

Chapter four- The exit

Adrianna's POV

Bang Bang Bang

I heard a very aggressive knock on my room door which made me scared.

Moon goddess… I whispered in my mind, Is this going to be the end of it all? I moved away from the mirror I was standing in front of when I heard my Father's voice.

“Adrianna, open the door. It's very important you do.” Steven said, causing me to look around frantically. When I realised that I had no choice but to open the door, I went over and opened the door like Steven said but I was stunned by the amount of people by the door just waiting for me. It was Father, mother, Steven and Amelia.

“You ungrateful child!” Father lifted his hands to hit me but Steven caught it.

I exhaled, feeling my heart race completely change. Amelia had indeed snitched on me to the whole family, and pack too. Because I could smell so many scents hiding in every corner of the hallway. I was indeed in trouble now.

“Adrianna, is it true that you are pregnant? Tell dad right now that you are not pregnant!” Steven yelled at me.

“Adrianna, you can't be pregnant. No one here finds you attractive so why are you pretending to be pregnant? Amelia may have pushed you to say yes but goodness, couldn't you think for yourself? Do you like how public this case could be? Huh!” Mother yelled.

I simply looked at my so-called family and was at loss for how they perceived me.

“Are you trying to say that I am so unattractive no one would want to sleep with me?”

“Adrianna, that's not the point right now.” Steven said. “Is it true that you are pregnant or not? Tell us the truth.”

I sighed. “Yes. it's the truth.” I looked at all my family's expression and felt deeply ashamed but I reminded myself that it wasn't my fault.

“But I didn't mean for it to happen, I was R—”

“—You are no daughter of mine anymore,” Father interrupted causing me to stand there stunned.

“What do you mean, father?” I was in awe of my dad's reaction. I was going to tell them the truth but they had no intention of even listening to me.

“Exactly what I said.” Father said firmly.

“Father please don't do that to her, I'm sure Amelia didn't mean for that to happen.” Steven said causing my father to chuckle angrily.

“What do you mean she didn't mean for that to happen, exactly Steven? You can be on her side just because she's your sister but I will not condone that kind of attitude from her.”

“Husband, you can just punish her once and that's the end of it.” Mother nudged family causing him to chuckle and shake his hand.

“Fine, I'll leave just a minute left of opportunity for her to tell me who the father of the child is.”

“Huh?” I said.

“Who is the father of the Child!” My father yelled at me causing me to think back on the past but it was pitch black. A mask had been put on me so I did not who the culprit was.

“Father, I don't know. But trust me, I didn't mean for this to happen.”

“What do you mean you didn't mean for this to happen, Adrianna? You must think we're stupid enough to believe you.”

“That's not what I'm saying Amelia.”

Through the arguement between me and Amelia, the room suddenly went silent when father said,

“My verdict for you is final. You are banned from Mid-East pack.”

I was completely frozen on the spot. Banned?

Did that not mean I would become a rogue if no other pack accepted me?

“Father please,” I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. Banned was the last thing I wanted to be because if I was banned, my child would have to live a painful life and I didn't want that for it.

“Father please, you can't do that to her. She might die! Adrianna Is not strong enough to go rogue.” Steven said.

“Honey,” mother said to father while clutching his hand, “Please don't do this to her, Adrianna might be making all the wrong decisions but she's your daughter too.”

“I don't have a daughter like her. Someone who doesn't even know the father of her child.”

“Father please,”

“That's enough Steven, I might be your father, but I'm also your Alpha. I will not renounce my words. Hence, I shall say it again. Adrianna is banned from Mid-East pack.”

Father left with mother who attempted to calm him down but ultimately, I knew that all was futile.

Amelia looked at me, but she did not have the expression that I hoped she would have.

“Are you happy now?” I said with a grudge in my heart towards her.

“Haha, very happy.” She said and walked out of the room leaving me alone with Steven.

“So it's really true that you are pregnant,” Steven said. “I wouldn't believe that even if the greatest truth teller told me that.”

“Well…” I trailed off, not knowing what to say. I had been banned from my own pack. The only place I grew up in and knew.

How could I survive in woods I didn't know of? Rogues were very populous in unmarked territories. Would I be free from whatever terrors was hidden in there?

“I don't know what to say to you, Adrianna. I was kinda hoping what Amelia told dad was a lie.”

“Well it's the truth.” I told Steven. “Now what do I do now that I'm banned?” I held my palms against my face to catch myself from crying.

“Everything will be fine, Adrianna.” Steven said while patting my back calmly.

“You don't know that!” I yelled, but Steven kept his hand on my back, caressing it calmly.

“I’ll make sure of that,” Steven said. “Have you heard of the Cross-eye Pack?”

I shook my head. “What does that even mean?”

“Don't worry about anything, I'll tell you everything slowly. But first, can you try and remember who it was that got you pregnant and how did it happen?”

“The night of the party.”

“That happened a while ago you mean?”

I nodded.

“Brilliant. I can remember there was a lot of fun going on then. Amelia danced with some handsome Alpha from another pack.”

“Who did you dance with?”

I shook my head. “I didn't dance with anyone.”

Then what, do you know his face at least?

I shook my head.

“Then what do you know, Adrianna? What do you bloody know about the man who got you pregnant?!”

“I wouldn't know, Steven! Because I was forced!” I yelled at him.

Steven's face turned angry. He got up from the floor where we were sitting and headed for the door, but I reached out and grabbed his leg.

“Please don't.” Steven turned to me and tears started cascading my cheek. “Don't tell anyone what I've just said to you. It's a shameful thing alone to be pregnant without knowing the father. But it is even more shameful for the child to be conceived in a way that is not right.”

“I just want father to know that he's putting aside his innocent daughter. I want him to know that he is breaking your heart by his actions when you deserve nothing but the best treatment.”

“My child will be birthed in the later months.” I said. “I don't want her to feel unwanted, that is why she should never know how she came.”

“My sister, you are a strong woman. Even at this moment where you're supposed to show weakness, you show courage. The greatest of all kinds. And you're still thinking of your future child. We the Mid-East pack don't deserve you.”

“What do I do if not to show courage? I've always been alone when it came down to it. Although Steven, you've vouched for me far more than I expect you to—”

“—It’s not enough.” Steven interrupted. “Everything I've done for you is not enough and I know that deep down, Adrianna. But this time, let me do something for you, and I beg you to please allow me.”

I looked at Steven's determined face and nodded.

“Okay,” he smiled at me painfully before requesting for a sheet of paper and ink.

Then he began to write a full-blown letter. Once he was done, he folded the letter like a scroll and gave it to me to hold.

Then he said, “Go to Cross-eye Pack,”

“The one you mentioned earlier?” I asked.

“Yes. It is a free pack. It's consists of all individuals from different pack, I'm sure you'll find your place there.”

“And the letter?”

“When you reach Cross-eye Pack, go to the Union library and request to see Shawn. Give him the letter once you see him and he'll give you a place to stay and help you with anything else you could possibly need.”

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