I head for the amphitheater room where our travel class + is to take place. Kendall is by my side, we'll pick up Wesley as we pass by, according to the message he left for Kendall in front of the room.
I see her first and wave to her to join us. All smiles, he gives me a kiss and asks where Mike is. I make an excuse and quickly change the subject. I therefore suggest that we go to class.
We enter the already crowded room. We sit where I was sitting yesterday with Mike and then we wait for the teacher to arrive. The latter takes all his time, the opposite of what he explained the day before. In short.
While he left in his explanations, the door opens suddenly on a Mike, more out of breath than ever. He's so sexy in his student outfit, his gasp and his hair up that even my breath catches for a moment.
He apologizes to the teacher who can't help but moan, spots us and comes to join us. We listen to the last recommendations of the teacher before starting to talk seriously about the project “Los Angeles. »
“So young people, where are you going on your first trip? »
“Los Angeles. Wesley replies proudly.
“Don't forget that once there, you will have to build up a perfect record of all the festivities in a particular city. Which one did you choose? »
We look at each other before letting go at the same time:
“Hollywood. »
The professor smiles.
“It's risky for a first trip. Usually, it is the city chosen for the second or even third trip, but I think that you can largely succeed in your file. »
We thank him and then he lets us work. We all have our computers on us so we start to do research on the price of the plane, the train, ... but also hotels because all these details will appear in the file that we will have to constitute.
I'm so passionate about all this, I even forget my roommate's ignorance of me. I can't deny it for that. I have what I deserve. I pushed it back very late...
At the end of the course, we have already made quite a bit of progress. Of course, we still have a multitude of things to see but we have the basics. The teacher stops us before we take over the same evening.
“In less than a month, your file must be completed in order to be able to send them to the administration. As soon as it is validated, you leave for a week. Now, I let you leave the course and I say to you: see you Tuesday! »
A herd of students then leaves the hall. Kendall, Wesley and Mike slip inside as I do the same. We finally reach the parking lot and there, I'm embarrassed to find myself facing Mike. He doesn't look like he's pissing me off, but I feel bad about him. So I dread the return to the apartment.
“Our group is perfect. » Declares Kendall, overexcited.
" I agree. Wesley supports, looking tired. "I'm going home. Drop you off, Kendall? »
"No, I'm taking her back. Mike said hastily.
Kendall and I look at him, surprised. She nods and waves at us before walking away with Mike by her side. I don't know if he does it on purpose but I can't help but be pissed off.
“Maybe see you tomorrow, Jade. Wesley greets me before leaving.
So I find myself like an idiot on the sidewalk waiting for I don't know what. I finally decide to join my car and go back to the apartment. I'm tired and since I'm not hungry, I'm going to take a shower straight away and then I heat some water.
I make myself a tea that I savor in front of a television program. Mike still hasn't come home. I wonder what he can do with Kendall... Oh, and no, I don't even prefer to know. She will know how to satisfy him.
Once after finishing my tea, I get up to go to the kitchen and put my cup in the sink. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go to my room.
I take this opportunity to call Gemma.
“Hey Jade! How's it going on your side?
-Pretty good. I started the travel + option, it's great! We are a group of 4 and we are working on our first trip. Guess where we're going!
-In Las Vegas ?
-Lost !
-I don't know, then. Tell me !
-We're going to Los Angeles!
-What luck ! I would really like to go to Los Angeles but above all, to see the stars in Hollywood! You're not going to Hollywood without me, are you?
-Jade! Are you going to Hollywood?!
-Yes, this is the chosen neighborhood, Gemma. I'll take you there one day, I promise, okay? In the meantime, I'm going to put it in my file and I also promise to bring you a present from there, are you okay?
- There, I say 'yes'! »
She bursts out laughing and I imitate her. It feels good to talk with my sister, without any hassle. I ask her about the parents but, being too lazy to talk to me about them, she prefers to hand over the phone to my father. 5 minutes of conversation with my father then 10 minutes of conversation with my mother.
In the end, I'm exhausted from this long conversation and my ears feel hot from having my phone glued to it. Unfortunately for me, as I was going to bed, it was River who decided to call.
“Honey, how are you?
-Yes yes. And you?
-I miss you. How's your school?
- Yes, it's great! Were you able to see with your boss about your brother's release?
- Hmm... okay. And your family is well?
-Yes, I'm fine. I saw your parents this morning, I was shopping and I ran into them.
- My mother told me. I started the option!
-And it's good ?
-Yes, we are preparing our trip to Los Angeles, we will be leaving in less than 2 months, I think!
-Los Angeles? It is far. You didn't want to go to Las Vegas?
- Yes but we will go there on the second trip. It must be said that Wesley and Mike wanted to go there so -
-Honey, I have to leave you. We'll talk later, okay? Kisses. »
He hangs up without my having been able to place one. I fume. As if I wasn't pissed off enough with Mike, River has to add more.
The good thing about this school is that the classes are so rich and full that none of the teachers give us work to do at home. For the moment, we have nothing to do and I hope it will continue. Given the days that I spend and that exhaust me, I prefer to be quiet.
Around 10 p.m., while I'm reading a romance novel, I hear the front door slam. I put my book on my bedside table and get up to go to my bedroom door.
While I'm almost to reach it, it opens on the fly on a Mike, sexier than ever. I don't even understand what's happening to me when I find myself stuck between him and the door in question, his lips cover mine and, once again, I respond to a definitively wild kiss.