

Chapter Two- Alcohol fixes everything

Adrianna's POV

I grabbed a cup of alcohol and dunked it down. Immediately, I grabbed another one and sat at the back where the party was less — seemingly.

I saw a pair of couples alone on couches, taking things a little far but that was none of my concern as I was completely out of it— or, my focus was on myself. I, a recently ‘rejected’ by her mate. I laughed to myself and continued to pour myself something to drink. However, no drinks could help. The rejection did something to my mind that could never be cleaned off by a couple of drinks.

I saw my mate blend into the party like it was nothing and saw as my sister, Amelia danced with him like they were a couple. And my mate didn't reject her either.

“What is your name?” Amelia had yelled out through all the music that was playing in the background.

“Frederick.” He said,

“I'm Amelia,” my sister told him, and he nodded, continuing the dance with her.

“Do you want to hear a funny thing?” He asked her. Amelia quickly nodded and leaned over to him. “The moon goddess's mating system.”

The moment I heard that, I felt like puking. How could he say such a thing about me? Didn't he fear the wrath of the moon goddess?!

“Why are you telling me this?” Amelia asked.

“Just because.”

Anyway, I stuck behind while everyone did their things. And I began to feel like a stalker while watching Frederick and Amelia drink. A few minutes later, Frederick was gone.

I heard a sudden growl and a voice that I thought was familiar. I stood from the couch I was sitting in the hallway but everything seemed empty. But I was sure I heard his voice.

I turned around to leave, convinced I was completely totally out of it but I was stopped by a grip around my waist.

“You,” the voice said.

I turned around fearfully only to see a man with bronze hair and grey eyes. He seemed totally cold and wicked.

“What are you doing? Let me go!”

He held onto me with a chuckle and then the lights on the hallway went off. He put on a mask on my face and tied the knot tightly making it difficult to be untied, but I could still see through the mask. My heart began to race as I discovered that I could be in a potential danger.

“Let me go!” I repeated but my words fell on deaf ears. I was dragged and taken to a dark room. One I could not recognize. Then I was handed over to a more powerful man.

My clothes were ripped apart and I struggled only to rush to the door and tried to open it but it was locked from the outside. “Help me, please!” I knocked and knocked but all were void.

I was taken by the strongman and tossed onto the bed. He got on top of me and devoured me, easily. My attempts at fighting were nothing.


The next morning, I woke up with a soreness between my legs. I immediately attempted to stand up but it hurt.

“What is wrong with me?” I muttered. Then what happened the last night came rushing in. First I had been rejected by my mate who rejected me because of my looks and then I was raped by someone I didn't know.

Tears streamed down my eyes and I knocked myself against the head multiple times. Why was I foolish? It was all my fault that this happened.

I untied the mask from my face and threw it against the door. How could such a disgusting thing happen to me?!

Was I filled with so much bad luck that terrible things would happen to me consistently? Moon goddess, it seems what my mate said about her was not completely wrong. She was really the worst when it came to pairing people together.

I stood up from the bed, picking up my ruined clothes. But it was only it that I had so I slipped on the clothes in the far corner of the room and put them on. I tried to fix my hair so they weren't so Matty and stepped out of the room. Thankfully, it was open now.

With a heavy heart, I walked down the hallway until I arrived in front of my room. Once I did, I filled the tub with bubbles of soapy water.

Then I lay in it, holding my breath. The moment felt peaceful and I wanted more of it, but if I kept this on for too long, I feared I might be seduced to take my own life so I sat up in the bathtub and just stood there in the clear silence.

Once I was done with my portion of my silent time in the bathtub, I washed my hair and got dressed in a sunny dress.

My virginity had only just been taken away from me while I was in jeans. What more was there to hide? I exhaled and went to the kitchen to join the maids in making food for the pack house.

“We're making omelet and eggs, kindly join us, Dear Adrianna.” It was at that moment that I realized that engaging myself in some activities could also be the best way for me to forget what happened last night.

So I continued, mixing pastries and flour together to make food for the entire pack. When I was done, I had sweat dripping down my forehead.

“You've done enough Adrianna, here's your portion of the meal.” The head maid handed me a plate filled with enough dishes for me to eat.

“I'm not hungry,” I said.

“Then take the meals to the dining room, I heard that the entire family is there waiting.”

I nodded, feeling a bit icky inside. I was also a part of that family but I was the unacceptable part amongst them. It was sickening to know that fact.

Regardless of my emotions, I headed out with a tray filled with food and entered the dining room where father and mother seemed to be in a heated argument.

I moved closer and dropped the tray on the table then I started to arrange their meals on the table. When I was done, I leaned over to my brother, Steven's ear and whispered, “What is going on?”

“They are arguing about who looked better with Amelia. Mom is vouching for the man Amelia danced with last night but Father thinks a warrior would suit Amelia more. By the way, what do you think?”

I swallowed, “Uh- that is for Amelia to decide.”

If only they knew that the man they were arguing about was my mate. I was angry but I was more angry with myself. Despite everything that I've been through, I emphasized my virginity, wanting to give that as a gift to my Mate who would only cherish. But not only did I lose that, I also lost my mate. All these things happened in one single night, how could I be okay?

I was about to leave the dinning room when I heard Steven say, “Come sit with us, Adrianna. There's enough room.” I heard my father clear his throat. He definitely did not want me there. My mother cleared her throat too, accessing my father's mood.

“Adrianna, you have to go right? The pups haven't been fed yet, right?” Mother said. I could safely presume that she was only making an excuse for me to leave so I don't make father uncomfortable.

“Yes,” I went along with her wishes. Then I walked out of the dinning room.

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