

"Augusto put him down your being dramatic." Said Gemma

"Yeah you really are so put him down and let's leave I'm getting hungry" I said

"Really Zan your worried about food at a time like this?!"

Alright if that's what you want said Augusto

He pulled his arm back throwing Ane.

He flew through at least 5 trees before coming to a stop

He shook his head and got up he looked extremely pissed

He charged at Augusto throwing punches and kicks. He was moving so quickly. With ever punch and kick I could see the air ripple around him

Augusto avoided everything he threw at him as if it was nothing

Ane was in a rage though his eyes were glowing a light gray with specks of gold and his claws were out.

"Gemma I think you should do something before things get to serious"

"Your crazy if you think I'm gonna jump in between them. I could get seriously hurt "

"Well let's just leave I'm starving" I tell Gemma

"Well I guess that's okay"

We look over and Ane seems to be getting more serious

I guess Augusto really had pissed him off

"Augusto and Ane if you guys don't stop the drama were going to leave" I screamed

" It's not me this dumb ass keeps trying to attack me I'm just dodging"

"Well it's your fault for sending him on a rampage so were leaving so you can handle this yourself"

"No wait up babe"Augusto screames

We turn around and watch as Augusto finally makes a move on Ane. He jumps far back from Ane than goes at him at full speed. His fist was covered in flames as he punched Ane rite in the stomach leaving him Unconscious

"Alright so now we can go bae" Augusto says while smiling and putting his arm around me

"No we can't just leave him there"

Augusto ended up having to carry Ane back to my place. He seemed pretty irritated about it though


"Mom were home"

"Oh hey honey. How was training?"

" Ughh it was okay I guess"

"How about you pups sit down while we wait for your father to get back. He went hunting he should be back to the cave any minute now."

" Okay mom"

I go and sit down on the couch next to Geema and Augusto lays Ane down on a separate coach than comes sit next to me. While me and Gemma talk about training

" Yeah it's different for different types. For me I started off with simple things like manipulating plants before I moved on to the bigger things"

" Like what" I asked Gemma

" Well it was a while before I was able to make a Golem"

"What's that"

"It's ah..

Before Gemma could finish what she was saying Augusto picked me up and put me on his lap

" Stop ignoring me" Augusto says while nuzzling my neck

"Augusto can't you just wait a second I'm talking to Gemma about something"

"No I don't want to wait" said while pouting and tithing his grip around me

" Oh my gosh okay we'll include you in the conversation"

Augusto smiled as if he had won and turned to face Gemma with me still on his lap. I was comfortable so I left it alone.

"But what were you saying Gemma?"

" A golem is a creature that we rare breeds can make. I'm surprised you haven't heard about them."

I roll my eyes "yeah my parents hide stuff like that from me"

" Each golem is different from the next and differs from by the elements. For me I can create a golem made from rock/mud , trees/plants or both but as of now I can only do one are the other I'm not skilled enuff to combine them"

"That's soo Cool!!" I scream

I jump off Augustos lap "can you make a golem too?"

"Well of course"

" Can you show me?!"

"I think it would be safer for Gemma to show you"

I look toward Gemma with a wide smile

" Okay I'll show you" said Gemma while standing up

Just as she was about to show me my dad walked in and putting his hand up to stop Gemma

"I don't want you learning to create a golem yet your to young and it's to dangerous." My dad says in a husky voice

"But dad I just want to see how one looks"

" If you watch how it's done you'll end up trying it and that's to risky"

"Dad! , please" I beg

" No and that's final"

I walk up to him and put my head on his chest

"But dad what if I closed my eyes are left the room" I say in a sad voice than looking up at him with my puppy face

He looks at me like than looks away as if he couldn't bear to see me sad.

He took a deep breathe " alright but after dinner I brought back two lambs and? two deer you and your friends can go eat and me and your mom will discuss some things"

"Alright dad thanks" I say while giving him a hug

Augusto and Gemma began to leave the room

" Hold on wait what about Ane?!"

I ask

"We'll save him some for when he wakes up. Just let him sleep" said Gemma

"Alright I guess he'll be okay"

Say while walking next to them

"Come on im starving lets go"

Said Augusto throwing me over his shoulder and racing toward the smell of meat


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