
Finally, She Fell

Seraphina closed her eyes. She prepared to dive down, but the noises caught by her ears made Seraphina open her eyes again and undo her intention.

“Who?” she muttered in a low voice.

However, the noises were increasingly deafening her ears. The girl twisted her body and tried to figure out who was there, but she saw no one.

“No! They can't attack the pack again!” she screamed.

Seraphina hesitated again. She wanted to run back to the pack, but shame overcame her. She had been rejected. She had been discarded by her own mate. But her affection for Luna Freya was so great.

Seraphina took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She closed her eyes once more, trying to sense the presence of anyone who might be around her.

The noise was now becoming clearer, sounding like quick steps and familiar voices to her ears.

“I have to go back. I have to protect them,” she whispered to herself, trying to be strong. She knew that Luna and the rest of the pack needed her help.

Seraphina stepped forward, but doubt still haunted her heart. What if they didn't accept her back? What if she would only bring more trouble? She had already been rejected by her own mate, the one who should always be by her side.

Not only that, she realized she didn't have any powers or abilities. She was even considered trash by her own pack.

However, the image of Luna Freya and the entire pack being attacked made her unable to stay silent. She decided to put her own feelings aside.

“Wait, Sera! You can't go back to the pack. You're forgetting that they dumped you! Even our mates don't want us anymore.” Lysandra, the wolf in her, scanned Seraphina in a firm and urgent tone.

Seraphina sighed, trying to calm her frantic mind. “But, they need me, they need this information before it's too late,” Seraphina said in a voice full of conviction. She knew that the information she was carrying was vital to the pack's safety.

Lysandra sighed in frustration. “They're mean to you! Just let the pack be destroyed,” Lysandra insisted.

The anger and pain Lysandra felt was evident in her words. She still bore the scars of betrayal from the pack and their mate.

“No, Lysa, I must go back and warn them all,” Seraphina said in a soft but firm tone. “This pain must not prevent us from doing what is right.”

There was a moment of silence between them, as if Lysandra was considering Seraphina's words. Finally, with a calmer voice, Lysandra spoke again.

“Very well, Sera. If that's what you want. But we must be careful. Don't let them hurt us again.”

With heavy steps, Seraphina ran towards the pack. Her running speed was fueled by worry and a deep love for her family.


Aurora Guardian Pack.

Evander Silverhowl was seen helping Elara gently enter the luxurious black car that had stopped in the front yard of the pack mansion.

The couple who had just legalized their relationship as Alpha and Luna seemed to be smiling happily, as if they had forgotten Seraphina's existence.

Luna Freya looked at them with dislike, she even cried remembering Seraphina's departure that left no trace. Alpha Evander, who still respected Luna Freya as his mother, approached the woman.

“Mom, Elara and I will be attending the Alpha gathering until tomorrow. Please, bless our relationship,” Evander said in a pleading tone.

Luna Freya did not answer, she just looked at her son with reddened eyes, then the middle-aged woman left Alpha Evan.

Evander let out a long sigh, feeling heavy with his mother's reaction. He knew how much Luna Freya loved Seraphina, but the decision had been made, and he had to fulfill his responsibilities as Alpha.

After watching his mother leave, Evander returned to the car and looked at Elara waiting for him inside.

“We should get going,” he said with a forced smile.

Elara nodded, understanding the burden her partner was feeling. “I know this is hard for you, Evan. But we have to be strong and united. We're doing this for the good of the pack,” she said gently, trying to provide support.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the mansion grounds, Seraphina emerged from the shadows of a large tree. Tears streamed down her face as she took in the scene. Her heart broke seeing Evander who now belonged to Elara.

Seraphina gathered her courage and stepped closer to the mansion. She knew that her presence might not be wanted, but she had to meet with Luna Freya and explain everything. She also brought important information about the impending threat to their pack.

Seraphina started walking towards the mansion. The pack members still gathered in the courtyard stared at her sarcastically, as if mocking the arrival of the supposedly weak woman.

However, Seraphina was unfazed. She just wanted to say that the pack was about to get attacked.

“Move aside, Seraphina,” one of the pack members whispered sharply as she passed him. “You're no longer wanted here. You've become a rogue. Aren't you ashamed of being banished by Alpha Evander?”

Seraphina continued forward, though her heart ached at the words. She knew that the time was pressing.

“I need to see Luna Freya,” she said in a loud voice, trying to show her assertiveness.

Everyone laughed at her. “Oh, look, who's back! The useless one who left her pack in shame!” taunted one of the members with mocking laughter.

The mansion guards immediately confronted him. “You're not allowed to enter, Seraphina,” said one of the guards in a cold tone. He gave Seraphina a scornful look, before pushing her backwards.

Seraphina staggered, but she didn't fall. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

“Please, this is important. I'm carrying information about an impending attack. You are all in danger!” she shouted, hoping that someone would listen to her.

Their laughter grew louder, and some of them even started hurling abuse.

“An attack? Are you kidding me? We're already safe here. You're just trying to get attention.”

Seraphina felt tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, but she would not give up. “I'm not joking! You have to listen to me!”

The mansion guard pushed her again, harder this time. “Go away, Seraphina. You're not wanted here.”

Just as Seraphina was about to fall, a loud voice stopped everything. “Stop!”

Luna Freya appeared at the door of the mansion, her face showing a rarely seen anger. “What are you guys doing? Let her in!”

The pack members and mansion guards fell silent for a moment, surprised by Luna Freya's appearance. “But, Luna Freya, she-” one of the guards tried to defend himself.

