I'd never been surrounded by so many crowds of people and the tight black dress I wore made me feel uncomfortable. Margo had chosen it, saying that it would definitely catch Miguel's attention; it had because he'd stared at me for all of one second when I arrived before he moved on to welcome his friends. It was progress but the whole outfit wasn't me and I felt chills spread all over my skin even though the atmosphere was humid.
Margo was also nowhere to be seen, and the longer I stood, watching everyone like a creep the more angsty I got. Time was ticking by and I was sure Amore was bound to get suspicious if I didn't show up in time. Miguel was still laughing animatedly with a group of girls... For someone who took so much to get his attention in school, he looked to be right in his element. He was whispering into one of the girl's ears, and I watched as she blushed bright red, my heart clenching tight beneath my chest.
Bodies bumped against me as if I didn't exist and when it got too overwhelming, I stumbled toward the door in a daze, trying to get out of the ocean of bodies and loud music.
The cool breeze outside hitting my overheated flesh was a welcomed distraction and I inhaled deeply, trying to still my trembling hand. I shouldn't have come to the party. If I couldn't talk to Miguel when he was alone, how could I get his attention when he was with so many other people?
"I've never seen you in a dress before," a gruff voice said and I flinched, caught off guard by the voice. I whirled in the direction of the voice and felt my blood turn to ice as I saw who it was.
It was Raphael. Raphael Batista. The notorious billionaire bad boy. And the guy wore his bad reputation like a badge of honor. It also didn't help that he was a bully and that most of his victims ended up transferring because they couldn't bear his evil antics anymore. He also got into a lot of fights, and nine out of ten times, he always won, and when he didn't, the person he fought disappeared.
Everyone avoided him, and so did I, so what did he mean that he'd never seen me in a dress? Does that mean he'd been watching me? That only made the chills racing down my spine more pronounced. I took a step back cautiously and he cocked a brow.
"Why do you have that look on your face" he snarled, his perfect face contorting in a frown. "Are you afraid of me? Do you believe all those stupid rumors they spread about me too? I thought you'd be different"
His questions came off as aggressive, making me take two more steps back. The action just seemed to piss him off more and I stopped, fidgeting at the spot I stood. I wasn't one to judge people based on other words, but Raphael just looked like a Gangstar and I'd witnessed him beating up a guy once, and it was really brutal, so I couldn't help but be terrified of him.
"I don't have to answer that question" I got out bravely, looking around and seeing that we were not alone. If he tried anything, I could always scream.
He dragged in a lungful of air then smirked, dragging his hand through his hair. "You are right Eve, you do not have to answer my question," he said then turned to leave. He took two steps away from me and then stopped. "You should be careful in there though. These types of parties aren't for people like you" he said and disappeared into the darkened corner.
Forgetting my fears for a second as my curiosity peaked, I wanted to ask him how he knew my name but he was already gone, and I didn't want to follow him, that would be asking for trouble.
"Eve. The hell" Margo yelled, stomping towards me. "What are you doing out here... Katherine is all over Miguel right now... Are you chickening out when you haven't even tried"
I shook my head. "I'm not... It was just a bit suffocating inside the house... I didn't know there were going to be so many people here"
Margo rolled her eyes. "Duh, it's a freaking party, did you seriously think only two people would be in attendance" She clicked her tongue and then thrust a drink into my hand. "Miguel is alone right now... Come with me" she said yanking on my right wrist.
I followed her without question back into the house, and then she maneuvered us through the crowd and up the stairs and I got nervous.
The music felt like it was shaking the walls of the house and as we moved through the aisle that led to different rooms, coming in contact with a few of the partygoers making out, I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.
I pulled to a stop and Margo turned to face me.
"Where are we going... I don't think" I started and Margo gave an exasperated sigh.
"You really need to take this way more seriously since you're the one who's in love here," she said then eyed my drink. "Why haven't you drunk that... You're such a party popper"
I stared at the solo cup in my hand then back at Margo.
"What are you waiting for, toss it back. This is Miguel's painting room, he's in there right now. This is your chance to talk to him, and don't worry, I'll be waiting just outside the door, so you'll be totally safe"
I stared at her, my heart drumming wildly in my chest. This was it. I was finally going to confess.
I took a deep breath, then tossed the drink back and grimaced at the awful taste. "This is disgusting" I got out and Margo had a weird look on her face, and she also seemed to be checking out the premises, but there was no one else in this part of the house. I guess maybe it was off-limits to the other partygoers, but Margo was here, so maybe not everyone.
"You're just being dramatic" she muttered offhandedly, then faced me. "Go on in there already, this place is like an off-limit to people" she urged, and I nodded, pushed open the door, and stepped into the room.
Margo was right, Miguel was there and he was standing in front of a canvas. He turned as soon as he heard the door close behind me and I froze, as his eyes pierced into mine.
My heart drummed loudly and I was almost certain that he could hear it.
Miguel smiled. "I saw you earlier. That dress looks really beautiful on you" he complimented, catching me off guard and I blushed; probably worse than the girl he'd whispered into her ears.
"Thank you," I said, my voice coming out squeaky and I cursed inwardly. This was totally mortifying. I glanced down at the short dress and felt chills crawl up my skin. Standing in his presence made me aware of every little thing and my heart palpitation skyrocketed. I also didn't know what to do with my hand so I hugged myself awkwardly. "Miguel" I called, meeting his gaze, and steeling myself to say what I wanted to all in one take.
"Margo told me you liked me" he stated and I gaped at him.
"Yeah. She brought you here, didn't she? She told me you were dying to make my acquaintance... You're normally not my type, but," his gaze raked over my face, a dirty smirk touching his lips that suddenly made me uncomfortable. "You'll do"
It was like I'd been doused in cold water. Why would Margo do that? What the hell was going on here?
"I think there's a misunderstanding" I started and blinked, stumbling a little as the room dimmed. I shook my head, forcing my vision to clear but it only got worse. "I don't feel so good" I managed to get out as I dropped to the floor, my arms and legs becoming heavy. What the hell was going on?
Miguel crouched beside me and I felt his fingers in my hair. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to make you feel better soon" he murmured softly, his voice dragging me deeper into the darkness. He lifted me off the floor and I tried to push him off, but my hand barely twitched.
He dropped me on something soft, and then I felt his lips pressing on my neck, down the neckline of my dress.
No. No. No. This was not happening.
"Stop" I got out, but I couldn't even hear my voice. His chuckles reached my ears, as his hand gripped the neckline of my dress.
"Don't worry Eve. I'll make sure you feel good too" he murmured, his voice lulling me into the dark fog that tried to drag me under until I succumbed to it.