

C H A P T E R 8


"I'm fucking bored!" Roman groaned in annoyance as I read the last chapter of my book, it's about the human brain and their behavior.

"Dude, what the fuck are you reading?" Roman asked me and I sighed deeply, throwing the book away at the wall.

"Can you shut the fuck up?!" I snapped angrily at him, he huffed and pouted.

"Hey, I protected the princess like you said." Ashton comes in with his undercover face, he changed with a swift mouvements with his hand then came back to his usual face.

His power is basically copying and changing his face into undercover, Roman is skilled in flying and moving quickly like flash while I can do whatever I want with a flick of my finger like disappearing, teleporting, looking into someone memories.

The worst power is to look at the death time of someone, my brother Caden earned that kind of power. He feels guilty whenever he see people walking and knowing their death time. It's a special power that he inherited from our grandfather. That is why he's homeschooled and have a phobia to go outside of the castle, I try to spend some time with him so he won't feel lonely.

My other brothers, Zane and Kingston are away from the kingdom. They are happily living away from us which my father was happy but not my mother. I was close to Zane since he's the gentler brother, Kingston somehow stand me but that doesn't mean he likes me instead his wife loves me like I was her little brother, it's fun to see him get jealous because of that.

"How is Hemilia?" I asked to Ashton who shrugged while opening a can of beer.

"She's fine, she left early because her professor called her urgently." He said sipping his beer, I frowned and stood up. Walking toward him and snatched his beer.

He whined as I drink his beer, finishing it. I sighed and wiped my lips.

"What happened?" I said breathlessly.

He growled and pulled out his packet of cigarette, "her friend broke down something like that."

I rolled my eyes and snatched his cigarette that he was about to lighten up, I grabbed the lighter that Roman threw me and put fire in the cigarette. I inhaled the smoke and puffed out.

"No smoking for you." I smirked and walked out of the gaming room.

"Stupid royal kid." He muttered and I chuckled, smoking the cigarette.

I don't like normal cigarette that's true but I couldn't find my electric cigarette and I'm only smoking it when I'm pissed.

I see my assistant just in time, he was about to turned back but I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder. I pulled the cigarette out of my lips, throwing it out from the window outside.

"What are you doing Dave?" I whispered and he shivered.

"My highness." He bowed down fearfully.

"Search everything about Hemilia Gran past." I ordered, I put a finger in between his lips when he was about to talk back.

"Don't make me put you in the torture cell." I sneered harshly, he nodded and then ran out of my way.

I sighed in content and looked at the sun going down on the window. I styled my hair correctly, I should cut it since I can't see anything with my hair.

I reached my father room without knowing, I guess I was busy checking my hair. I opened it and see my brother Zane standing there. I closed the door on my way in and walked toward him, I throw my fist toward his back but he grabbed my fist and twisted.

"Fuck, let me go!" I groaned and he chuckled.

"What's up, my brother who made the whole country proud?" He asked with a slight grin.

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes playfully, he laughed in response.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he pointed out the book he was looking, I picked it up and saw women pictures of their face.

"I'm looking for a partner to accompany me to the ceremony." I forgot about it, the army came back with a prize and as the inventor of the new technology that made us win the war, I have to be present at this ceremony.

"I need to find a partner too." I sighed, looking at the inside of the book. They are beautiful women but none of them impressed me.

"You can choose whatever you want." He smirked, leaning against the desk behind him.

Suddenly as I was flipping the page, I looked at one picture that interested me. I smiled and pulled out the pic.

"I'm choosing her." I said, holding the pic to Zane who frowned.

"The sister of the commander, I heard she was a quiet girl with a submissive personality, didn't know that you were into that?" He retorted and I rolled my eyes again. Zane got it all wrong, she's definitely not an obedient woman. I love her fierce side.

"Quite the opposite, she's not submissive at all." I said with a smile, looking at her neutral face, her eyes and mostly her lips.

"Why do you want her especially?" He asked with a confusion, I looked at him with a smirk and licked my lips.

"She's special to me."


"Father." I saluted him and stand straight, I looked straight at the wall behind him. I can feel my mother being proud of me, her beautiful eyes that Kingston inherited, he looks like wasian while I don't like like wasian but more like my father.

My mother have a pale skin with bright brown eyes and sharp cheekbones, her lips that are naturally red which I inherited from her, the only thing anyway.

My father have a pale skin just like my mother, his hazel eyes and soft pulped lips. I inherited his features.

The only thing that makes me different from them it's our skin, I have a tan skin which I got it from my grandfather who was Italian.

My family is full of origins which that makes us different.

"Son, how is going with your next project?" He asked me straightforward, he never asked about my feelings and emotions. He's an asshole.

"It's going well." I said, keeping it short.

"I love how your uniform suits you, Rhyker." My mother complimented my outfit, I looked at her with adoration. My father sent a glare toward her, I couldn't care less about him.

"Thank you, mother." I kneeled down on the ground for her, only her. She will be the only woman that I would die for her. My mother who took care of her 4 sons.

I can hear light steps walking, she helped me stand up and ruffled my hair while standing up to reach my height. I laughed and crouched down so she couldn't touch my hair.

"This is uniform represent our country, our pride." She said straightening my shoulders, I nodded agreeing with her.

"Did you found a woman for the ceremony?" My father asked behind, I glanced at him emotionless.

"Who is she?" My mother asked as she rubbed my cheek.

"Hemilia Gran, a beautiful and strong woman." I smiled.

"Is she a pri—"

"No she's not, she's training to be a physician." I interrupted my father who glared at me.

"That kind woman! I'm so happy you chose her! You know how much I love her." She clapped her hands with excitement.

"I met her in a bakery where she helped me choose a cake, the cake was delicious." She said absentmindedly with a smile on her face.

"I knew that you won't always embarrass me like your brothers do." My father held a high superiority as he leaned back in his throne with a smirk.

I'm shocked that my father accepted Hemilia, a commoner who isn't a noble. It's weird.

"I loved her presentation, I heard that she's in the palace for internship. Shall we visit her?" She asked to my father who gave her a light nod.

"Of course, I will meet the woman who impressed me." He replied gently.

What the fuck is going on?

"We have to go, son." My father stood up from his throne with my mother following him.

I saluted him, standing straight as he leaves the hall. I sighed deeply and scratched my forehead. I don't understand?

She left a good impression to my parents.

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