my T-shirt when the sound of someone opening the door caused us to pull apart.

"Damn!, " that was the best seven minutes of my life.

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