


The following week, my parents arrived home after their business trip. The house, now back to its usual state, showed no signs of the grand party that had taken place just days before. I was in the living room, working on a summer assignment, when I heard the familiar sound of my parents' car pulling into the driveway.

I looked up from my books as my parents walked in, their faces lighting up with smiles upon seeing me. My mother was the first to speak.

“Coy, darling! We missed you so much!” She enveloped me in a warm hug.

“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad,” I greeted them, returning my mother’s hug and then giving my father one as well.

My father smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Hey there, birthday girl! Sorry we couldn’t be here for the party, but we’re glad it went well.”

“Thanks, Dad. It was great,” I said, forcing a smile. I didn’t want to dampen their spirits with my lingering feelings about Martins.

My mother took a seat on the couch, patting the spot next to her. “Come sit with us, Coy. Tell us all about it.”

I joined my parents on the couch, recounting the highlights of the party. I talked about my friends, the decorations, and the fun we had with the karaoke machine. My parents listened intently, occasionally exchanging knowing smiles.

“Sounds like Martins did an amazing job,” my father remarked. “We’re so grateful to have him around. He’s like family.”

I felt a pang of emotion at his words but nodded. “Yeah, he did a great job. Everyone had a lot of fun.”

My mother squeezed my hand. “And how are you feeling about starting senior year soon? Excited?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m excited. A little nervous, too, but mostly excited.”

“That’s our girl,” my father said proudly. “You’ve always been determined and hardworking. We know you’ll do great.”

We continued to chat, my parents asking about my plans for the summer, any upcoming activities, and how I was preparing for my senior year. I shared my thoughts and plans, feeling a comforting sense of normalcy.

After a while, my mother stood up. “Why don’t I make us some tea? We can continue catching up in the kitchen.”

“I’ll help you, Mom,” I offered, eager to stay busy.

We moved to the kitchen, where Martins was cleaning up after lunch. He greeted my parents warmly.

“Welcome back,Mrs. Smith. I hope your trip went well.”

“Thank you, Martins,” My mother said with a smile. “It was productive, but we’re glad to be home.

”My father nodded in agreement. “Yes, it’s good to be back. And thank you again for taking such good care of everything while we were away.”

“It’s my pleasure, sir,” Martins replied.

As my mother boiled water for tea, I set out cups and saucers, trying to focus on the task at hand. My father leaned against the counter, chatting with Martins about the garden and upcoming maintenance tasks.

“Martins, I noticed the hedges look especially neat,” My father remarked. “You’ve got quite the green thumb.”

“Thank you, sir,” Martins said. “I enjoy working in the garden.”

I listened to the conversation, feeling a mixture of gratitude and lingering resentment. I was still processing my feelings about Martins, but I knew I had to maintain professionalism, especially in front of my parents.

Once the tea was ready, we all sat around the kitchen table, continuing our conversation. My parents shared stories from their trip, including amusing anecdotes about colleagues and interesting cultural experiences.

My mother turned to me. “We brought you a little something from our trip,” she said, pulling out a beautifully wrapped gift.

My eyes lit up with genuine surprise. “Oh, you didn’t have to!”

My mother smiled. “Of course we did. Open it!”

I unwrapped the gift to find a delicate silver necklace with a small pendant shaped like a star. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much,” I said, my voice filled with emotion.

My father reached over and gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder. “We knew you’d like it. You’re our shining star, Coy.”

My heart warmed at the sentiment. Despite the turmoil I felt regarding Martins, my parents’ love and support provided a comforting anchor.

As the day progressed, the house buzzed with activity and conversation. I spent quality time with my parents, talking about everything from my favorite subjects in school to future college plans.My parents shared their own experiences and offered advice, creating a sense of connection and guidance.

Later in the evening, after dinner, my parents retired to their room to unpack and rest from their journey. I was in the living room, staring at the necklace they had given me. The events of the past week had been a rollercoaster of emotions, but I knew I had to move forward.

Martins entered the room, pausing when he saw me. “Is everything alright, Coy?” he asked softly.

I looked up, meeting his eyes. “I’m okay, Martins.I have told you that you don't have to bother about me anymore.”

He nodded, understanding the depth of my words. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

As the night drew to a close, I felt a sense of calm. My parents’ arrival had brought back a sense of normalcy and support that I needed. While my relationship with Martins had changed, I knew that with time, I would find my footing again.

Before I slept, I checked my phone one last time and saw a notification from one of my group chats. My heart skipped a beat when I read the message: an invitation to a tango competition. What caught my attention even more was the news that my tango crush, a talented dancer she had admired for years, would be coming to the competition as a judge.

I sat up in bed, my fatigue momentarily forgotten. I opened the message and read through the details. The competition would be held in two weeks, giving me just enough time to prepare. The thought of dancing in front of my crush filled my mind with a mix of excitement and nerves.

I have been passionate about tango ever since I started taking lessons a few years ago. It was a way for me to express myself, to connect with others through the rhythm and grace of the dance. The idea of performing in a competition, especially one judged by someone I admired so much, was both thrilling and daunting.

I quickly typed a response to my friends, confirming my interest in participating. They responded with enthusiastic messages of support, sharing in my excitement. I set my phone down and lay back, my mind racing with possibilities. This competition could be a turning point for me, a chance to showcase my skills and maybe even make an impression on my crush.

As I thought about the upcoming event, I realized I needed to focus on my training. I decided to talk to my dance instructor the next day to schedule extra practice sessions. I also made a mental note to review my wardrobe to find the perfect outfit for the performance.

Despite the late hour, I found it hard to fall asleep. My mind was filled with images of the competition, the music, the lights, and the moment I would step onto the dance floor. I grabbed one of my vibrators,put on a porno video and I masturbated for 20 minutes till I cummed.I felt tired and dizzy.

Eventually, exhaustion caught up with me, and I drifted off to sleep, dreams of tango and the upcoming competition filling my mind.

The next morning, I woke up feeling more determined than ever. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, finding my parents in the kitchen having breakfast.

"Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad," I greeted, grabbing a piece of toast. "I have some exciting news. There's a tango competition coming up, and I want to enter.

"My father looked up from his newspaper, his interest piqued. "A tango competition? That sounds fantastic. When is it?”

"In two weeks," I said, my excitement evident. "And guess what? My tango crush is going to be one of the judges.

"My mother raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on her lips. "Your tango crush, huh? That sounds like a great opportunity. We’ll support you all the way.”

"Thanks, Mom. I’m going to talk to my dance instructor today and schedule some extra practice sessions.

"My father nodded approvingly. "That’s the spirit. Give it your best shot. We’re proud of you no matter what.”

Later that day, I met with Ms. Delgado at the dance studio. We spent hours going over routines, perfecting techniques, and discussing strategies to impress the judges. Ms. Delgado was impressed with my dedication and progress.

"You’ve got what it takes, Coy," Ms. Delgado said, smiling. "Just remember to dance with your heart. That’s what truly captivates an audience."

I nodded, absorbing my instructor’s advice. "Thank you, Ms. Delgado. I’ll give it my all.”

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