“I said, let her in!” insisted Luna Freya, leaving no room for debate. She walked quickly over to Seraphina, then looked at her with eyes full of mixed emotions.

“Seraphina, what happened? What do you know?” asked Luna Freya in a softer yet concerned voice.

Seraphina breathed a sigh of relief. “Luna Freya, I found information that there is a major attack planned against our pack. We must prepare immediately.”

Luna Freya nodded, then looked at the pack members who were still silent. “All of you, prepare yourselves. We must prepare for the worst. Seraphina, come with me inside. We need to talk further.”

Seraphina followed Luna Freya into the mansion. Despite the many cynical and distrustful stares still directed at her, she felt a little stronger with Luna Freya's support. Inside the mansion, they sat in the large and grand living room.

“Luna Freya, I'm sorry if I was in a hurry to leave the pack. But I came back because I care about this pack. I heard about the attack plan from a reliable source,” Seraphina explained in a solemn voice.

Luna Freya looked at her deeply, then nodded. “I trust you, Seraphina. We will take immediate action. Thank you for coming back and warning us.”

Just as Luna Freya was about to order all pack members to prepare, the pack was met with a sudden attack from the rogues. Roars and shouts filled the air, and the battle between the werewolves was inevitable.

“Attack! All hands on deck!” shouted Luna Freya in a loud voice, trying to coordinate the pack members who immediately ran to their respective positions.

Seraphina felt her heart racing, but she didn't want to flinch. Despite never having been taught to train to be strong, she was still eager to fight for her pack.

Seraphina used her ingenuity to deal with the enemy. She watched the rogues' movements, looking for openings and opportunities.

Within moments, she managed to defeat several enemies with her clever strategy. However, the number of attacking rogues was overwhelming and they were getting closer to the mansion.

Amidst the chaos, Seraphina saw Luna Freya being attacked by three rogues at once. Without hesitation, she ran towards Luna Freya to protect her.

“Luna Freya, be careful!” she shouted as she punched one of the rogues who almost clawed Luna Freya.

The fight was fierce. Seraphina tried her best to protect Luna Freya, attacking the rogues with everything she had.

However, as she was trying to protect Luna Freya, an arrow shot from a distance and pierced her heart. Seraphina staggered for a moment, excruciating pain radiating from her chest.

“Seraphina!” cried Luna Freya, her eyes wide with horror at the sight of the arrow.

Seraphina fell to her knees, blood pouring from her wound. “I...just wanted to protect the pack,” she said in a weak voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. She fell to the ground, her body growing weaker and her breathing ragged.

Luna Freya knelt beside her, holding Seraphina's hand tightly. “Thank you, Seraphina. You have shown great courage,” she said in a trembling voice. Tears streamed down her face.

With her last effort, Seraphina smiled. “Luna, did I do my best,” she whispered before finally exhaling her last breath. Her eyes slowly closed and her body became still.

Luna Freya looked down, crying beside Seraphina's lifeless body. “We will never forget your sacrifice, Seraphina. You will always be a hero to us,” she said in a voice full of sadness and respect.

The pack members who witnessed the incident felt deep sorrow, regret, and guilt.

Not only that, a burning anger began to form in all pack members. They fought harder, driven by Seraphina's sacrifice. Luna Freya got up, wiped away her tears, and led the counterattack with renewed vigor.

With cooperation and strong spirit, the pack managed to repel the rogues. Although they managed to defend their territory, the loss of Seraphina left a deep wound in the hearts of every pack member.


In a moving car, Alpha Evander suddenly felt pain in the left side of his chest. He whimpered while clutching his chest, right at the heart.

“Argh...!” Evander whimpered, his face grimacing with pain.

“Evander, what's wrong?” asked Elara with her eyebrows knitted together, her voice full of worry.

“I feel something's not right... like something's wrong in the pack,” Evander replied in a broken voice, his eyes looking anxiously at Elara. “We need to get back to the pack, right now.”

Elara nodded quickly, understanding the severity of the situation without the need for further explanation. “Fine, we'll be right back,” she said firmly.

Elara spoke to the driver, “Turn around right now! We need to get back to the pack as soon as possible!”

The driver nodded and immediately turned the car around, accelerating the vehicle back towards the pack mansion. Anxiety engulfed them both as they raced against time.

On the way, Evander tried to control the pain in his chest. “I feel like something really bad happened. Elara, we have to be ready for anything,” he said in a determined voice though it still sounded weak.

Elara grasped Evander's hand tightly, trying to provide support. “I'm here with you, Evan. Whatever happens, we'll face it together.”

The journey seemed so long, even though the driver was going as fast as he could. Evander's heart was pounding, not only because of the physical pain he was feeling, but also because of the bad feeling that was growing stronger.

Upon arriving at the pack mansion, they were greeted by a horrifying sight. The battlefield was still in disarray, with wounded pack members and several dead. Evander and Elara quickly got out of the car, running towards the center of the chaos.

“Luna Freya! What's going on here?” shouted Evander, his eyes searching for his mother.

Luna Freya, who was still standing by Seraphina's lifeless body, turned around with tears on her face.

“Rogue attacked suddenly. We managed to repel them, but we lost Seraphina,” she replied hoarsely.

Evander felt a deeper pain in his chest at the sight of Seraphina's motionless body.

“Seraphina...” he whispered, his eyes filled with sadness and regret.

Elara, who was standing next to Evander, held his hand tighter, trying to give him strength in the midst of this sorrowful situation.

“We must honor her sacrifice,” Luna Freya said in a firm voice despite her tears. “Seraphina protected us with her life. We will not let her sacrifice be in vain.”

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