Chapter 9 Chapter 9
The next day arrived quickly and Sakira was yet to tell Mary all that happened between her and Dave. She was still unsure if she should trust Mary. Mary, after all, had decided to help her but Sakira was yet not comfortable if she could trust Mary. She had to decide quickly, telling Mary would determine her fate. It was a risk she is willing to take.
As the day got darker, the slaves retreated to their quarters. Sakira sighted Mary and pulled her into a quiet corner where no one would pay attention to them.
“Is something wrong Sakira?” Mary asked with concern.
“I have something important to tell you,” she said
Mary stayed calm and waited for Sakira to talk.
“I spoke to Dave yesterday” she whispered.
Mary looked perplexed “who is Dave,” she asked
“He’s a friend. He is one of them” she said
“How did you know him?”
“It’s a long story” she paused. “He is determined to help me leave this place” she added
“How are you sure he is not mendacious?” Mary asked
“I…I trust him,” she said
There was a short silence between them. Mary was not comfortable with the fact that Sakira had decided to receive help from a white man; after all, they are the same. But this was her decision. She had said she trusted him.
“Alright, what do you wish for me to do?” Mary asked
Sakira gave a contented smile. She felt thankful that she may possibly trust Mary.
“I’m leaving tonight,” she said.
Mary widened her eyes. “Tonight? Isn’t that…all of a sudden?”
“I want you to stand in for me,” Sakira said.
Mary sighed. “Alright, I’ll endeavour my greatest,” she said.
“Thank you” Sakira nodded.
The night arrived and everyone prepared to sleep. Mary had already planned Sakira’s disguise and made sure no one was suspicious about anything. Sakira on the other hand,
prepared herself for her escape.
Dave had planned his things and was prepared to leave the house. He did not really say much to his father but assured him that he would be safe and he didn’t have to worry much.
He had rented a small building far away from town. He couldn’t risk any suspicion.
“I’m leaving father” he informed
“Alright son, come home soon,” he said as he patted his shoulder.
Dave left his home, obtained a coach and went to his secluded apartment. He dropped the halfway prepared documents on the work table. He had not really said much to Sakira. After
waiting for a little while, he got on his horse and rode to Mr Benson home.
Finally, it was almost midnight and everyone was asleep. Well almost everyone. Sakira gently got up from her mattress and sneaked outside the quarters. The outside was pitch black, she could hardly see her hands. She sneaked to the gates and successfully made her way outside. It was like she had finally come out from a cage. It was a feeling of freedom.
She was very happy to have her legs outside that house. She ran into the forests and did not stop until she couldn’t spot the house. She felt tired and stressed, she fell to the floor to relax a little. She had no idea of how Dave would locate her; he had not told her a specific place to wait. Suddenly she heard horse steps getting closer to where she was and fear encroached in, she noticed a club very close to her and she gave a quick thanks to whomever. With all determination, she picked up the club and attacked the horse rider. Hitting the horse hard on its forelegs, the rider jerked forward and fell from it. Quickly, she approached the rider with the club still in her hand. Fortunately, the rider had no sorts of a weapon on.
“Who are you? What do want? Who sent you? Mr Benson?” she asked continuously.
“For a lady, you sure ask a lot of questions.” The rider grunted.
Sakira recognized the voice and felt relieved immediately.
“Dave? Is that you?” she asked with hope.
“You sure bet,” he said
The club fell from her hand and she hurried to his side. Dave got up from the floor and walked to where the horse was.
“That was a pretty impressive thing you did there,” he said as he caressed the horse.
“Um...I’m very sorry about your horse,” she said.
“Nah, it’s no big deal.” He smiled
Even in the dark night, his smile still radiated.
Soon later, the horse was back on its feet and they rode to the secluded building.
“So, when do we leave,” she asked as they entered the building.
“We can’t leave immediately. Not just yet” he said.
Sakira did not understand what he was saying.
“Kira, we have to plan. If we leave just like that, they’ll come for us. We can’t take the main port. If we do, they’ll find us and stop us. Mr Benson is a very powerful person; he controls a lot of things. If I take you now, they’ll request your documents and you don’t have one.” He said
“So, what’s the plan?”
“I need to acquire some amount of money. I need to prepare a fake document for you. I need to be able to find some other routes we could take. I need to get guns. And then we can
leave” he said.
“That’s a lot of work,” she said
“Unfortunately, yes.” He agreed.
“But what do you need guns for?” she asked
“We never know what we might face when we’re on the run,” he said.
She nodded. Dave sat on the chair and continued jotting some information. Sakira stood close to the door and took her time to her time to study the house. It was a simple wooden house. Nothing much was in here. Just a long work table, a small bed at the far left and a door that led to probably a toilet. The room was not furnished or decorated with anything. It seemed like Dave was not ready to spend a long time here.
“Are you just going to stand there?” he asked without taking his eyes of what he was doing.
“What am I supposed to do?” she asked not giving him a reply to his question
Dave was silent for a while. “You...um...Could just practice how you would come out of the house every midnight. So, it doesn’t seem new to you. You never know when we might
leave.” He said
“That’s it,” she asked perplexed.
“Mostly.” He said as twisted his lips.
She advanced to the bed and sat on it. The whole room was filled with silence. Sakira played with her fingers as she watched Dave work. She was happy being here with him; it was something she desired for quite a while.
“There has to be something I can do,” she said.
Dave stopped writing and got closer to where she was. She looked at him standing in front of her and he smiled brightly at her. There was a small paraffin lamp that lighted the room, so she could see his bright smile.
“Here,” he gave her a file. “Fill your details in there” he added
She took the file from him, looked at it and then at him.
“Thank you for risking a lot to help me,” she said.
Slowly, Dave crouched until his face was levelled with hers.
He smiled “Honestly, I don’t know why I’m doing this but one thing I do know is that it is worth it”
She smiled and nodded. He caressed her jaw softly and couldn’t stop looking at her. He was indeed attracted to her. Her charms worked perfectly on him, he didn’t know if he could call what he had for her love or lust and he wasn’t ready to find out. Not yet. He removed his hands abruptly and returned to his chair.
She got up and dropped the file on the table Dave was working on.
“I wanted to ask; do you live here?” she asked
He smiled. “Temporarily,” he said.
After all, said and done, Dave was done jotting.
“You can rest for now. Once it is dawn I’ll let you know” he said.
“I have to go?” she asked
“Yes. You can’t stay. If you stay, they’ll find us. Everything we do have to be done without suspicions” he said.
Sakira felt disappointed. She already told Mary she would leave; how would she explain herself when she returns?
“Hey, you’ll be alright” he held her shoulders
“I don’t want to go back there,” she said almost in tears
“It’s only for a short time. Trust me” he said.
She nodded and blinked her eyes continuously to avoid tears from falling. Dave embraced her until she was comforted.
Finally, they rode back to the direction of Mr Benson’s house. They were a little distance away.
“This is the closest I can take you,” Dave said.
“It’s alright,” she said
“Tomorrow, the Same place” he smiled and she returned it.
She understood the meaning of the same place. It seems like their meeting point had been marked.
She returned to the quarters and fell quietly on her mattress. Today indeed marks the countdown to her freedom