Three days had gone by and with the constant downpour that suddenly assailed our peaceful little city, I was almost a hundred percent sure that they'd never find Eve's body. The bitch. She deserved that and more.
The cop tapped his pen on the table making my gaze jerk to meet his questioning ones.
"I was with Miguel all through the party. My Mom Would never let us go out so of course, we lied to her about going to a book club. I didn't know what Eve was up to at the party because I was catching up with my boyfriend" I got out, blushing bashfully like I'd just admitted a dirty little secret.
The cop nodded, writing down some points. "Before you got with your boyfriend, did you notice anyone bothering Eve"
"Like I said I was with Miguel, but some of the other people at the party said they saw Raphael talking to her outside, and if you know Raphael Batista, you'll know that he's bad news, which is why everyone avoids him in the first place" I got out, making sure to appear frightened of the mere prospect of the threat that he posed.
"Do you think he was the one who raped her and ultimately pushed her to commit suicide"
I quickly nodded, my eyes filling up with tears. "Yes sir. Please make him pay for what he did to my sister... She didn't deserve any of those things that happened to her... She was the sweetest" I started, choked off, and burst into tears.
The detective sighed in pity and pushed a wipe Into my hand that I gladly accepted, wiping my face as thoroughly as I could.
"My mom is traumatized as it is... I don't think our family will ever be the same again. Eve was my only friend... She was the sister I never knew I needed and that monster" I choked out, then shook my head. "Please make him pay for what he did... Don't let him get away just because he's rich"
"We are trying our best Miss Margo and the investigation is still ongoing. We are going to get to the bottom of this ok" he assured and I nodded.
"I'll be asking Miguel some questions and some of the people at the party. I am sure we are going to get the perpetrator who made your sister kill herself, and don't worry we are going to do everything we can to find her body"
"Thank you so much," I said, wiping at a lone tear that escaped my eyes.
The cop dismissed me and as I stepped out, I met Miguel who was the next in line for questioning.
"Don't fuck this up" I hissed as I passed him.
I'd already fixed everything up and I knew there was no way we'd ever get caught in the cross-fire. Raphael was going to go down for everything and then the whole hoax will finally be over. Miguel just had to act like a pro.
It had been two days after I was questioned by the cops. Miguel had kept to script just as I hoped he would, and both of us had been cleared since we were both each other alibi and lots of my friends also testified that they'd seen us together all through the party.
The maid had also reported that Eve had been looking for me when she got home so that fully proved my admission of being with Miguel all night. I was sure the cops would assume that she was looking for me because she wanted to confide about what happened to her.
Although Mr. Oregon's visitation the day before had left me a little restless, I wasn't going to let it give me any sleepless nights. He hadn't been too happy about the news that Eve was dead and that she'd committed suicide, he'd even stared at me and my mom with such blatant accusations in his eyes, that I almost thought he knew something that I didn't. But there was nothing he could do about the situation, even if he suspected foul play, he was never going to be able to prove it. Eve was gone and naturally, that made me the next in line to inherit everything.
I smirked, then jumped as the door banged open, and then snapped shut behind my Mom.
She looked at me, the question she'd been dying to ask shimmering on her face.
"Let us talk inside," she said and I nodded, following her until we both stood in her room with the door locked behind us. I crossed my arms, waiting for her to ask whatever question she wanted to. I couldn't afford to jump to conclusions until I was sure she truly suspected me.
"Raphael just got arrested" she informed, her gaze assessing every little move I made. "It might already even be in the news. His parents are throwing a fit, they are also doing all they can to shut all the allegations down"
I tried to act surprised but I knew she saw through everything, so I just shrugged. "What did they find... How do they know it was him"
"Turns out Eve had an obsessed stalker who followed her around and took pictures. He took pictures of her and Raphael that night, filthy lewd pictures"
I scoffed. Miguel and I had paid the pervert guy an insane amount to confess to a crime he did not commit, and he'd played his part expertly. "Serves him right"
"You killed Eve didn't you," she said all of a sudden making me choke on my spit. "I mean I knew you were planning something, but I didn't think it would be murder."
"Who fucking said I murdered her"
"Language Margo! And do you think I was born yesterday? I know what you did, it is written all over your face even as we speak" she said and when I said nothing, she pulled out the phone of Eve that I'd hidden away in my box.
I made to snatch it from her but her reflexes were faster than mine. "Why the hell did you go through my stuff" I shouted and she glared at me.
"Because I have every right to. You live in my house, Margo" she said then slammed the phone down on the table. "Do you have any idea just how much you risked... What if you'd gotten caught"
"But I didn't get caught. You were the one always talking about how you wanted to get rid of her and now that I finally did it you're mad at me"
She sighed, her shoulders dropping. "Who said I was mad? I am just saying that this was reckless. If you'd gotten caught, there's no doubt about it, your life would have been ruined"
"I'm not even an adult yet. Worst come to worst, I'd be sent to juvie" I waved off, holding her gaze.
"Are you going to talk or do I have to drag it out of you"
"I wasn't going to kill her initially but then she threatened to go to the cops and I knew if she did there was no way I'd ever get away with what I did to her"
"And what did you do to her?" She asked, and I turned away from her.
"She was hitting on Miguel, so I tricked her into going to a party, had her drugged and Miguel took advantage of her," I said then whirled to face my Mom. "That was all I was going to do but then she started running her mouth. I had no choice but to end it there. I already got rid of the bat I'd used to hit her and also my shirt"
Mother stared at me incredulously but aside from that it didn't look like I was going to get into any major trouble. She exhaled, her fist clenching by her side.
"Let's just hope her body never gets found. With the amount of technology at the cop's disposable these days it won't take long to figure out that she didn't fall to her death unaided"
"But it's been raining for a week now. There's no way they will ever find her body"
"And who else knows about this?" She asked, her eyes searching mine.
"Just Miguel" I answered and I saw the alarm flare up in her eyes. "He won't tell anyone I promise. I have some dirt on him that could get him in trouble if he ever tells a soul about what happened, plus he raped her, he wouldn't want to go to jail for being a rapist. Miguel will never betray me"
"You better hope that he doesn't, because once he opens his mouth we are both done. We are going to jail and we might never come out. Destroy this phone and keep Miguel in check"
"Why should I get rid of the phone, if you hadn't gone through my stuff, you wouldn't have found it" I yelled indignantly. Mom didn't know, but I'd kept the phone as a souvenir... A beautiful item that symbolized my victory over Eve.
"You will get rid of that phone Margo because if anyone ever gets their hands on it, it will be over for us.. destroy it" she ordered, then walked out of the room.
I stared at the phone with a grin. "No. I am going to hold on to this. I'll keep it as a reminder that I won against that bitch" I said, grinning at the cracked screen of the phone, then bursting into a cackle that brought tears of joy to my eyes.