
5. Caught Your Attention

Vincenzo was sitting in his office at the club, waiting for his brother to make his appearance, when a certain blonde caught his attention. She had immediately caught everyone's attention as soon as she stepped foot in the club. Why wouldn't she? It wasn't a very hard task with the beauty she carried. But Vincenzo was feeling a little more curious about her. Maybe it was just attraction; he couldn't really wrap his head around that feeling.

Just by one glance, she had stirred something within him. He felt restless. He felt excited and wanted to be near her. Maybe it was because he hadn't gotten laid lately. But that was not it. He wanted her to notice him, but he knew she wouldn't. She seemed oblivious to any attention and continued making her way to one of the corner tables. She was furiously trying to call someone but had bad luck at it.

He had a clearer view of the table she chose and was glad for her selection. He could now see her even more clearly with her flawless skin, those silky blonde hairs that he so much wanted to run his fingers through, and those big doe eyes that he so much wanted to look directly into.

What has gone wrong with him? He thought. He has never behaved like this before with anyone. Then why is this girl suddenly getting him on edge? Yep! He was definitely attracted to her. Maybe she was just a pretty woman he wanted to sleep with, he concluded.

He was broken out of his thoughts when someone barged into his office without permission. It was his brother, of course.

"Sup bro?" Dante asked excitedly.

"Come straight to the point. What's the news?" Vincenzo asked without any emotion; his gaze stuck at the blonde through his window glass.

"What's the hurry? Let's have a few drinks first." Dante ordered a beer for himself and Vincenzo asked for a red wine.

Dante saw that his brother was rather distracted and looking out of the glass window for some time now, not giving him enough attention. His eyes travelled up to the blonde girl and immediately smirked at the idea of his brother taking interest in someone.

"Ah, I see someone's acting like a love-sick puppy," he teased. Vincenzo glared at him, aware of the fact that he had been caught. "Well, no need to glare." Dante shrugged. "I think she's cute. Don't worry, I approve." He winked at his brother casually. "Besides, no one is able to resist your charms any more." Dante forgot what he was saying when his eyes fell on a brunette who had just joined the blonde.

He immediately went serious and all that teasing was now long gone. Beautiful. That was the only word that came to his mind when he eyed her clearly. She was simply beautiful. No. Beautiful seemed a very small word for her. She looked like a goddess. Her beauty was ethereal and he was lost for words.

Dante had never been with girls, although, being the devil himself, he could easily have anyone he wanted. The truth was, he had never been intimate with anyone. Heck he hadn't even had his first kiss, as crazy as that sounds. Who would have thought a gorgeous man like him—the famous assassin—had never been with a girl before? Why? He was waiting for the right person.

All his life, he vowed that there will only be one person he would give his entire 'firsts' to. And right now, he thought he was getting somewhere. He took in every feature of her in quite detail, giving enough attention to notice every small detail he got from being that far from her.

She looked perfect. He so badly wanted to be near her and have a proper look up close. He wanted to touch her. His heart was beating at a faster speed than normal, ready to spill out from his ribcage. Heck just one glance and he had lost his mind. Is that even possible?

Vincenzo had caught Dante eyeing up the brunette and the state she had left him in. He smirked, thinking it was his turn to tease. "Love sick puppies, you said?" Vincenzo raised his eyebrow at his brother and smirked, taunting him with the same words.

"What?" Dante asked shaking his head after heaving a deep breath, not knowing what his brother had just said.

"I see someone's got your attention finally," Vincenzo backfired his words.

"Maybe," Dante mumbled ever so quietly, not letting Vincenzo hear him, as his lips tugged at one corner in a little yet heartwarming smile.

He frowned when he saw the girls looking at some boys who had just entered the club. This act caught Vincenzo's attention, and his face turned towards what Dante was looking at.

But what happened after that amused them. The brunette whispered something in the blonde's ear as the blonde left for the dance floor. Dante saw how skillfully the brunette stole his beer from the waiter who was bringing it up stairs for them, while he was so caught up in admiring the beauty.

If the scene hadn't been funny, Dante would surely have given a taste of himself to the waiter for eyeing her. But he let it pass as he knew she wasn't serious with him, plus he felt excited just because the drink that was meant for him was now in her hands.

He saw the whole scene unfold as she dealt with the three boys, all the while acting so innocent. Not so innocent, I see, after all, angel, he thought while chuckling at the scene. He then saw her making her way to the dance floor, and what happened then made both of them alert.

The girls were now among horny teenagers, swaying their bodies perfectly to the beat of the music while stealing everyone's attention and turning oblivious to it. God, they were looking so sexy. Every man in the room was ogling at them. It was good they were not dancing with any boys at least, Vincenzo and Dante thought. But they were both now getting impatient. All they wanted to do was join them on the floor.

It was then that something else caught their attention. A few men dressed in black suits immigrated from the entrance and seemed to be looking for someone. The brunette saw those men in the club and sighed. She then whispered something in the blonde's ear and pointed towards the men. The blonde sighed as well.

As Rose spotted their guards, she informed Lily, "They are here, sis."

"Oh God! Just when we were having a good time!" Lily spat.

Rose immediately pulled her hair in a bun and pulled a beanie over her head, while Lily pulled on a short wig that Rose handed her. Where did she even get that from? Lily wondered, but let it slip at the time.

They moved towards the exit undercover. That area wasn't crowded with people at the moment, so it was almost too easy for them to get away. They were halfway through when Rose felt someone grab her hand. Great! Not too easy after all. The men had already caught up to them, plus they seemed to have already recognized them as well. Well, what could she say? They are, after all, her father's men.

"Ummm, how can I help you, sir?" Rose played dumb.

"Ma'am, Boss will be very angry with the stunt you both pulled. Please let us take you home now."

Lily sighed at the stupid man. "He won't be angry if you don't tell him anything," she responded.

"I'm sorry ma'am but..." He was cut off by the punch Lily threw at him. Rose immediately handled the other one by kicking him in the balls. They both dashed towards the exit while giggling. The two guards ran after them after recovering from the blows, however were not fast enough to keep up.

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