Chapter 5: Jane Arrives at Saint Susan’s
Chapter 5: Jane Arrives at Saint Susan’s
Jane was barely conscious when the capsule was opened. Almost twenty-four hours earlier, she had been bound, gagged and strapped into a transportation capsule at the Church headquarters, then shipped to the airport, flown across the country and out over the Pacific Ocean, transferred to a boat and finally lowered into the dark, cold waters to Saint Susan’s. Several other capsules were also lowered, just part of the normal supply run to the secret prison.
The first item after the lid was swung open was for a Nun to check her pulse and general condition. Sometimes sinners were so abused before being shipped to Saint Susan’s that they did not survive the trip. Those who did not were immediately consigned to the ocean as shark food.
Jane was lucky. She was still alive, although in a sorry state. Her arms had gone numb, her whole body ached, and she was dehydrated. Even before the straps that held her inside the capsule were taken off, the gag was removed and a tube was inserted into her mouth to give her water. She was aware enough to drink, a good sign. The removal of her body from the capsule therefore continued. The straps were taken off and she was lifted from the capsule to be placed on a table. There she was rolled onto her stomach and they began unknotting the ropes that held her arms behind her and her legs together. When those ropes were finally peeled from her limbs, she began moaning in response to the pain of returning circulation. Her arms and feet began to regain a more normal color although she could not move them. They allowed her a few minutes of just lying there before new restraints were placed on her. At Saint Susan’s a sinner was never free of restraints.
As she was beginning to move her fingers, her wrists were grabbed and locked behind her in handcuffs. As that was happening, another Nun was putting a pair of high heeled shoes on her feet. They were very tight and had a heel that was four inches in length. The shoes also had ankle straps that locked on with small locks so they could not be removed. She was then helped to her feet where she stood on wobbly legs, both from the strain of the long journey in immobility and the heels that made her almost have to stand on her toes.
A firm hand on her elbow and she was escorted along steel corridors, both her and her guard’s heels making clicking noises on the metal floor. Not far off, she was led into the Mother Superior’s office. There she stood standing in shock as she stared at the ocean outside the window. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was lighting the water with slanting rays. Two medium sized sharks cruised by the window, their gills pulsating and their beady little black eyes seeming to look in at the naked and handcuffed woman.
Sister Olga came in a minute later and took her seat at the desk.
“Former Sister Jane, welcome to Saint Susan’s. Having been a Nun and serving at Saint Dorina’s, I believe you know about this facility so I’ll skip much of the usual briefing and get down to the basics. You are here for one purpose and one purpose only: to suffer. You will punished, tormented and tortured daily. You will never be without restraints, usually very unpleasant and often painful by themselves. And pain will become your way of life.”
She paused to pick up then drop a sheet of paper back on the desk.
“I have a note here from the Bishop concerning your actions against her person. She says you are a close friend of one of our other sinners, a girl named Dawn. In fact, you were trying to find her when you were captured. Well, you’ve found her. She is here. Undoubtedly you will see her around. In fact,” she grinned wickedly, “I find it interesting to let one of you watch as the other is tortured. It sort of doubles the pain if you are seeing someone you love in agony, no? Of course, later you’ll have your turn to be tortured while she watches. I’m very fair about this kind of thing, you know.”
By this point, Jane had recovered from the ordeal of her trip – physically, at least. Mentally, she was rapidly sinking into deep despair. As one of the Nuns assigned to interrogating sinners at Saint Dorina’s, she had heard about Saint Susan’s, aka the Chapel. She heard it was called that because the sinners imprisoned there did so much praying – mostly for death to relieve them of their suffering.
“I’m sure that you are tired from your long journey, so I’ll let you get some rest. Sister Mary will see to it that you’re uncomfortable, won’t you?”
Sister Mary grinned, a terrible sight for Jane. She had also heard that only the most sadistic, cruel and truly evil Nuns were assigned to that place.
Her arm was jerked and she almost lost her balance on those high heels. She followed as quickly as she could as Sister Mary dragged her away. Their destination was one of the numerous small rooms designed solely to be uncomfortable for the sinner contained within. In this case, there was simply a narrow table on a single post rather than on four legs. Jane was ordered to lie on the table, face down, which she did, finding out in the process that the metal table was very cold against her bare skin.
Her ankles were bound together with rope and tied to a ring set into the wall behind her. That rope was pulled tightly enough to actually pull her body along the table in that direction a few inches. Then her hands were unlocked from the handcuffs and tied with rope in front of her face. A rope from that went to another ring in the wall before her and was pulled as tightly as Sister Mary could make it. She then went back to the rope behind her and pulled it as tightly as she could. Once again, she tightened down the wrist rope until Jane was as stretched out as she could be. Only then did Sister Mary show Jane the worse part about this bondage. At the touch of a button, the post began to lower into the floor, taking the table with it. As it dropped away below Jane, more and more of her weight was taken by the ropes on her wrists and ankles, until finally the table was all the way down and Jane was totally suspended about three feet off the floor.
Her body was not straight, but the ropes had been tied so tightly that there was only a mild arch to her body. She let her head hang down, her long black hair trailing all the way to the floor. If it was their intent, and she had no doubt it was, that she spend the night this way, she would be most uncomfortable as the long night passed. That, however, was not enough for Saint Susan’s. Sister Mary had a bottle of reddish liquid. After putting on a pair of disposable latex gloves, she took a small rag and soaked it with that liquid. Then she was rubbing it all over Jane’s nakedness. From her neck down to her feet, none of the bare skin was ignored. The liquid seemed to cling to her but, beyond feeling cool, did nothing. Extra liquid was poured into the crack of her ass and smeared not only on but also in her anus and vagina as much as Sister Mary could manage.
It was only after Sister Mary took her bottle and departed that Jane realized what the liquid was. Beginning as a mild itch in the places she had first rubbed the liquid, the sensation of itching slowly grew. One of the first places Sister Mary had spread the stuff was on her breasts and it was there that the itching first became more than an annoyance. And it was then that Jane realized the liquid was a form of itching powder the Church interrogators had invented. It was strong, very strong once it soaked into the skin, and long lasting. She had heard of sinners going crazy after a day of constant itching. She had never seen its use herself but she remembered another Nun telling her that the sinner unfortunate enough to have it smeared all over her often injured herself thrashing around and screamed most pleasingly as the hours wore on. It was the usual practice to hang a sinner suspended in mid-air so that she could not rub herself against any surface.
The itching grew and Jane began moaning. She knew that she would soon be thrashing around the little permitted her by the ropes and doing a lot more vocalization than just moaning. Suddenly the light went off, leaving her in the dark.
It was going to be a very long night for Jane.