

Becky's night robe wasn't tied properly, and it exposed a big part of her breast. Yeah, she had full bazooms… She walked to the mini bar and picked a cup before pouring a red wine inside it. She looked at her lover again and smiled… How naughty she was, as she kept admiring his body from afar.

“Baby…” She called sweetly, as she approached toward him.

Cain glanced at her and return his focus on the TV, but then… like something touched his brain, he looked back again and stared at his woman.

Her alluring figure buttering his heart. He looked at the flawless skin between the upper part of the robe and saw the plump breasts which were like his favorite fruits. There was certainly no way, he would look at those and not get hungry. His woman has got the perfect body and her shape was seducing.

He blew a kiss to her and signaled her to come closer and sit beside him.

Becky blushed as she was closer to her lover. There sat right beside him on the same sofa and sipped her wine with her legs crossed, showing her thighs.

Cain's gaze was all over her, and it was like the TV stopped existing to him, as he moved and slowly planted kisses on her neck.

“How was work today?” He asked in between the kisses.

“Should I just tell him about the transfer now?” Becky thought but then, she looked at how excited her lover was and decided, not to ruin his mood as she was really enjoying herself too.

“It was great, and you won't believe the craziest thing I heard today. But well, you have to guess?” She said, cheerfully.

Cain stopped his advances and looked at Becky with a confused look, “What is it?” He asked, curiously.

“Can you believe that Anita already has a crush in our working place?” Becky asked casually, while chuckling.

“Is it actually the same Anita we both know?” And Becky nodded, “Like seriously? Wow! It's totally unexpecting… So tell me, who is the lucky guy who was able to capture our Anita's heart?” Cain face lited up brightly.

Anita was beautiful. Yes! Gorgeous but has never fallen in love with anyone again ever since she was betrayed by her ex. Her heart was broken by Nicholas, her first lover and since then, she never fancied guys anymore. Not like she became a lesbian. She was still very much straight but, her interest in relationships wasn't there. So hearing she had a crush now, really made Cain glad, a lot.

Becky smiled, seeing the genuine happiness in her boyfriend's face. They have longed for this and even tried to set her up on blind dates with colleagues but, Anita was a hard shell, “Well… You won't believe this part if I tell you.” Becky said as she chuckled. And somehow, didn't know how to explain the whole thing to Cain.

Cain creased his brow and kissed Becky's forehead, “Really? Try me!” He answered. His hands were on Becky's lap, and she smiled as she felt her cheeks getting red.

“Okay, baby, you asked for it…” Becky paused as if summoning the courage in disbelief, “Anita is crushing on Mr. Lucian!” She blurted out and waited for Cain's reaction.

Cain, at the other hand, just stared at Becky for a while, slowly processing the name, over and over, in his head. He wasn't working for Lucian but, he had heard a lot about him from both Becky and Anita, as they seemed to talk about him all day. He had even advised them to his workers. But… can it ever be possible?

“Which Mr. Lucian, please?” Cain asked Becky, who was already giggling away.

“How many Mr. Lucian do you know, Mr. Man?”

Then it hit him, “Like… what the hell! How is that even possible? We both know how Anita hates this man, right? She had wanted to quit many times which I supported her but, you were the one encouraging her to cope. So, what caused the sudden change of view? Why did the hatred suddenly turn to love? Is that even possible? Or have she been pretending to hate him?” Cain couldn't believe it at all,, and he kept throwing questions after questions to Becky.

Becky, on the other hand, already expected this reaction from him as she too was more shocked than this but, it was still funny to her that a matter could arise so many reactions from her always calm boyfriend. It only shows that he cared for Anita, which Becky sincerely appreciate!

“I don't know either,, and I am as shocked as you, baby. I even tried to explain the situation to her. Though she already knew everything and also a victim. I advised her and told her everything I could to change her thoughts but, she is truly and deeply in love and I don't think words can make her change her mind. Well… I understand her, but I just hope she will be able to gain his heart back or, all her effort would be wasted!” She explained and sighed.

“You mean you can't make her change her mind?” Cain asked, feeling uncertain. He had never been through it but, he knew unrequited love hurt like crazy! He watched them in movies and the girls cried the more.

Becky let out a deep breath and sipped her wine again, “I tried my best!” she muttered, “But my friend is in love and I can't help but support her.” she added and sighed.

Cain ruffled his hair and sighed, “But this Mr. Lucian… I think we should try to join them together. You know we can come up with plans to help her. Like… plans that would make him fall in love with her. What do you think about that?” he asked, looking at Becky.

Becky thought hard about what Cain suggested but, not even once in her thought did she get a way to plan something with Mr. Lucian. He was just too hard of a person; that Becky was sure, none of their plans would work.

She turned to Cain, not wanting to sound like someone who doesn't want to help her friend or like a bitchy coward. She let out a deep breath and placed her hand on Cain's hand.

“Babe…” She called while searching her boyfriend eyes, “I don't think making plans to join them together is a great idea and I don't think that would work either. What if we make plans and join them together, only to later realize that Mr. Lucian has a fiancée or even a wife in another country that we didn't know about. Won't we be hurting another woman for our own selfish interest?” She paused to study Cain's reaction before continuing, “What if we even go through all that and successfully make them a couple. Who knows if Mr. Lucian even has a heart to love someone and care for them? I'm certain that man will be a stony lover! His Stoic face tells that!” Becky explained and scoffed as she remembered how Lucian is always seen with a hard face.

Cain kept nodding his head, as his fiancée’s words entered and sank into his head. He understood everything she said and, he realized there was nothing to do to help poor Anita besides, supporting her to keep her strong all the time.

Well… it wasn't like he was the closest to Anita anyway. He only knew her through Becky.

“I understand you, baby. And I see sense in that too, but there is something off with you as well.” Cain said, as he looked at his baby love, keenly.

Becky was a bit taken aback by the sudden change of topic and the sudden attention she got from her boyfriend, but again… off with her? Well… Maybe she wanted something right then…

“What do you mean by something is off with me?” She asked as she raised a brow.

Cain cupped her face with his big palm and pulled her closer to himself and looked at her seducingly, “We have been dating for so long already and I can see it in your eyes right now that there is something you are keeping away from me or maybe something you aren't telling me or just perhaps there is something troubling your pretty mind. But remember the rule of our relationship, which is, ‘No secret’. Now, will you tell me what the heck happened today?” He asked calmly after studying Becky's jovial mood since she returned from work. She looked excited than usual. Becky could also notice some trace of worry in his manly voice.

“Gosh, babe. I wasn't trying to keep a secret from you, or is there anything worrying my fucking mind… I just received a letter from my boss today but, trust me, it's good news, and I'm only planning to tell you after we leave here to our room.” She explained and planted a light kiss on Cain's lips. Cain felt she was bribing him and, so, looked away.

“What's the letter about?” He asked. His heart was beating, and he had a weird feeling about it. What if it was something he wouldn't want to hear. But she said it was a good news, so he felt a little relaxed.

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