

Chapter 6

Adrianna's POV

"Please excuse me,” I said to Shawn, then I walked to my room.

It had been five years since Steven last called. And that was when he wanted to confirm that I was settled in the new house.

I looked at my phone one last time before answering it. "Steven.."I called to confirm if he was the one.

"Adrianna. It's me."He said I didn't know it was my brother.

"Steven, it's been a while. How long has it been, five years?"

"It's nice to hear your voice also, Adri."He said softly.

"What is the occasion? You haven't called me over the past five years and out of the blue, you call."

I expected more from Steven. I didn't expect anyone to call me but I expected Steven. He was the only one who treated me like family, yet he didn't call me once.

"I'm sorry, sis. Dad banned us from speaking with you or talking about you at home, that's why. He didn't want to hear anything concerning you. Anytime he hears me talking to Mom about how banishing you was unfair, he threatens to banish me as well."

He explains.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Did they hate me that much? How could a father treat this child this way?

"Then why are you calling? You're sure taking a risk calling me."

"It's mom."He said in a low tone.

"What about mom? Did something happen?"

I questioned.

I sensed that something was wrong. "Mom is sick. Really sick."He responded.

"What? What happened?"I asked him with tears streaming from my eyes.

"No one knows. We just woke one day to see her like that. She said she wants to see you."

"She wants to see me? Would Dad approve?"

He was the only one standing in the way.

"There was no way he could refuse."

He answered.

I was happy to hear this. I could finally see my family, my pack. I'll get the chance again.

"Okay. I'll start preparing for my departure."I assured.

"Okay. Bring your child too. She wants to see her grandchildren."

He said.

Why now? She never wanted to before. She suddenly considered them her grandchildren. If she wasn't sick, I wouldn't have agreed to this.

"Fine. I'll bring them."

I assured.

I hung up the call. I tried to comprehend what I just heard. I thought about it carefully and then concluded that it was probably for the best.

At least, the kids will get to know their family too.

I went back to the living room to see Shawn feeding both Jackson and Hayley, one after the other.

I thought about how to break the news to them. I didn't want to tell Shawn but it wasn't right not to tell me. He was my boyfriend after all.

"Jackson, Hayley…"I called out to them. They both glanced up, including Shawn.

"Yes, mom."They echoed together.

"I need you to do something for me,” I said, walking closer to them. "I need you to go to your room and bring out your wears from the cupboard and wait for me to cross-check them."

Shawn looked at me immediately. He must have gotten the idea.

"But why, mom?”Hayley's tiny, soft voice asked.

"We.."I thought of an excuse to give but decided there was no point in hiding. "We are going to see your grandma.

"Grandma? Really?"Jackson questioned.

"Yes. Your grandma."

I didn't mention my father because I wasn't sure he was willing to see them. I rather not give their little hearts hope and then crush them.

"Yayyy…” they both shouted happily.

"Go bring them out, "I said to them and they ran to their room quickly.

"Be careful., I shouted.

And they slowed down. I couldn't begin to count how many times they had injured themselves.

“Grandma?"I heard Shawn say behind me.

"Yeah. My mom. She sick and she wants to see us."

Shawn knew most of the things I went through. He was Steven's friend after all. He only knew the basics, that I was banished and I needed a place. That was what Steven told him.

"I thought you were banished."

"Turns out my mom missed me after all."I joked.

"And your dad? Does he also want to see you?"Shawn asked.

"No idea. But I doubt it. He was the one who banished me In the first place."

"Are you sure he would allow you back?"

Shawn asked.

Shawn always wanted to know I was doing well. He didn't want me to feel the way I felt when I was first banished. I was a mess.

"According to Steven, he agreed, "I answered.

"Then, I'll go with you." He said.

I didn't know how to react. I didn't want him to go with me. I didn't want anyone to think I was in a serious relationship.

"Oh no no… you don't have to do that. I'll be fine on my own."I assured him.

I didn't know why Shawn wasn't getting the hint. Now I felt guilty because It was like I was stringing him along.

"I know you will be fine. I just want to go with you."

He said.

"Shawn…" I was interrupted. "Mom! I'm done."Hayley said running out of her room. And Jackson followed.

"Shawn, you don't have to really,” I said to him.

"Adrianna, please don't deprive me of going with you. "He said.

"Mom, please let Uncle Shawn come along with us."Jackson pleased.

He did that on purpose. He knew the kids would vouch for him.

“Please."They both begged.

I looked at Shawn to see him smiling. He knew he had won. He knew I couldn't say no to them so he used the method.

"Fine. He can come."I agreed.

“Yay. Thanks, Mom."

"Thank you, Adrianna,” Shawn said.

"I'll get going now to pack up. I'll pick you guys up. Text me the time."He said.

He hugged the kids and waved goodbye.

We were doing this. We were going back to the Mid-East pack.

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